import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as util from './util'; /** * Traverses the dependency graph and invokes the provided callback method for * each individual dependency root directory (including the current package). * The dependency roots are de-duplicated based on their absolute path on the * file system. * * @param packageDir the current package's root directory (i.e: where the * `package.json` file is located) * @param callback the function to invoke with each package's informations * @param host the dependency graph traversal host to use (this parameter * should typically not be provided unless this module is * being unit tested) */ export declare function traverseDependencyGraph(packageDir: string, callback: Callback, host?: TraverseDependencyGraphHost): Promise; /** * A callback invoked for each node in a NPM module's dependency graph. * * @param packageDir the directory where the current package is located. * @param meta the contents of the `package.json` file for this package. * @param root whether this package is the root that was provided to the * `traverseDependencyGraph` call. * * @returns `true` if this package's own dependencies should be processed, * `false` otherwise. */ export declare type Callback = (packageDir: string, meta: PackageJson, root: boolean) => boolean | Promise; /** * Host methods for traversing dependency graphs. */ export interface TraverseDependencyGraphHost { readonly readJson: typeof fs.readJson; readonly findDependencyDirectory: typeof util.findDependencyDirectory; } /** * Contents of the `package.json` file. */ export interface PackageJson { readonly dependencies?: { readonly [name: string]: string; }; readonly peerDependencies?: { readonly [name: string]: string; }; readonly bundleDependencies?: string[]; readonly bundledDependencies?: string[]; readonly [key: string]: unknown; } //#