import {endsWith, getPathNodes, normalizePathNodes} from "./utils"; export const pathSeparator = '/'; export type DirectoryContent = { [key: string]: string | DirectoryContent } export interface SimpleStats { type: 'dir' | 'file'; } export interface FileSystemNode extends SimpleStats { name: string, fullPath: string, } export class ShallowDirectory implements FileSystemNode { public type: 'dir' = 'dir'; constructor(public name: string, public fullPath: string) { } } export class Directory implements FileSystemNode { public type: 'dir' = 'dir'; constructor(public name: string, public fullPath: string, public children: Array = []) { } static walk(directory: Directory, path: string | string[]): Directory | null { const pathArr = typeof path === 'string' ? getPathNodes(path) : path; while (pathArr.length) { const targetName = pathArr.shift(); if (targetName && directory.children) { const node = directory.children.find(({name}) => name === targetName); if (isDir(node)) { directory = node; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } return directory; } static getSubDir(directory: Directory, path: string | string[]): Directory | null { const pathArr = typeof path === 'string' ? getPathNodes(path) : path; while (pathArr.length) { const targetName = pathArr.shift(); if (targetName && directory.children) { const node = directory.children.find(({name}) => name === targetName); if (isDir(node)) { directory = node; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } return directory; } static clone(node: Directory, path: string | string[] = []): Directory { const pathArr = typeof path === 'string' ? getPathNodes(path) : path; if (!pathArr.length && { pathArr.push(; } return new Directory( pathArr.length ? pathArr[pathArr.length - 1] :, normalizePathNodes(pathArr), => { let childPath = pathArr.concat([]); if (isDir(child)) { return this.clone(child, childPath); } else { return new File(, normalizePathNodes(childPath), child.content); } }) ) } static cloneStructure(node: Directory): Directory { return new Directory(, node.fullPath, => isDir(child) ? this.cloneStructure(child) : new File(, child.fullPath)) ) } static fromContent(content: DirectoryContent, name: string = '', location: string = ''): Directory { if (location === pathSeparator) { location = ''; } else if (location.length && !endsWith(location, pathSeparator)) { location = location + pathSeparator; } let path = location.length ? location + name : name; let childLocation = path.length ? path + pathSeparator : name; return new Directory(name, path, Object.keys(content).map(contentPartPath => { const fileContent = content[contentPartPath]; const fullPath = childLocation + contentPartPath; if (typeof fileContent === 'string') { return new File(contentPartPath, fullPath, fileContent); } else { return this.fromContent(fileContent, contentPartPath, childLocation); } })); } static toContent(directory: Directory): DirectoryContent { const result: DirectoryContent = {}; directory.children.forEach(child => { if (child.type === 'file') { if (child.content === undefined) { throw new Error('file not loaded : ' + child.fullPath); } result[] = child.content; } else if (child.type === 'dir') { result[] = this.toContent(child); } }); return result; } /** * add one directory to another, in-place * @returns {Directory} subject argument */ static mix(subject: Directory, mixin: Directory): Directory { mixin.children.forEach(mixChild => { const subjChild = subject.children.find(({name}) => name ===; if (isFile(mixChild)) { if (mixChild.content === undefined) { throw new Error('file not loaded : ' + mixChild.fullPath); } if (subjChild) { if (isFile(subjChild)) { subjChild.content = mixChild.content; } else if (isDir(subjChild)) { throw new Error(`can't override directory with file : ${mixChild.fullPath} , ${subjChild.fullPath}`); } } else { subject.children.push(new File(, normalizePathNodes([subject.fullPath,]), mixChild.content)); } } else if (isDir(mixChild)) { if (subjChild) { if (isFile(subjChild)) { throw new Error(`can't file directory with directory : ${mixChild.fullPath} , ${subjChild.fullPath}`); } else if (isDir(subjChild)) { this.mix(subjChild, mixChild); } } else { subject.children.push(Directory.clone(mixChild, [subject.fullPath,])); } } }); return subject; } } export class File implements FileSystemNode { public type: 'file' = 'file'; public content?: string; constructor(public name: string, public fullPath: string, content?: string) { if (content) this.content = content; } } export function isFile(node?: FileSystemNode | null): node is File { if (!node) return false; return node.type === 'file'; } export function isDir(node?: FileSystemNode | null): node is Directory { if (!node) return false; return node.type === 'dir'; }