export function create(f: (arg0: PromiseResolve, arg1: (arg0: Error) => void) => any): Promise; export function createEmpty(f: (arg0: () => void, arg1: (arg0: Error) => void) => void): Promise; /** * `Promise.all` wait for all promises in the array to resolve and return the result * @template {unknown[] | []} PS * * @param {PS} ps * @return {Promise<{ -readonly [P in keyof PS]: Awaited }>} */ export const all: { (values: Iterable>): Promise[]>; (values: T_1): Promise<{ -readonly [P in keyof T_1]: Awaited; }>; }; export function reject(reason?: Error | undefined): Promise; export function resolve(res: void | T): Promise; export function resolveWith(res: T): Promise; export function until(timeout: number, check: () => boolean, intervalResolution?: number | undefined): Promise; export function wait(timeout: number): Promise; export function isPromise(p: any): boolean; export type PromiseResolve = (result?: T | PromiseLike | undefined) => any; //# sourceMappingURL=promise.d.ts.map