## v2.2.1 - fix a bug where `config.bucket` was set as object when the config did not include a string ## v2.2.0 - show proper logs when the template merging fails due to a yaml - a new flag `--showOutputs` will show the output of a CloudFormation template - add cloudformation delete functionality - support `system_bucket` as the variable for for holding the bucket name used in deployment ## v2.1.2 - fix a bug where determineKesClass failed to return the default class ## v2.1.1 - fix a bug where uploaded lambda file was corrupted due to race condition - add lambda name to zip file ## v2.1.0 - add support for nested cloudformation templates ## v2.0.3 - support symlink for lambda zipping ## v2.0.2 - only zip lambdas that are not already zipped update examples ## v2.0.1 - only zip lambdas that are not already zipped - update examples ## v2.0.0 - Use native nodejs compression to zip lambda packages - Update how lambda packages are compressed (this is a breaking change that requires updating handler and source) - Accept node packages name and version in the lambda config - small bug fixes