import * as spec from '@jsii/spec'; import { CodeMaker } from 'codemaker'; import * as reflect from 'jsii-reflect'; /** * Options for the code generator framework. */ export interface GeneratorOptions { /** * If this property is set to 'true', union properties are "expanded" into multiple * properties, each with a different type and a postfix based on the type name. This * can be used by languages that don't have support for union types (e.g. Java). */ expandUnionProperties?: boolean; /** * If this property is set to 'true', methods that have optional arguments are duplicated * and overloads are created with all parameters. */ generateOverloadsForMethodWithOptionals?: boolean; /** * If this property is set, the generator will add "Base" to abstract class names */ addBasePostfixToAbstractClassNames?: boolean; /** * If this property is set, the generator will add runtime type checking code in places * where compile-time type checking is not possible. */ runtimeTypeChecking: boolean; } export interface IGenerator { /** * * @param fingerprint */ generate(fingerprint: boolean): void; /** * Load a module into the generator. * @param packageDir is the root directory of the module. */ load(packageDir: string, assembly: reflect.Assembly): Promise; /** * Determine if the generated artifacts for this generator are already up-to-date. * * @param outDir the directory where generated artifacts would be placed. * @param tarball the tarball of the bundled node library * @param legalese the license and notice file contents (if any) * * @return ``true`` if no generation is necessary */ upToDate(outDir: string): Promise; /** * Saves the generated code in the provided output directory. * * @param outdir the directory in which to place generated code. * @param tarball the bundled npm library backing the generated code. * @param legalese the LICENSE & NOTICE contents for this package. */ save(outdir: string, tarball: string, legalese: Legalese): Promise; } export interface Legalese { /** * The text of the SPDX license associated with this package, if any. */ readonly license?: string; /** * The contents of the NOTICE file for this package, if any. */ readonly notice?: string; } /** * Abstract base class for jsii package generators. * Given a jsii module, it will invoke "events" to emit various elements. */ export declare abstract class Generator implements IGenerator { private readonly options; private readonly excludeTypes; protected readonly code: CodeMaker; private _assembly?; protected _reflectAssembly?: reflect.Assembly; private fingerprint?; constructor(options: GeneratorOptions); protected get runtimeTypeChecking(): boolean; protected get assembly(): spec.Assembly; get reflectAssembly(): reflect.Assembly; get metadata(): { fingerprint: string | undefined; }; load(_packageRoot: string, assembly: reflect.Assembly): Promise; /** * Runs the generator (in-memory). */ generate(fingerprint: boolean): void; upToDate(_: string): Promise; /** * Returns the file name of the assembly resource as it is going to be saved. */ protected getAssemblyFileName(): string; /** * Saves all generated files to an output directory, creating any subdirs if needed. */ save(outdir: string, tarball: string, { license, notice }: Legalese): Promise; /** * Returns the destination directory for the assembly file. */ protected getAssemblyOutputDir(_mod: spec.Assembly): string | undefined; protected onBeginAssembly(_assm: spec.Assembly, _fingerprint: boolean): void; protected onEndAssembly(_assm: spec.Assembly, _fingerprint: boolean): void; protected onBeginNamespace(_ns: string): void; protected onEndNamespace(_ns: string): void; protected onBeginClass(_cls: spec.ClassType, _abstract: boolean | undefined): void; protected onEndClass(_cls: spec.ClassType): void; protected abstract onBeginInterface(ifc: spec.InterfaceType): void; protected abstract onEndInterface(ifc: spec.InterfaceType): void; protected abstract onInterfaceMethod(ifc: spec.InterfaceType, method: spec.Method): void; protected abstract onInterfaceMethodOverload(ifc: spec.InterfaceType, overload: spec.Method, originalMethod: spec.Method): void; protected abstract onInterfaceProperty(ifc: spec.InterfaceType, prop: spec.Property): void; protected onInitializer(_cls: spec.ClassType, _initializer: spec.Initializer): void; protected onInitializerOverload(_cls: spec.ClassType, _overload: spec.Initializer, _originalInitializer: spec.Initializer): void; protected onBeginProperties(_cls: spec.ClassType): void; protected abstract onProperty(cls: spec.ClassType, prop: spec.Property): void; protected abstract onStaticProperty(cls: spec.ClassType, prop: spec.Property): void; protected onEndProperties(_cls: spec.ClassType): void; protected abstract onUnionProperty(cls: spec.ClassType, prop: spec.Property, union: spec.UnionTypeReference): void; protected onExpandedUnionProperty(_cls: spec.ClassType, _prop: spec.Property, _primaryName: string): void; protected onBeginMethods(_cls: spec.ClassType): void; protected abstract onMethod(cls: spec.ClassType, method: spec.Method): void; protected abstract onMethodOverload(cls: spec.ClassType, overload: spec.Method, originalMethod: spec.Method): void; protected abstract onStaticMethod(cls: spec.ClassType, method: spec.Method): void; protected abstract onStaticMethodOverload(cls: spec.ClassType, overload: spec.Method, originalMethod: spec.Method): void; protected onEndMethods(_cls: spec.ClassType): void; protected onBeginEnum(_enm: spec.EnumType): void; protected onEndEnum(_enm: spec.EnumType): void; protected onEnumMember(_enm: spec.EnumType, _member: spec.EnumMember): void; protected hasField(_cls: spec.ClassType, _prop: spec.Property): boolean; protected onField(_cls: spec.ClassType, _prop: spec.Property, _union?: spec.UnionTypeReference): void; private visit; /** * Adds a postfix ("XxxBase") to the class name to indicate it is abstract. */ private addAbstractPostfixToClassName; protected excludeType(...names: string[]): void; private shouldExcludeType; /** * Returns all the method overloads needed to satisfy optional arguments. * For example, for the method `foo(bar: string, hello?: number, world?: number)` * this method will return: * - foo(bar: string) * - foo(bar: string, hello: number) * * Notice that the method that contains all the arguments will not be returned. */ protected createOverloadsForOptionals(method: T): T[]; private visitInterface; private visitClass; /** * Magical heuristic to determine which type in a union is the primary type. The primary type will not have * a postfix with the name of the type attached to the expanded property name. * * The primary type is determined according to the following rules (first match): * 1. The first primitive type * 2. The first primitive collection * 3. No primary */ protected isPrimaryExpandedUnionProperty(ref: spec.UnionTypeReference | undefined, index: number): boolean; private visitEnum; private displayNameForType; /** * Looks up a jsii module in the dependency tree. * @param name The name of the jsii module to look up */ protected findModule(name: string): spec.AssemblyConfiguration; protected findType(fqn: string): spec.Type; } //#