import { IJSONRPCClient } from './internal/json-rpc-client'; export interface IJSONRPCProtocolOptions { url: string; reconnectInterval?: number; maxReconnects?: number; } /** * Creates an RPC client for communicating with a Loom DAppChain based on the specified options. * @param opts Options object * @param opts.protocols * @param opts.autoConnect If `true` the client will automatically connect after being created, * defaults to `true` and shouldn't be changed. * @param opts.requestTimeout Maximum number of milliseconds the client should wait for a request * to receive a response. * @param opts.generateRequestId Can be set to override the default JSON-RPC message ID generator. */ export declare function createJSONRPCClient(opts: { protocols: IJSONRPCProtocolOptions[]; autoConnect?: boolean; requestTimeout?: number; generateRequestId?: (method: string, params: object | any[]) => string; }): IJSONRPCClient;