0 passing (4ms) App ✓ shoud set, get, and check locale (3ms) ✓ should read APP_ENV from environment() (0ms) Auth ✓ should work (1ms) Config ✓ ignore any files apart from .js files inside the config directory (3ms) ✓ get value for a given key from config store (2ms) ✓ return default value when actual value does not exists (0ms) ✓ return actual value when it's falsy (0ms) ✓ return undefined when default value is not defined (0ms) ✓ set value for a given key (1ms) ✓ should set mid level paths via key (1ms) ✓ should return booleans as booleans (1ms) ✓ merge values with the defaults (2ms) ✓ ignore error when config directory does not exists (0ms) Controller ✓ should be an object. (0ms) Env Lib ✓ should env() (0ms) ✖ should Env() (3ms) Error Lib ✓ should work (84ms) ErrorTransformer ✓ shoud set, get, and check locale (1ms) Event ✓ should throw an exception when event handler is not a valid function or reference to function (2ms) ✓ should throw an exception when event.once handler is not a valid function or reference to function (0ms) ✓ should throw an exception when event.any handler is not a valid function or reference to function (0ms) ✓ should be able to register an event (4ms) ✓ should be able to pass multiple arguments to the fire method (3ms) ✓ should be able to bind a class instance to the callback (2ms) ✓ should be able to register generator method as callback (3ms) ✓ should be able to make class instance from Ioc Container (5ms) ✓ should be able to bind generator method (2ms) ✓ should be able to get data passed by the fire method (2ms) ✓ should be able to get data passed by the fire method inside a generator method (2ms) ✓ should be able to listen for a event using the when method (2ms) ✓ should be able to listen for a event using the listen method (2ms) ✓ should be able to listen for any event (3ms) ✓ should be able to register one time only event listener (3ms) ✓ should be able to get list of listeners for a specific event (1ms) ✓ should be able to get list of listeners for wildcard events (1ms) ✓ should tell whether there are any listeners for a given event (0ms) ✓ should tell whether wildcard is enabled or not (0ms) ✓ should be able to define named events (2ms) ✓ should be able to remove named events (1ms) ✓ should throw error when trying to remove unregistered named event (0ms) ✓ should be able to remove the correct named events (1ms) ✓ should be able to remove all listeners for a given event (0ms) ✓ should be able to remove all listeners for all events (1ms) ✓ should be able to define the number for times a event should be executed (1ms) ✓ should have access to the actual event via the emitter property on context (2ms) ✓ should have access to the actual event via the emitter property on context when a generator method is binded (2ms) ✓ should have access to the actual event resolving out of the IoC container (2ms) ✓ should have access to the actual event resolving out of the IoC container within a generator method (2ms) ✓ should return the actual when with emitting event as an array (2ms) Exception ✓ should show RuntimeException malformedJSON (0ms) ✓ should show RuntimeException fileDeleted (0ms) ✓ should show RuntimeException missingAppKey (1ms) ✓ should show InvalidArgumentException invalidParameter (0ms) ✓ should show InvalidArgumentException missingParameter (0ms) ✓ should show InvalidArgumentException invalidParameter (0ms) Functions Lib ✓ should work (1ms) Globals ✓ should work (10ms) Helpers ✓ return path to app root (1ms) ✓ return path to file from app root (0ms) ✓ return path to public dir (0ms) ✓ return path to config dir (1ms) ✓ throw error when trying to access file inside config dir (1ms) ✓ return false when process has not been started with ace (0ms) ✓ return path to a file inside public dir (0ms) ✓ return path to resources dir (1ms) ✓ return path to a file inside resources dir (0ms) ✓ return path to views dir (0ms) ✓ return path to a file inside views dir (1ms) ✓ return path to database dir (1ms) ✓ return path to a file inside database dir (0ms) ✓ return path to migrations dir (0ms) ✓ return path to a file inside migrations dir (0ms) ✓ return path to seeds dir (0ms) ✓ return path to a file inside seeds dir (0ms) ✓ return path to tmp dir (0ms) ✓ return path to a file inside tmp dir (0ms) ✓ namespace... (1ms) Lib ✓ should set authed (0ms) ✓ should get hashed (0ms) ✓ should get (0ms) ✓ should get body (0ms) ✓ should get data (3ms) ✓ should render (1ms) Lintl ✓ shoud.. (28ms) Middleware ✓ should register a global middleware (0ms) ✓ should register a named middleware (1ms) ✓ should bulk register global middleware (1ms) ✓ should register only unique middleware to the global list (1ms) ✓ should bulk register a named middleware (2ms) ✓ should fetch parameters from named middleware (1ms) ✓ should fetch parameters from multiple named middleware (0ms) ✓ should resolve all global middleware using resolve method (1ms) ✓ should format named middleware keys to namespace params mappings (9ms) ✓ should throw error when unable to find mapping inside middleware store (3ms) ✓ should resolve named middleware using resolve method (2ms) ✓ should resolve global and named named middleware using resolve method (1ms) ✓ should compose global middleware using compose method (0ms) ✓ should abort request in between when middleware throws an error (1ms) ✓ should call middleware one by one (0ms) ✓ should pass parameters to the middleware (0ms) ✓ should be able to compose a closure attached to the middleware (0ms) Request ✓ shoud.. (1ms) Response ✓ shoud.. (1ms) Route ✓ shoud work (7ms) State ✓ shoud.. (1ms) Test ✓ should set authed (0ms) ✓ should get hashed (0ms) ✓ should get (1ms) ✓ should get body (0ms) ✓ should get data (0ms) ✓ should render (1ms) Work ✓ should not fail  (29ms)  ERRORS  1. should Env() Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/test/unit/.env'  at Error (native)  at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:641:18)  at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:509:33)  at Env.load (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/src/Env/index.js:100:41)  at new Env (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/src/Env/index.js:41:22)  at Callable.test [as _fn] (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/test/unit/env.spec.js:14:17)  at Callable._callFn (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Callable.js:86:17)  at error (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Callable.js:291:29)  at Callable.run (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Callable.js:147:12)  at Promise (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Test.js:180:8)  at Test._runTest (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Test.js:177:12)  at RetryOperation.op.attempt [as _fn] (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Test.js:241:10)  at RetryOperation.attempt (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/retry/lib/retry_operation.js:97:8)  at Promise (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Test.js:239:10)  at Test.run (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Test.js:216:12)  at Promise (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Group.js:90:48)  at Middleware._wrapFn [as _fnWrapper] (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Group.js:90:12)  at Promise (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Middleware.js:61:12)  at Middleware._dispatch (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Middleware.js:60:12)  at _fnWrapper.then (/Users/admin/Projects/personal/lessworkjs/lesswork/node_modules/lesswork-framework/node_modules/japa/src/Middleware.js:62:24)  FAILED   total : 112  passed : 111  failed : 1  time : 468ms