import { Channel, PresenceChannel } from './channel'; import { PusherConnector, SocketIoConnector, NullConnector } from './connector'; /** * This class is the primary API for interacting with broadcasting. */ export default class Echo { /** * The broadcasting connector. */ connector: any; /** * The Echo options. */ options: any; /** * Create a new class instance. */ constructor(options: any) { this.options = options; this.connect(); if (!this.options.withoutInterceptors) { this.registerInterceptors(); } } /** * Get a channel instance by name. */ channel(channel: string): Channel { return; } /** * Create a new connection. */ connect(): void { if (this.options.broadcaster == 'pusher') { this.connector = new PusherConnector(this.options); } else if (this.options.broadcaster == '') { this.connector = new SocketIoConnector(this.options); } else if (this.options.broadcaster == 'null') { this.connector = new NullConnector(this.options); } else if (typeof this.options.broadcaster == 'function') { this.connector = new this.options.broadcaster(this.options); } } /** * Disconnect from the Echo server. */ disconnect(): void { this.connector.disconnect(); } /** * Get a presence channel instance by name. */ join(channel: string): PresenceChannel { return this.connector.presenceChannel(channel); } /** * Leave the given channel, as well as its private and presence variants. */ leave(channel: string): void { this.connector.leave(channel); } /** * Leave the given channel. */ leaveChannel(channel: string): void { this.connector.leaveChannel(channel); } /** * Listen for an event on a channel instance. */ listen(channel: string, event: string, callback: Function): Channel { return this.connector.listen(channel, event, callback); } /** * Get a private channel instance by name. */ private(channel: string): Channel { return this.connector.privateChannel(channel); } /** * Get a private encrypted channel instance by name. */ encryptedPrivate(channel: string): Channel { return this.connector.encryptedPrivateChannel(channel); } /** * Get the Socket ID for the connection. */ socketId(): string { return this.connector.socketId(); } /** * Register 3rd party request interceptiors. These are used to automatically * send a connections socket id to a Laravel app with a X-Socket-Id header. */ registerInterceptors(): void { if (typeof Vue === 'function' && Vue.http) { this.registerVueRequestInterceptor(); } if (typeof axios === 'function') { this.registerAxiosRequestInterceptor(); } if (typeof jQuery === 'function') { this.registerjQueryAjaxSetup(); } } /** * Register a Vue HTTP interceptor to add the X-Socket-ID header. */ registerVueRequestInterceptor(): void { Vue.http.interceptors.push((request, next) => { if (this.socketId()) { request.headers.set('X-Socket-ID', this.socketId()); } next(); }); } /** * Register an Axios HTTP interceptor to add the X-Socket-ID header. */ registerAxiosRequestInterceptor(): void { axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => { if (this.socketId()) { config.headers['X-Socket-Id'] = this.socketId(); } return config; }); } /** * Register jQuery AjaxPrefilter to add the X-Socket-ID header. */ registerjQueryAjaxSetup(): void { if (typeof jQuery.ajax != 'undefined') { jQuery.ajaxPrefilter((options, originalOptions, xhr) => { if (this.socketId()) { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Socket-Id', this.socketId()); } }); } } }