import { Correlation, FileChangedEvent, FileCreatedEvent, FileSystem, FileSystemReadSync, isDisposable, isFileSystemReadSync, UnexpectedErrorEvent } from './api'; import {Directory, DirectoryContent, File, FileSystemNode, isDir, isFile, ShallowDirectory, SimpleStats} from './model'; import {MemoryFileSystem} from './memory-fs'; import {getPathNodes, InternalEventsEmitter, splitPathToDirAndFile} from './utils'; enum CacheLevel { FILE_FULL, DIR_SHALLOW, DIR_DEEP, DIR_CONTENT, STATS, GONE } function isCachedFile(cached: CacheLevel | undefined) { return cached === CacheLevel.FILE_FULL || cached === CacheLevel.GONE; } function isCachedDir(cached: CacheLevel | undefined) { return cached === CacheLevel.DIR_CONTENT || cached === CacheLevel.DIR_DEEP || cached === CacheLevel.DIR_SHALLOW || cached === CacheLevel.GONE; } function isCachedDirDeep(cached: CacheLevel | undefined) { return cached === CacheLevel.DIR_CONTENT || cached === CacheLevel.DIR_DEEP || cached === CacheLevel.GONE; } function isCachedDirContent(cached: CacheLevel | undefined) { return cached === CacheLevel.DIR_CONTENT || cached === CacheLevel.GONE; } type PathInCache = { [path: string]: undefined | CacheLevel }; interface FileSystemNodesMap { [key: string]: FileSystemNode; } interface TreesDiff { toAdd: FileSystemNode[]; toDelete: FileSystemNode[]; toChange: string[]; } function nodesToMap(tree: FileSystemNode[] | undefined, accumulator: FileSystemNodesMap = {}): FileSystemNodesMap { if (tree) { tree.forEach(node => { if (isDir(node)) { nodesToMap(node.children, accumulator); } accumulator[node.fullPath] = node; }); } return accumulator; } function transformAndReport(oldMap: FileSystemNodesMap, newMap: FileSystemNodesMap): TreesDiff { const diff: TreesDiff = { toAdd: [], toDelete: [], toChange: [] }; Object.keys(oldMap).forEach(oldPath => { const oldNode = oldMap[oldPath]; const newNode = newMap[oldPath]; if (!newNode) { diff.toDelete.push(oldNode); diff.toChange = diff.toChange.filter(path => path !== oldPath); } else if (isFile(oldNode)) { if (isFile(newNode) && newNode.content === undefined) { newNode.content = oldNode.content; } else if (oldNode.content) { diff.toChange.push(oldPath); } } }); Object.keys(newMap).forEach(newPath => { const oldNode = oldMap[newPath]; const newNode = newMap[newPath]; if (!oldNode) { diff.toAdd.push(newNode); } }); return diff; } class MemFsForCache extends MemoryFileSystem { private emitDiffEvents(toDelete: FileSystemNode[], toAdd: FileSystemNode[], toChange: string[]) { toDelete.forEach(node => { let type = `${isDir(node) ? 'directory' : 'file'}Deleted` as any;, {type, fullPath: node.fullPath}); }); toAdd.forEach(node => { if (isDir(node)) { 'directoryCreated', {type: 'directoryCreated', fullPath: node.fullPath} ); } else if (isFile(node)) { if (node.content !== undefined) {'fileCreated', { type: 'fileCreated', fullPath: node.fullPath, newContent: node.content }); } } else { throw new Error('unknown node type'); } }); toChange.forEach(fullPath => this.loadTextFile(fullPath).then(newContent => {'fileChanged', {type: 'fileChanged', fullPath, newContent}); })); } replaceChildrenSync(fullPath: string, newChildren: (File | Directory)[]) { const cachedTree = this.getDir(fullPath); let newChildrenMap = nodesToMap(newChildren); const {toDelete, toAdd, toChange} = transformAndReport( nodesToMap(cachedTree.children), newChildrenMap ); cachedTree.children = cachedTree.children.filter(c => !~toDelete.indexOf(c)); cachedTree.children.forEach(c => { if (isFile(c) && ~toChange.indexOf(c.fullPath)) { let newChild = newChildrenMap[c.fullPath]; if (isFile(newChild) && newChild.content !== undefined) { c.content = newChild.content; } } }); cachedTree.children = cachedTree.children.concat(toAdd as (File | Directory)[]); this.emitDiffEvents(toDelete, toAdd, toChange); } replaceDirSync(fullPath: string, newDir: Directory) { const cachedTree = this.getDir(fullPath); let newChildrenMap = nodesToMap(newDir.children); const {toDelete, toAdd, toChange} = transformAndReport( nodesToMap(cachedTree.children), newChildrenMap ); const pathArr = getPathNodes(fullPath); if (pathArr.length === 0) { this.root.children = newDir.children; } else { const parent = Directory.getSubDir(this.root, pathArr.slice(0, pathArr.length - 1)); if (!parent) { throw new Error('directory parent missing: ' + pathArr.slice(0, pathArr.length - 1).join('/')); } else { parent.children = => === ? newDir : child); } } this.emitDiffEvents(toDelete, toAdd, toChange); } } export namespace CacheFileSystem { export interface Options { /** * should the cache re-sync when an error is reported from the underlying FS * default : true */ reSyncOnError?: boolean; /** * should sync read methods propagate to underlying FS * default : false */ propagateSyncRead?: boolean; } } interface HasInnerFileSystemReadSync { fs: FileSystemReadSync; } export class CacheFileSystem implements FileSystemReadSync, FileSystem { public baseUrl: string; fs: FileSystem; private cache: MemFsForCache = new MemFsForCache(); public readonly events: InternalEventsEmitter =; private pathsInCache: PathInCache = {}; private onFsError = ({stack}: Error | UnexpectedErrorEvent) => { this.options.reSyncOnError ? this.reSyncOnError() : this.emit('unexpectedError', {stack}); } constructor(fs: FileSystem, private options: CacheFileSystem.Options = {}) { this.fs = fs; if (this.options.reSyncOnError === undefined) { this.options.reSyncOnError = true; } if (this.options.propagateSyncRead && !isFileSystemReadSync(fs)) { throw new Error('propagateSyncRead option set to true but file system is not FileSystemReadSync'); } this.baseUrl = fs.baseUrl;'unexpectedError', this.onFsError); const fileChangeCreatedHandler = (event: FileChangedEvent | FileCreatedEvent) => { try { this.cacheTextFile(event.fullPath, event.newContent, event.correlation); } catch (e) { this.onFsError(e); } };'fileCreated', fileChangeCreatedHandler);'fileChanged', fileChangeCreatedHandler);'fileDeleted', event => { try { this.cacheFileGone(event.fullPath, event.correlation); } catch (e) { this.onFsError(e); } });'directoryCreated', event => { try { this.cacheDirectoryExists(event.fullPath, event.correlation); } catch (e) { this.onFsError(e); } });'directoryDeleted', event => { try { this.cacheDirectoryGone(true, event.fullPath, event.correlation); } catch (e) { this.onFsError(e); } }); } private isPropagateSyncRead(): this is HasInnerFileSystemReadSync { return this.options.propagateSyncRead || false; } private cacheTextFile(fullPath: string, newContent: string, correlation?: Correlation) { this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.FILE_FULL; this.cache.saveFileSync(fullPath, newContent, correlation); } private cacheDirTree(fullPath: string, newTree: Directory) { this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.DIR_DEEP; this.cache.ensureDirectorySync(fullPath); this.cache.replaceDirSync(fullPath, newTree); } private cacheDirChildren(fullPath: string, newChildren: (File | ShallowDirectory)[]) { newChildren.forEach(c => { if (isDir(c)) { c.children = []; } }); this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.DIR_SHALLOW; this.cache.ensureDirectorySync(fullPath); this.cache.replaceChildrenSync(fullPath, newChildren as (File | Directory)[]); } private cacheStat(fullPath: string, newStat: SimpleStats) { this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.STATS; if (newStat.type === 'file') { this.cache.saveFileSync(fullPath, ''); } else if (newStat.type === 'dir') { this.cache.ensureDirectorySync(fullPath); } } private cacheDirectoryGone(recursive: boolean, fullPath: string, correlation?: Correlation) { if (recursive) { Object.keys(this.pathsInCache).forEach(p => { if (p.startsWith(fullPath)) { this.pathsInCache[p] = CacheLevel.GONE; } }); } else { this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.GONE; } this.cache.deleteDirectorySync(fullPath, recursive, correlation); } private cacheDirectoryExists(fullPath: string, correlation?: Correlation) { if (this.pathsInCache[fullPath] === undefined || this.pathsInCache[fullPath] === CacheLevel.GONE) { this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.DIR_DEEP; } this.cache.ensureDirectorySync(fullPath, correlation); } private cacheFileGone(fullPath: string, correlation?: Correlation) { this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.GONE; this.cache.deleteFileSync(fullPath, correlation); } async saveFile(fullPath: string, newContent: string, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { correlation = await this.fs.saveFile(fullPath, newContent, correlation); this.cacheTextFile(fullPath, newContent, correlation); return correlation; } async deleteFile(fullPath: string, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { correlation = await this.fs.deleteFile(fullPath, correlation); this.cacheFileGone(fullPath, correlation); return correlation; } async deleteDirectory(fullPath: string, recursive: boolean = false, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { correlation = await this.fs.deleteDirectory(fullPath, recursive, correlation); this.cacheDirectoryGone(recursive, fullPath); return correlation; } async ensureDirectory(fullPath: string, correlation?: Correlation): Promise { correlation = await this.fs.ensureDirectory(fullPath, correlation); this.cacheDirectoryExists(fullPath, correlation); return correlation; } async loadTextFile(fullPath: string): Promise { if (!isCachedFile(this.pathsInCache[fullPath])) { this.cacheTextFile(fullPath, await this.fs.loadTextFile(fullPath)); } return this.cache.loadTextFileSync(fullPath); } loadTextFileSync(fullPath: string): string { if (this.isPropagateSyncRead() && !isCachedFile(this.pathsInCache[fullPath])) { this.cacheTextFile(fullPath, this.fs.loadTextFileSync(fullPath)); } return this.cache.loadTextFileSync(fullPath); } async loadDirectoryTree(fullPath: string = ''): Promise { if (!isCachedDirDeep(this.pathsInCache[fullPath])) { this.cacheDirTree(fullPath, await this.fs.loadDirectoryTree(fullPath)); } return this.cache.loadDirectoryTreeSync(fullPath); } loadDirectoryTreeSync(fullPath: string = ''): Directory { if (this.isPropagateSyncRead() && !isCachedDirDeep(this.pathsInCache[fullPath])) { this.cacheDirTree(fullPath, this.fs.loadDirectoryTreeSync(fullPath)); } return this.cache.loadDirectoryTreeSync(fullPath); } loadDirectoryContentSync(fullPath: string = ''): DirectoryContent { if (this.isPropagateSyncRead() && !isCachedDirContent(this.pathsInCache[fullPath])) { const content = this.fs.loadDirectoryContentSync(fullPath); this.pathsInCache[fullPath] = CacheLevel.DIR_CONTENT; this.cache.ensureDirectorySync(fullPath); this.cache.replaceDirSync(fullPath, Directory.fromContent(content)); } return this.cache.loadDirectoryContentSync(fullPath); } async loadDirectoryChildren(fullPath: string): Promise<(File | ShallowDirectory)[]> { if (!isCachedDir(this.pathsInCache[fullPath])) { this.cacheDirChildren(fullPath, await this.fs.loadDirectoryChildren(fullPath)); } return this.cache.loadDirectoryChildrenSync(fullPath); } loadDirectoryChildrenSync(fullPath: string): Array { if (this.isPropagateSyncRead() && !isCachedDir(this.pathsInCache[fullPath])) { this.cacheDirChildren(fullPath, this.fs.loadDirectoryChildrenSync(fullPath)); } return this.cache.loadDirectoryChildrenSync(fullPath); } async stat(fullPath: string): Promise { if (this.pathsInCache[fullPath] === undefined) { this.cacheStat(fullPath, await this.fs.stat(fullPath)); } return this.cache.stat(fullPath); } statSync(fullPath: string): SimpleStats { if (this.isPropagateSyncRead() && this.pathsInCache[fullPath] === undefined) { this.cacheStat(fullPath, this.fs.statSync(fullPath)); } return this.cache.statSync(fullPath); } dispose() { if (isDisposable(this.fs)) this.fs.dispose(); } private async reSyncOnError() { let oldPathsInCache = this.pathsInCache; this.pathsInCache = {}; Object.keys(oldPathsInCache).forEach(p => { if (oldPathsInCache[p] === CacheLevel.FILE_FULL) { this.loadTextFile(p); this.loadDirectoryChildren(splitPathToDirAndFile(p).parentPath); } else if (oldPathsInCache[p] === CacheLevel.DIR_SHALLOW) { this.loadDirectoryChildren(p); this.loadDirectoryChildren(splitPathToDirAndFile(p).parentPath); } else if (oldPathsInCache[p] === CacheLevel.DIR_DEEP) { this.loadDirectoryTree(p); this.loadDirectoryChildren(splitPathToDirAndFile(p).parentPath); } }); } private emit(type: string, data: object) {, {, type}); } }