var through = require('through2'); var sublevel = require('subleveldown'); var xtend = require('xtend'); var bufferReplace = require('buffer-replace'); var bufferSplit = require('buffer-split'); var changes = require('level-changes'); function concat(a, b) { if(typeof a === 'string') { if(typeof b !== 'string') b = b.toString(); return a + b; } if(Buffer.isBuffer(a)) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) b = new Buffer(b); return Buffer.concat([a, b]) } throw new Error("concat() called for something that's neither string nor buffer"); } // Join an array of either buffers or strings with the optional seperator // Seperator can be a string or a buffer function join(a, sep) { if(a.length <= 0) throw new Error("cannot reliably join a zero length array since it's impossible to determine whether output should be buffer or string"); if(typeof a[0] === 'string') { if(Buffer.isBuffer(sep)) sep = sep.toString(); return a.join(sep); } if(!Buffer.isBuffer(sep)) sep = new Buffer(sep); var b = []; var i; for(i=0; i < a.length; i++) { b.push(a[i]); if(i >= a.length - 1) continue; if(!sep || sep.length <= 0) continue; b.push(sep); } return Buffer.concat(b); } function split(a, sep) { if(typeof a === 'string') { if(typeof sep !== 'string') sep = sep.toString(); return a.split(sep); } else if(Buffer.isBuffer(a)) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(sep)) sep = new Buffer(sep); returnbufferSplit(a, sep); } throw new Error("I can only split strings and buffers"); } function replace(a, b, c) { if(typeof key === 'string') return a.replace(b, c); if(Buffer.isBuffer(a)) return bufferReplace(a, b, c); throw new Error("concat() called for something that's neither string nor buffer"); } // resolve a path like ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] // to return the value of // or undefined if tha path does not exist function resolvePropPath(obj, path) { if(path.length > 1) { if(!obj[path[0]]) return undefined; return resolvePropPath(obj[path[0]], path.slice(1, path.length)); } if(path.length === 1) { return obj[path[0]]; } return undefined; } function treeIndexer(db, idb, opts) { if(!(this instanceof treeIndexer)) return new treeIndexer(db, idb, opts); this.db = db; this.idb = sublevel(idb, 'i'); // the index db this.rdb = sublevel(idb, 'r'); // the reverse lookup db this.opts = xtend({ pathProp: 'name', // property used to construct the path parentProp: 'parentKey', // property that references key of parent sep: '.' // path separator }, opts || {}); if(opts.sep.length < 1) throw new Error("Seperator cannot be zero length"); this.indexes = {}; this.c = changes(this.db); this.c.on('data', function(change) { if(change.type === 'put') { this._onPut(change.key, change.value); } else { // del this._onDel(change.key); } }.bind(this)); this._resolvePropPath = function(value, pathOrFunc) { if(typeof pathOrFunc === 'function') return pathOrFunc(value); if(typeof pathOrFunc === 'string') { return resolvePropPath(value, pathOrFunc.split('.')); } if(pathOrFunc instanceof Array) { return resolvePropPath(value, pathOrFunc); } throw new Error("Value must be string, array or function"); }; this._getParentKey = function(val) { return this._resolvePropPath(val, this.opts.parentProp); }; this._getPathPart = function(val) { return this._resolvePropPath(val, this.opts.pathProp); }; this._onPut = function(key, value, cb) { cb = cb || function(){}; var self = this; this._buildPath(value, function(err, path) { if(err) return cb(err); // was this a move? (does it already exist in index? self.rdb.get(key, function(err, data) { if(err && !err.notFound) return cb(err) self.idb.put(path, key); self.rdb.put(key, path); // if there was no reverse lookup entry then this was a new put // so we are done if(err && err.notFound) return cb(err); // this was a move so we need to delete the previous entry in idb var prevPath = data.value; self.idb.del(data.value, function(err) { if(err) return cb(err); // since it was a move there may be children and grandchildren self._moveChildren(oldPath, newPath, cb); }) }); }); }; this._onDel = function(key, cb) { cb = cb || function(){}; var self = this; this.rdb.get(key, function(err, path) { if(err) return; self.idb.del(path); self.rdb.del(key); var newPath; if(Buffer.isBuffer(path)) { newPath = new Buffer(); } else { newPath = ''; } // move children to be root nodes self._moveChildren(path, newPath); }); }; // get stream of all children, grand-children, etc. this._childStream = function(parentPath) { if(!parentPath || parentPath.length <= 0) return this.idb.createReadStream(); return this.idb.createReadStream({ gt: concat(parentPath, this.opts.sep), lte: concat(concat(parentPath, this.opts.sep), '\xff') }); }; // update the tree indexes of all descendants (children, grand-children, etc.) // based on the old and new path of a parent this._moveChildren = function(oldPath, newPath, cb) { cb = cb || function(){}; var s = this._childStream(oldPath); var oldChildPath; var newChildPath; s.on('data', function(data) { oldChildPath = data.key; newChildPath = replace(data.key, oldPath, newPath); this.idb.put(newChildPath, data.value); this.rdb.put(data.value, newChildPath); this.idb.del(oldChildPath); }.bind(this)); s.on('end', function(err) { cb(); }); s.on('error', function(err) { cb(err); }) }; // TODO // we should be able to get the depths just by separator count // instead of actually splitting this._pathDepth = function(path) { return split(path, this.opts.sep).length; }; // TODO guard against loops // Takes a value as input and builds its path by recursively // looking up the parent_key // We could look up the path of the parent in the index itself, // which would be faster since it's only one operation, but then // e.g. adding an object and then immediately adding a child // could fail since the index is built asynchronously in parallel // with the put operation for the parent, so the path for // the parent may not have been built by the time the child // path needs to be built. this._buildPath = function(value, path, cb, seen) { if(typeof path === 'function') { cb = path path = null; } path = path || [this._getPathPart(value)]; seen = seen || []; var parentKey = this._getParentKey(value); if(!parentKey) return cb(null, join(path.reverse(), this.opts.sep)); // loop avoidance var i; for(i=0; i < seen.length; i++) { if(seen[i] === parentKey) return cb(new Error("loop detected")); } seen.push(parentKey); this.db.get(parentKey, function(err, value) { if(err) return cb(err); var pathPart = this._getPathPart(value); if(!pathPart) return cb(new Error("Object "+parentKey+" is missing its pathProp")) path.push(pathPart); this._buildPath(value, path, cb, seen); }.bind(this)); } // clear an index (delete the index data from the db) this.clear = function(cb) { cb = cb || function(){}; var self = this; // delete entire index var s = self.idb.createReadStream(); s.pipe(through.obj(function(data, enc, next) { self.idb.del(data.key, function() { next(); }); }, function() { // delete entire reverse lookup index var rs = self.rdb.createReadStream(); rs.pipe(through.obj(function(data, enc, next) { self.rdb.del(data.key, function() { next(); }); }, function() { cb(); })); rs.on('error', function(err) { return cb(err); }); })); s.on('error', function(err) { return cb(err); }); }; // build an index from scratch for existing contents of the db = function(cb) { cb = cb || function(){}; var self = this; var s = this.db.createReadStream(); s.on('data', function(data) { self._onPut(data.key, data.value); }); s.on('error', function(err) { cb(err); }); s.on('end', function() { cb(); }); }; // clear and then build an index from scratch for existing contents of the db this.rebuild = function() { this.clear(function(err) { if(err) return;; }.bind(this)); }; // get value from tree path this.get = function(path, cb) { var self = this; this.idb.get(path, function(err, key) { if(err) return cb(err); self.db.get(key, function(err, value) { if(err) return cb(err); cb(null, key, value); }); }); }; // get tree path given a key this.getPath = function(key, cb) { var self = this; this.rdb.get(path, function(err, path) { if(err) return cb(err); return cb(null, path); }); }; // get parent value given a key this.getParent = function(key, cb) { var self = this; this.db.get(key, function(err, value) { if(err) return cb(err); var parentKey = self.getParentKey(value); self.db.get(parentKey, cb); }); }; // get parent value given a value this.getParentFromValue = function(value, cb) { var parentKey = this.getParentKey(value); this.db.get(parentKey, cb); }; // get parent path given a key this.getParentPath = function(key, cb) { var self = this; this.db.get(key, function(err, value) { if(err) return cb(err); var parentKey = self.getParentKey(value); self.rdb.get(parentKey, cb); }); }; // get parent path given a value this.getParentPathFromValue = function(value, cb) { var parentKey = this.getParentKey(value); this.rdb.get(parentKey, cb); }; // get parent value given a path this.getParentFromPath = function(path, cb) { var parentPath = this.getParentPathFromPath(path); this.get(parentPath, cb); }; // get parent path given a path // note: this function can be called synchronously this.getParentPathFromPath = function(path, cb) { var sep = this.opts.sep; var a, res; if(typeof path === 'string') { if(typeof sep !== 'string') sep = sep.toString(); a = path.split(sep); } else if(Buffer.isBuffer(path)) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(sep)) sep = new Buffer(sep); a = bufferSplit(path, sep); } else { var err = new Error("path must be of type string or buffer"); if(cb) return cb(err); throw err; } a = a.slice(1, a.length); res = join(a, sep); if(cb) return cb(null, res); return res; }; this.getChildren = function(value, cb) { // TODO }; this.getChildrenFromPath = function(path, cb) { }; this.getChildPaths = function(value, cb) { // TODO }; this.getChildPathsFromPath = function(path, cb) { // TODO }; this.getSiblings = function(value, cb) { // TODO }; this.getSiblingPaths = function(value, cb) { // TODO }; this.pathStream = function() { return this._childStream(); }; = function(parentPath, opts) { opts = xtend({ depth: 0, // how many (grand)children deep to go. 0 means infinite paths: true, // output the path for each child keys: true, // output the key for each child values: true // output the value for each child // if more than one of paths, keys and values is true // then the stream will output objects with these as properties }, opts || {}); if(opts.withValues) opts.withKeys = true; if(!opts.parentPath) opts.depth = 0; if(opts.depth > 0) { var parentDepth = this._pathDepth(parentPath); var maxDepth = parentDepth + opts.depth; } var s = this._childStream(parentPath); var self = this; var depth; var out = through.obj(function(data, enc, cb) { var path = data.key; var key = data.value; if(opts.depth > 0) { depth = self._pathDepth(path); if(depth <= parentDepth) return cb(); if(depth > maxDepth) return cb(); } if(!opts.values) { if(opts.paths && opts.keys) { this.push({ path: path, key: key }); return cb(); } if(opts.keys) { this.push(key) return cb(); } if(opts.paths) { this.push(path) return cb(); } } self.db.get(key, function(err, value) { if(err) return cb(err); if(!opts.paths && !opts.keys) { this.push(value); return cb(); } var o = { value: value }; if(opts.paths) { o.path = path; } if(opts.keys) { o.key = key; } this.push(o); return cb(); }); }); s.pipe(out); return out; }; this.pathStream = function(parentPath, opts) { opts = xtend({ // see for opts docs depth: 0, paths: true, keys: false, values: false }, opts || {}); return, opts); }; this.keyStream = function(parentPath, opts) { opts = xtend({ // see for opts docs depth: 0, paths: false, keys: true, values: false }, opts || {}); return, opts); }; this.valueStream = function(parentPath, opts) { opts = xtend({ // see for opts docs depth: 0, paths: false, keys: false, values: true }, opts || {}); return, opts); }; } module.exports = treeIndexer;