import FollowablePromise from './followable-promise'; import Representor from './representor/base'; import HalRepresentor from './representor/hal'; import HtmlRepresentor from './representor/html'; import JsonApiRepresentor from './representor/jsonapi'; import Resource from './resource'; import { ContentType, KettingInit } from './types'; import FetchHelper from './utils/fetch-helper'; import './utils/fetch-polyfill'; import { resolve } from './utils/url'; /** * The main Ketting client object. */ export default class Ketting { /** * The url from which all discovery starts. */ bookMark: string; /** * Here we store all the resources that were ever requested. This will * ensure that if the same resource is requested twice, the same object is * returned. */ resourceCache: { [url: string]: Resource }; /** * Content-Type settings and mappings. * * See the constructor for an example of the structure. */ contentTypes: ContentType[]; /** * The helper class that calls fetch() for us */ private fetchHelper: FetchHelper; constructor(bookMark: string, options?: KettingInit) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } this.resourceCache = {}; this.contentTypes = [ { mime: 'application/hal+json', representor: 'hal', q: '1.0', }, { mime: 'application/vnd.api+json', representor: 'jsonapi', q: '0.9', }, { mime: 'application/json', representor: 'hal', q: '0.8', }, { mime: 'text/html', representor: 'html', q: '0.7', } ]; this.bookMark = bookMark; this.fetchHelper = new FetchHelper(options, this.beforeRequest.bind(this)); } /** * This function is a shortcut for getResource().follow(x); */ follow(rel: string, variables?: object): FollowablePromise { return this.getResource().follow(rel, variables); } /** * Returns a resource by its uri. * * This function doesn't do any HTTP requests. The uri is optional. If it's * not specified, it will return the bookmark resource. * * If a relative uri is passed, it will be resolved based on the bookmark * uri. */ go(uri?: string): Resource { if (typeof uri === 'undefined') { uri = ''; } uri = resolve(this.bookMark, uri); if (!this.resourceCache[uri]) { this.resourceCache[uri] = new Resource(this, uri); } return this.resourceCache[uri]; } /** * Returns a resource by its uri. * * This function doesn't do any HTTP requests. The uri is optional. If it's * not specified, it will return the bookmark resource. */ getResource(uri?: string): Resource { return this.go(uri); } /** * This function does an arbitrary request using the fetch API. * * @see {@link} */ fetch(input: string|Request, init?: RequestInit): Promise { return this.fetchHelper.fetch( input, init ); } /** * This function returns a representor constructor for a mime type. * * For example, given text/html, this function might return the constructor * stored in representor/html. */ getRepresentor(contentType: string): typeof Representor { if (contentType.indexOf(';') !== -1) { contentType = contentType.split(';')[0]; } contentType = contentType.trim(); const result = this.contentTypes.find(item => { return item.mime === contentType; }); if (!result) { throw new Error('Could not find a representor for contentType: ' + contentType); } switch (result.representor) { case 'html' : return HtmlRepresentor; case 'hal' : return HalRepresentor; case 'jsonapi' : return JsonApiRepresentor; default : throw new Error('Unknown representor: ' + result.representor); } } /** * Generates an accept header string, based on registered Resource Types. */ getAcceptHeader(): string { return this.contentTypes .map( contentType => { let item = contentType.mime; if (contentType.q) { item += ';q=' + contentType.q; } return item; } ) .join(', '); } beforeRequest(request: Request): void { const safeMethods = ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PRI', 'PROPFIND', 'REPORT', 'SEARCH', 'TRACE']; if (safeMethods.includes(request.method)) { return; } if (request.url in this.resourceCache) { // Clear cache this.resourceCache[request.url].clearCache(); } } }