import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import makeDeviceId from './FacebookDeviceId' import HttpApi from './http/HttpApi' import MqttApi from './mqtt/MqttApi' import Session from './types/Session' import Thread, { parseThread } from './types/Thread' import User, { parseUser } from './types/User' import debug from 'debug' import { Readable } from 'stream' import { PublishPacket } from './mqtt/messages/Publish' import Message, { parseThreadMessage } from './types/Message' import parseDeltaMessage from './types/message/parseDeltaMessage' import parseDeltaEvent from './types/events/parseDeltaEvent' import EventEmitter from 'events' import { AttachmentNotFoundError, AttachmentURLMissingError } from './types/Errors' import StrictEventEmitter from 'strict-event-emitter-types' import ClientEvents from './ClientEvents' const debugLog = debug('fblib') export interface ClientOptions { selfListen?: boolean session?: Session } type ClientEmitter = StrictEventEmitter // 🥖 /** * Main client class */ export default class Client extends (EventEmitter as { new(): ClientEmitter }) { private mqttApi: MqttApi private httpApi: HttpApi private readonly session: Session | null private seqId = '' loggedIn: boolean = false private options: ClientOptions constructor (options: ClientOptions = { selfListen: false, session: null }) { super() this.mqttApi = new MqttApi() this.httpApi = new HttpApi() let session = options.session if (!session) { session = { tokens: null, deviceId: null } } if (!session.deviceId) { const deviceId = makeDeviceId() session.deviceId = deviceId this.httpApi.deviceId = deviceId.deviceId } if (session.tokens) { this.httpApi.token = session.tokens.access_token } this.session = session } async login (email: string, password: string) { // trim to check for spaces (which are truthy) if (this.loggedIn) throw new Error('Already logged in!') if ( !email || typeof email !== 'string' || !email.trim() || !password || typeof password !== 'string' || !password.trim() ) throw new Error('Wrong username/password!') await this.doLogin(email, password) this.loggedIn = true } private doLogin (login: string, password: string) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (!this.session.tokens) { let tokens try { tokens = await this.httpApi.auth(login, password) } catch (err) { return reject(err) } this.httpApi.token = tokens.access_token this.session.tokens = tokens } this.mqttApi.on('publish', async (publish: PublishPacket) => { debugLog(publish.topic) if (publish.topic === '/send_message_response') { const response = JSON.parse('utf8')) debugLog(response) this.mqttApi.emit('sentMessage:' + response.msgid, response) } if (publish.topic === '/t_ms') this.handleMS('utf8')) }) this.mqttApi.on('connected', async () => { let viewer try { ({ viewer } = await this.httpApi.querySeqId()) } catch (err) { return reject(err) } const seqId = viewer.message_threads.sync_sequence_id this.seqId = seqId resolve() if (!this.session.tokens.syncToken) { await this.createQueue(seqId) return } await this.createQueue(seqId) }) try { await this.mqttApi.connect( this.session.tokens, this.session.deviceId ) } catch (err) { return reject(err) } }) } getSession () { return this.session } sendMessage (threadId: string, message: string) { return this.mqttApi.sendMessage(threadId, message) } getThreadList = async (count: number): Promise => { const threads = await this.httpApi.threadListQuery(count) return } sendAttachmentFile (threadId: string, attachmentPath: string, extension?: string) { if (!fs.existsSync(attachmentPath)) throw new AttachmentNotFoundError(attachmentPath) const stream = fs.createReadStream(attachmentPath) if (!extension) extension = path.parse(attachmentPath).ext const length = fs.statSync(attachmentPath).size.toString() return this.httpApi.sendImage(stream, extension, this.session.tokens.uid, threadId, length) } sendAttachmentStream (threadId: string, extension: string, attachment: Readable) { return this.httpApi.sendImage(attachment, extension, this.session.tokens.uid, threadId) } async getAttachmentURL (messageId: string, attachmentId: string): Promise { const attachment = await this.httpApi.getAttachment(messageId, attachmentId) if (!attachment.redirect_uri) throw new AttachmentURLMissingError(attachment) return attachment.redirect_uri } getAttachmentInfo (messageId: string, attachmentId: string) { return this.httpApi.getAttachment(messageId, attachmentId) } async getStickerURL (stickerId: number): Promise { const sticker = await this.httpApi.getSticker(stickerId) return sticker[stickerId.toString()].thread_image.uri } async getThreadInfo (threadId: string): Promise { const res = await this.httpApi.threadQuery(threadId) const thread = res[threadId] if (!thread) return null return parseThread(thread) } async getUserInfo (userId: string): Promise { const res = await this.httpApi.userQuery(userId) const user = res[userId] if (!user) return null return parseUser(user) } async getMessages (threadId: string, count: number): Promise { const res = await this.httpApi.threadMessagesQuery(threadId, count) const thread = res[threadId] if (!thread) return null return => parseThreadMessage(threadId, message)) } private async createQueue (seqId: number) { const obj = { delta_batch_size: 125, max_deltas_able_to_process: 1250, sync_api_version: 3, encoding: 'JSON', initial_titan_sequence_id: seqId, device_id: this.session.deviceId.deviceId, entity_fbid: this.session.tokens.uid, queue_params: { buzz_on_deltas_enabled: 'false', graphql_query_hashes: { xma_query_id: '10153919431161729' }, graphql_query_params: { '10153919431161729': { xma_id: '' } } } } await this.mqttApi.sendPublish( '/messenger_sync_create_queue', JSON.stringify(obj) ) } private async connectQueue (seqId) { const obj = { delta_batch_size: 125, max_deltas_able_to_process: 1250, sync_api_version: 3, encoding: 'JSON', last_seq_id: seqId, sync_token: this.session.tokens.syncToken } await this.mqttApi.sendPublish( '/messenger_sync_get_diffs', JSON.stringify(obj) ) } private async handleMS (ms: string) { let data try { data = JSON.parse(ms.replace('\u0000', '')) } catch (err) { console.error('Error while parsing the following message:') console.error(ms) return } // Handled on queue creation if (data.syncToken) { this.session.tokens.syncToken = data.syncToken await this.connectQueue(this.seqId) return } if (!data.deltas || !Array.isArray(data.deltas)) return data.deltas.forEach(delta => { debugLog(delta) this.handleMessage(delta) }) } handleMessage (event: any) { if (event.deltaNewMessage) { const message = parseDeltaMessage(event.deltaNewMessage) if (!message || message.authorId === this.session.tokens.uid && !this.options.selfListen) return this.emit('message', message) } const deltaEvent = parseDeltaEvent(event) if (!deltaEvent) return this.emit('event', deltaEvent) // @ts-ignore TypeScript somehow doesn't recognize that EventType is compatible with the properties defined in ClientEvents this.emit(deltaEvent.type, deltaEvent.event) } }