import {Correlation, Events, FileSystem, FileSystemReadSync} from "./api"; import {Directory, DirectoryContent, File, isDir, isFile, pathSeparator, ShallowDirectory, SimpleStats} from "./model"; import {getPathNodes, InternalEventsEmitter, makeCorrelationId, makeEventsEmitter, normalizePathNodes} from "./utils"; let id = 0; export namespace MemoryFileSystem { export interface Options { content?: DirectoryContent; model?: Directory; } } export class MemoryFileSystem implements FileSystemReadSync, FileSystem { static addContent(fs: MemoryFileSystem, content: DirectoryContent, path?: string) { const model = fs.root; const pathArr = path && getPathNodes(path); if (path && pathArr && pathArr.length) { fs.ensureDirectorySync(path); let mixin = Directory.fromContent(content, pathArr[pathArr.length - 1], normalizePathNodes(pathArr.slice(0, pathArr.length - 1))); Directory.mix(Directory.getSubDir(model, pathArr)!, mixin); } else { Directory.mix(model, Directory.fromContent(content)); } } public readonly events: InternalEventsEmitter = makeEventsEmitter(); protected readonly root: Directory; constructor(public baseUrl = `memory-${id++}`, options?: MemoryFileSystem.Options) { this.baseUrl += '/'; if (options) { if (options.model && options.content) { throw new Error(`MemoryFileSystem can't accept both model and content options`); } this.root = options.model || Directory.fromContent(options.content || {}); } else { this.root = Directory.fromContent({}); } } protected emit(type: S, event: Events[S]) {, event); } async saveFile(fullPath: string, newContent: string, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { return this.saveFileSync(fullPath, newContent, correlation); } async deleteFile(fullPath: string, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { return this.deleteFileSync(fullPath, correlation); } async deleteDirectory(fullPath: string, recursive?: boolean, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { return this.deleteDirectorySync(fullPath, recursive, correlation); } async ensureDirectory(fullPath: string, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { return this.ensureDirectorySync(fullPath, correlation); } async loadTextFile(fullPath: string): Promise { return this.loadTextFileSync(fullPath); } async loadDirectoryTree(fullPath?: string): Promise { return this.loadDirectoryTreeSync(fullPath); } async loadDirectoryChildren(fullPath: string): Promise<(File | ShallowDirectory)[]> { return this.loadDirectoryChildrenSync(fullPath); } async stat(fullPath: string): Promise { return this.statSync(fullPath); } saveFileSync(fullPath: string, newContent: string, correlation: Correlation = makeCorrelationId()): Correlation { const pathArr = getPathNodes(fullPath); const fileName = pathArr.pop(); if (!fileName) { throw new Error(`root is not a legal file name`); } this._ensureDirectorySync(pathArr.join(pathSeparator), correlation); const parent = Directory.getSubDir(this.root, pathArr); if (!parent) { // we get here if findNode couldn't resolve the parent and the node is not the root dir. // this should not happen after running ensureDirectory() throw new Error(`unexpected error: not a legal file name? '${fullPath}'`); } const existingChild = parent.children.find(({name}) => name === fileName); if (isDir(existingChild)) { throw new Error(`file save error for path '${fullPath}'`); } if (isFile(existingChild)) { if (existingChild.content !== newContent) { existingChild.content = newContent const type = 'fileChanged'; this.emit(type, {type, fullPath, newContent, correlation}); } } else { const type = 'fileCreated'; parent.children.push(new File(fileName, fullPath, newContent)); this.emit(type, {type, fullPath, newContent, correlation}); } return correlation; } deleteFileSync(fullPath: string, correlation: Correlation = makeCorrelationId()): Correlation { const pathArr = getPathNodes(fullPath); const parent = pathArr.length ? Directory.getSubDir(this.root, pathArr.slice(0, pathArr.length - 1)) : null; if (isDir(parent)) { const node = parent.children.find(({name}) => name === pathArr[pathArr.length - 1]); if (isFile(node)) { parent.children = parent.children.filter(({name}) => name !==; this.emit('fileDeleted', {type: 'fileDeleted', fullPath, correlation}); } else if (isDir(node)) { throw new Error(`Directory is not a file '${fullPath}'`); } } return correlation; } deleteDirectorySync(fullPath: string, recursive?: boolean, correlation: Correlation = makeCorrelationId()): Correlation { const pathArr = getPathNodes(fullPath); if (pathArr.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Can't delete root directory`); } const parent = Directory.getSubDir(this.root, pathArr.slice(0, pathArr.length - 1)); if (isDir(parent)) { const node = parent.children.find(({name}) => name === pathArr[pathArr.length - 1]); if (isFile(node)) { throw new Error(`File is not a directory '${fullPath}'`); } else if (isDir(node)) { if (!recursive && node.children.length) { throw new Error(`Directory is not empty '${fullPath}'`); } else { parent.children = parent.children.filter(({name}) => name !==; this.recursiveEmitDeletion(node, correlation) } } } return correlation; } ensureDirectorySync(fullPath: string, correlation: Correlation = makeCorrelationId()): Correlation { return this._ensureDirectorySync(fullPath, correlation); } protected findNode(fullPath: string): Directory | File { const pathArr = getPathNodes(fullPath); const parent = pathArr.length ? Directory.getSubDir(this.root, pathArr.slice(0, pathArr.length - 1)) : null; if (isDir(parent)) { const node = parent.children.find(({name}) => name === pathArr[pathArr.length - 1]); if (node) { return node; } } throw new Error(`Cannot find ${fullPath}`); } protected getDir(fullPath: string) { const dir = Directory.getSubDir(this.root, fullPath); if (!dir) { throw new Error(`Unable to read folder in path: '${fullPath}'`); } return dir; } loadTextFileSync(fullPath: string): string { const node = this.findNode(fullPath); if (isFile(node)) { return node.content || ''; } else { throw new Error(`File is a directory ${fullPath}`); } } loadDirectoryContentSync(fullPath: string = ''): DirectoryContent { return Directory.toContent(this.getDir(fullPath)); } loadDirectoryTreeSync(fullPath: string = ''): Directory { return Directory.cloneStructure(this.getDir(fullPath)); } loadDirectoryChildrenSync(fullPath: string): (File | ShallowDirectory)[] { return this.getDir(fullPath) => isDir(child) ? new ShallowDirectory(, child.fullPath) : new File(, child.fullPath)); } statSync(fullPath: string): SimpleStats { const node = this.findNode(fullPath); return isFile(node) ? {type: 'file'} : {type: 'dir'}; } private _ensureDirectorySync(fullPath: string, correlation: Correlation): Correlation { getPathNodes(fullPath).reduce((current, nodeName) => { const next = current.children.find(({name}) => name === nodeName); if (isDir(next)) { return next; } if (isFile(next)) { throw new Error(`File is not a directory ${next.fullPath}`); } const newDir = new Directory( nodeName, current.fullPath ? [current.fullPath, nodeName].join(pathSeparator) : nodeName, ); current.children.push(newDir); this.emit('directoryCreated', { type: 'directoryCreated', fullPath: newDir.fullPath, correlation }); return newDir; }, this.root); return correlation; } private recursiveEmitDeletion(node: Directory, correlation: Correlation) { this.emit('directoryDeleted', {type: 'directoryDeleted', fullPath: node.fullPath, correlation}); node.children.forEach(child => { if (isDir(child)) this.recursiveEmitDeletion(child, correlation); this.emit('fileDeleted', {type: 'fileDeleted', fullPath: child.fullPath, correlation}); }) } }