/// export declare function bytesToHex(bytes: Uint8Array): string; export declare function numberToHex(num: number): string; export declare function hexToNumber(hex: string): number; export declare function bytesToHexAddr(bytes: Uint8Array): string; export declare function getGUID(): string; export declare const SIGNATURE_LENGTH: number; export declare const PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH: number; export declare const PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH: number; /** * Generates a private key for signing. * @returns 64-byte private key. */ export declare function generatePrivateKey(): Uint8Array; /** * Generates the public key that corresponds to the given private key. * @param privateKey 64-byte private key. * @returns 32-byte public key. */ export declare function publicKeyFromPrivateKey(privateKey: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; /** * Signs a message with the given private key. * @param msg Message to be signed. * @param privateKey 64-byte private key to sign with. * @returns The generated signature. */ export declare function sign(msg: Uint8Array, privateKey: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; /** * Encodes bytes to a base64 string. * @param bytes Array of bytes to encode to string. * @returns base64 encoded string. */ export declare function Uint8ArrayToB64(bytes: Uint8Array): string; /** * Decodes bytes from a base64 string. * @param s String to decode. * @returns Array of bytes. */ export declare function B64ToUint8Array(s: string): Uint8Array; export declare function bufferToProtobufBytes(input: Buffer | Uint8Array): Uint8Array;