v0.5.0-rc16 date: 2018-10-01 changes: - Upgrade build scripts - Dropped cleanup() calls - Dropped TypeScript from sources - Fixed several fixes and added new options - Deprecate `jsf()` calls, useĀ `jsf.generate()` - Add support for `$id` and `const` keywords - Add few common formats from draft-06 v0.5.0-rc15 date: 2018-04-07 changes: - Introduced option: "optionalsProbability". v0.5.0-rc1 date: 2017-04-10 changes: - Improve dist and sources; see #133 - Drop external generators' dependencies; see #164 - Use ES6 module syntax w/ Rollup for better bundles - Try custom formats before built-in ones; fix #88 - Avoid extreme future dates for built-in datetime format; fix #180 - Apply common constraints, see #153 - Normalize general strategy for custom generators; see #251 - Rewrite container for handling keywords; fix #169 - Hack thunk() method for picking random oneOf/anyOf values; see #239 - Fast clean(); fixing prune strategy, see #238 #232 #227 #243 - Allow generation of numbers with fractional part. (#249) - Allow for a fallback if format is not recognized. (#250) - Use json-schema-ref-parser for dereferencing v0.4.0 date: ? changes: - dropped support for node.js: 0.10, 0.12, io.js - added support for node.js: 5, 6, 7 v0.3.7 date: 2016-10-31 changes: - falsy defaults bugfix (thx to @AndreSteenveld) - allow setting a maxLength and maxItems to limit generation - improved number/object generation compliance with JSON Schema spec - apply suggested max traversal depth implementation v0.3.6 date: 2016-08-01 changes: - typecast to string bug fixed v0.3.5 date: 2016-08-01 changes: - non-required attributes missing in objects bug fixed - force typecast when external generator returns unexpected value - unit tests added - schema tests added - dependency update v0.3.2 date: ? changes: - unit tests added v0.3.1 date: 2016-04-15 changes: - several bugfixes - brief architecture overview added v0.3.0 date: 2016-04-07 changes: - codebase migrated to TypeScript - huge refactoring - inline code docs + module separation v0.2.16 date: 2016-04-06 changes: - minor bugfixes - dependency update v0.2.15 date: 2016-03-22 changes: - faker.js 3.1.0 version bump v0.2.14 date: 2016-03-22 changes: - support for faker.js 3.1.0 v0.2.13 date: 2016-03-21 changes: - quick-fix after 0.2.12 - rolling back faker & chance optional dependencies v0.2.12 date: 2016-03-21 changes: - inline code docs + module separation - lowering semver version range for faker.js and chance.js v0.2.11: date: 2016-02-13 changes: - dependency update v0.2.10: date: 2016-02-04 changes: - fixed faker/chance as dependencies (before next minor version) v0.2.9: date: 2016-02-04 changes: - jsf added to cdnjs (with locales) - switching from grunt-parts to npm-scripts - solve issues related with: recursion, bundling and dependencies v0.2.8: date: 2016-01-29 changes: - exporting `jsf` object inside distribution files v0.2.7: date: 2016-01-28 changes: - distribution files added (browserify) v0.2.6: date: 2015-12-30 changes: - dependency update v0.2.5: date: 2015-11-26 changes: - mixins should be arrays v0.2.4: date: 2015-11-25 changes: - Call reduce() on each resolved reference v0.2.3: date: 2015-11-25 changes: - references fixes - minor fixes v0.2.2: date: 2015-10-09 changes: - linting - dereferencing update v0.2.1: date: 2015-09-12 changes: - docs update - logo added - underscores allowed - straight approach to sub-schema containers - inferred types update v0.2.0: date: 2015-07-15 changes: - docs update v0.1.13: date: 2015-06-25 changes: - extending chance.js v0.1.12: date: 2015-06-11 changes: - max issues solved v0.1.11: date: 2015-06-08 changes: - docs update - test specs - contributing guidelines - inferred types v0.1.10: date: 2015-05-21 changes: - missing attributes bug-fix v0.1.9: date: 2015-05-14 changes: - `customize` replaced with `extend` - docs improved v0.1.8: date: 2015-05-13 changes: - extending jsf dependencies (faker, chance) - max 5 items in array bug fixed v0.1.7: date: 2015-05-12 changes: - extending jsf dependencies (faker, chance) - contribution guide added, readme extended v0.1.6: date: 2015-05-05 v0.1.5: date: 2015-01-20 v0.1.4: date: 2015-01-17 v0.1.3: date: 2014-12-23 v0.1.2: date: 2014-12-15 v0.1.1: date: 2014-12-05 v0.1.0: date: 2014-11-28