import { TemplateResult, TemplateFactory } from '../node_modules/lit-html/lit-html.js'; export interface Properties { [propName: string]: PropConfig | Type; } export type Type = typeof String | typeof Number | typeof Boolean | typeof Array | typeof Object | typeof Date; export interface PropConfig { type: Type; reflectToAttribute?: boolean; value?: any; observer?: string; notify?: boolean; } export interface Data { [propName: string]: any; } export interface MethodsToCall { [propName: string]: (newValue: any, oldValue: any) => any; } export interface HTMLCollectionByID { [id: string]: HTMLElement | Element; } export interface LitEventInit extends EventInit { composed: boolean; } /** * Coverts a camelCase string to kebab-case. * * @export * @param {string} str The camelCaseString * @returns {string} The kebab-version of the string */ export function camelCaseToKebab(str: string): string { return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase(); } /** * * @param {string} prop The name of the property to create * @param {string} attr The name of the attribute * @param {any} context The context of the element * @param {PropConfig} info The configuration of the property */ export function createProperty(prop: string, attr: string, context: any, info: PropConfig) { // get value that was already set on the property (if any) const setVal = context[prop]; Object.defineProperty(context, prop, { get() { return context.__data[prop]; }, async set(val: any) { const resolved: any = (val != null && val instanceof Promise ? await val : val); context.setProperty(prop, resolved); } }); if (info.reflectToAttribute && (info.type === Object || info.type === Array)) { console.warn('Rich Data shouldn\'t be set as attribte!') } if ( { if (context[]) { // Establish the property-change observer context.__methodsToCall[prop] = context[].bind(context); } else { console.warn(`Method ${} not defined!`); } } // Check, if the property was already set, set it accordingly if (setVal) { context[prop] = setVal; return; } if (info.value !== undefined) { // Initialize using the included value and the new setter() context[prop] = (typeof (info.value) === 'function' ? : info.value); } } /** * Returns a class with the Lit-Element features, that extends `superclass`. * @param superclass */ export const LitLite = (superclass = HTMLElement, html: (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: any[]) => TemplateResult, renderFunction: (result: TemplateResult, container: Element | DocumentFragment, templateFactory?: TemplateFactory) => void) => class extends superclass { static properties: Properties; __renderCallbacks: Set = new Set(); __pendingRender: boolean = false; __data: Data = {}; __methodsToCall: MethodsToCall = {}; __wait: any; __firstRender: boolean = false; afterRender?: (isFirst: boolean) => void; shadowRoot!: ShadowRoot; __propAttr: Map = new Map(); // propertyName -> attribute-name __attrProp: Map = new Map(); // attribute-name -> propertyName [key: string]: any static get observedAttributes(): Array { let attrs: Array = []; for (const prop in { if (([prop]).reflectToAttribute) { attrs.push(camelCaseToKebab(prop)); } } return attrs; } constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); for (let prop in (this.constructor as any).properties) { const attr = camelCaseToKebab(prop); this.__propAttr.set(prop, attr); this.__attrProp.set(attr, prop); } } connectedCallback() { const props = (this.constructor as any).properties; this.__wait = true; for (let prop in props) { if (typeof props[prop] === 'function') props[prop] = { type: props[prop] }; this.__makeGetterSetter(prop, props[prop]) } delete this.__wait; this.__firstRender = true; if(this.connected); /* Perform the first render after connection immediately * without the delay of refresh() */ this.postponedRender(); } disconnectedCallback() { if(this.disconnected); } /** * Creates the Propertyaccessors for the defined properties of the Element. * @param {string} prop * @param {PropConfig} info */ __makeGetterSetter(prop: string, info: PropConfig) { const attr = this.__propAttr.get(prop); createProperty(prop, attr, this, info); } /** * Gets called when the properties change and the Element should rerender. * * @param {string} prop * @param {any} newVal */ __propertiesChanged(prop: string, newVal: any) { if (this.__data[prop] !== newVal) { const oldVal = this.__data[prop]; let doRefresh = true; this.__data[prop] = newVal; if (this.__methodsToCall[prop]) { if (this.__methodsToCall[prop](newVal, oldVal) === false) { doRefresh = false; } } if (doRefresh) { this.refresh(); } } } setProperty(prop: string, newVal: any) { const info = (this.constructor as any).properties[prop]; const attr = this.__propAttr.get(prop); if (info.reflectToAttribute) { /* Set the new value by setting the observed attribute. * This will trigger attributeChangedCallback() which will * convert the attribute data to a property, * (this.__data[prop]) and trigger __propertiesChanged(). */ this.setAttribute(attr!, newVal); } else { /* Set the property directly and trigger * __propertiesChanged() */ this.__propertiesChanged(prop, newVal); } if (info.notify) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(`${attr}-changed`, { bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: newVal })); } } /** * Gets called when an observed attribute changes. Calls `__propertiesChanged` * * @param {string} prop * @param {any} old * @param {any} val */ attributeChangedCallback(attr: string, old: any, val: any) { if (old === val) return; const prop = this.__attrProp.get(attr); if (this.__data[prop] !== val) { const { type } = (this.constructor as any).properties[prop]; let newVal = val; switch ( { case 'Boolean': /* Ensure attribute values the indicate that absense of the * attribute actually cause the attribute to be absent. */ if (val === 'false' || val === 'null' || val === 'undefined' || val === false || val === null) { this.removeAttribute(attr); newVal = false; } else { newVal = this.hasAttribute(attr); if (newVal) this.setAttribute(attr, ''); } break; case 'String': /* If a String value is falsey or the explicit 'null' * or 'undefined' string, ensure that the attribute is * removed. */ if (!val || val === 'null' || val === 'undefined') { this.removeAttribute(attr); newVal = ''; } else { newVal = type(val); } break; default: newVal = type(val); break; } /* Pass along the new, more concrete *property* value instead of * the fuzzy attribute value. */ this.__propertiesChanged(prop, newVal); } } /** * Handle a postponed render. * @method postponedRender * * @return void */ postponedRender() { renderFunction(this.render({...this.__data}), this.shadowRoot) for (let callback of this.__renderCallbacks) { callback(); } this.__renderCallbacks.clear(); if (this.afterRender) { this.afterRender(this._firstRender); this._firstRender = false; } } /** * Refresh this element, re-rendering. * @method refresh * @param {function} callback * * @return void */ async refresh(callback?: () => any) { if (this._wait === true) { return } if (callback != null) { // Queue this render/refresh callback this.__renderCallbacks.add(callback); } if (!this.__pendingRender) { this.__pendingRender = true; /* Schedule the following as a microtask, which runs before * requestAnimationFrame. Any additional refresh() calls * will have any callback queued but otherwise will be * ignored. * * */ this.__pendingRender = await false; this.postponedRender(); } } /** * Returns what lit-html should render. * * @returns */ render(data?: object): TemplateResult { return html``; } /** * Gets all children with ids. * * @readonly */ get $(): HTMLCollectionByID { const arr = this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('[id]'); const obj: HTMLCollectionByID = {}; for (const el of arr) { obj[] = el; } return obj; } }