import {Connection, Session} from 'autobahn'; import {Correlation, FileSystem, fileSystemEventNames} from './api'; import {InternalEventsEmitter, makeEventsEmitter} from "./utils"; import {timeoutPromise} from './promise-utils'; import {Directory, File, ShallowDirectory} from "./model"; export const noConnectionError = `WampClientFileSystem hasn't opened connection yet (forgot to init()?).` export class WampClientFileSystem implements FileSystem { public readonly events: InternalEventsEmitter = makeEventsEmitter(); private connection: Connection; private session: Session; private realmPrefix: string; constructor(public baseUrl: string, private realm: string, private initTimeout: number = 5000) { this.realm = realm; this.connection = new Connection({url: baseUrl, realm}); } init(): Promise { const {baseUrl, initTimeout, connection} = this return timeoutPromise(new Promise(resolve => {; connection.onopen = (session: Session) => { this.session = session; this.realmPrefix = this.realm.replace(/(.*\..*)(\..*)$/, '$1.'); // 'xxx.yyy.zzz' => 'xxx.yyy.' fileSystemEventNames.forEach(fsEvent => { this.session.subscribe( this.realmPrefix + fsEvent, res =>, res && res[0]) ) }); resolve(this) }; }), initTimeout, `Cant't open connection to the WAMP server at ${baseUrl} for ${initTimeout}ms.`); } async saveFile(fullPath: string, newContent: string): Promise { this.throwIfDisconnected(); try { return await`${this.realmPrefix}saveFile`, [fullPath, newContent]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } async deleteFile(fullPath: string): Promise { this.throwIfDisconnected(); try { return await`${this.realmPrefix}deleteFile`, [fullPath]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } async deleteDirectory(fullPath: string, recursive?: boolean): Promise { this.throwIfDisconnected(); try { return await`${this.realmPrefix}deleteDirectory`, [fullPath, recursive]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } async ensureDirectory(fullPath: string): Promise { this.throwIfDisconnected(); try { return await`${this.realmPrefix}ensureDirectory`, [fullPath]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } async loadTextFile(fullPath: string): Promise { this.throwIfDisconnected(); try { return await`${this.realmPrefix}loadTextFile`, [fullPath]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } async loadDirectoryTree(fullPath: string = ''): Promise { this.throwIfDisconnected(); try { return await`${this.realmPrefix}loadDirectoryTree`, [fullPath]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } async loadDirectoryChildren(fullPath: string): Promise<(File | ShallowDirectory)[]> { this.throwIfDisconnected(); try { return await<(File | ShallowDirectory)[]>(`${this.realmPrefix}loadDirectoryChildren`, [fullPath]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } dispose() { this.connection && this.connection.close(); } private throwIfDisconnected() { if (!this.session || !this.session.isOpen) { throw new Error(noConnectionError); } } }