import {dir} from 'tmp'; import { mkdirSync, rmdirSync, writeFileSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import * as Promise from 'bluebird'; import {EventEmitter} from 'eventemitter3'; import { assertFileSystemContract, dirName, fileName, content, ignoredDir, ignoredFile } from './implementation-suite' import {EventsMatcher} from '../test-kit/drivers/events-matcher'; import { FileSystem, pathSeparator, fileSystemEventNames } from '../src/universal'; import {LocalFileSystem} from '../src/nodejs'; describe(`the local filesystem implementation`, () => { let dirCleanup, rootPath, testPath; let counter = 0; let disposableFileSystem; before(done => { dir({unsafeCleanup:true}, (err, path, cleanupCallback) => { dirCleanup = cleanupCallback; rootPath = path; done(); }) }); after(() => { try { dirCleanup(); } catch(e) { console.log('cleanup error', e); } }); afterEach(() =>{ if (disposableFileSystem) { disposableFileSystem.dispose(); } }); function getFS() { testPath = join(rootPath, 'fs_'+(counter++)); mkdirSync(testPath); disposableFileSystem = new LocalFileSystem( testPath, [ignoredDir, ignoredFile] ); return disposableFileSystem.init(); } const eventMatcherOptions: EventsMatcher.Options = { interval: 50, noExtraEventsGrace: 150, timeout: 1500 }; assertFileSystemContract(getFS, eventMatcherOptions); describe(`external changes`, () => { let fs: FileSystem; let matcher: EventsMatcher; beforeEach(() => { matcher = new EventsMatcher(eventMatcherOptions); return getFS().then(newFs => { fs = newFs matcher.track( as any as EventEmitter, ...fileSystemEventNames); }); }); it(`handles dir creation`, () => { const path = join(testPath, dirName); mkdirSync(path); return expect(fs.loadDirectoryTree())'children').eql([ {children: [], fullPath: dirName, name: dirName, type:'dir'} ]); }); it(`handles dir deletion`, () => { const path = join(testPath, dirName); mkdirSync(path); rmdirSync(path); return expect(fs.loadDirectoryTree())'children').eql([]); }); it(`handles file creation`, () => { const path = join(testPath, fileName); writeFileSync(path, content); return expect(fs.loadTextFile(fileName)).to.eventually.equals(content); }); it(`handles file deletion`, () => { const path = join(testPath, fileName); writeFileSync(path, content); unlinkSync(path); return expect(fs.loadTextFile(fileName)); }); it(`handles file change`, () => { const path = join(testPath, fileName); const newContent = `_${content}`; writeFileSync(path, content); return matcher.expect([{type: 'fileCreated', fullPath: fileName, newContent: content}]) .then(() => { writeFileSync(path, newContent); return Promise.resolve(); }) .then(() => expect(fs.loadTextFile(fileName)).to.eventually.equals(newContent)); }); it(`ignores events from ignored dir`, () => { mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir)) return matcher.expect([]) }); it(`ignores events from ignored file`, () => { mkdirSync(join(testPath, dirName)) return matcher.expect([{type: 'directoryCreated', fullPath: dirName}]) .then(() => writeFileSync(join(testPath, ignoredFile), content)) .then(() => matcher.expect([])) }); it(`loadDirectoryTree() ignores ignored folder and file`, () => { const expectedStructure = { name: '', type: 'dir', fullPath: '', children: [{ name: dirName, type: 'dir', fullPath: dirName, children: []}] }; mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir)) mkdirSync(join(testPath, dirName)) writeFileSync(join(testPath, ignoredFile), content) return expect(fs.loadDirectoryTree()).to.eventually.deep.equal(expectedStructure) }); it(`loadDirectoryTree() ignores ignored folder with special characters`, () => { const expectedStructure = { name: '', type: 'dir', fullPath: '', children: [{ name: dirName, type: 'dir', fullPath: dirName, children: []}] }; mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir)) mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir, 'name-with-dashes')) mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir, 'name-with-dashes', '.name_starts_with_dot')) mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir, 'name-with-dashes', '.name_starts_with_dot', '.name_starts_with_dot')) mkdirSync(join(testPath, dirName)) return expect(fs.loadDirectoryTree()).to.eventually.deep.equal(expectedStructure) }); it(`ignores events in dot-folders and files`, () => { mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir)); mkdirSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir, `.${dirName}`)); writeFileSync(join(testPath, ignoredDir, `.${dirName}`, `.${fileName}`), content); return matcher.expect([]); }); it(`loading existed ignored file - fails`, function() { mkdirSync(join(testPath, dirName)) writeFileSync(join(testPath, ignoredFile), content) return expect(fs.loadTextFile(ignoredFile)) }); it(`emits 'unexpectedError' if 'loadTextFile' rejected in watcher 'add' callback`, () => { fs.loadTextFile = path => Promise.reject('go away!'); const path = join(testPath, fileName); writeFileSync(path, content); return matcher.expect([{type: 'unexpectedError'}]); }); it(`emits 'unexpectedError' if 'loadTextFile' rejected in watcher 'change' callback`, () => { const path = join(testPath, fileName); return fs.saveFile(fileName, content) .then(() => fs.loadTextFile = path => Promise.reject('go away!')) .then(() => fs.saveFile(fileName, `_${content}`)) .then(() => matcher.expect([{type: 'unexpectedError'}])) }); }); });