import { Express } from "express"; import * as express from "express"; const http = require("http"); import * as nunjucks from "nunjucks"; import * as fs from "fs"; import "reflect-metadata"; import { createConnection } from "typeorm"; import * as session from "express-session"; import * as bodyParser from "body-parser"; import * as multer from "multer"; import * as cors from "cors"; import * as moment from "moment"; const flash = require("express-flash"); import { graphqlExpress, graphiqlExpress } from "apollo-server-express"; import Config from "./config"; import BaseModule from "./base.module"; import Migration from "./migration"; import MigrationEntity from "./entities/migration.entity"; import ErrorController from "./error.controller"; import * as expressGenerator from "./express-generator"; import * as graphqlGenerator from "./graphql/generator"; import { setup } from "./entities/setup"; import User from "./entities/user.entity"; import { sign } from "jsonwebtoken"; const translations: any = {}; const routes: any = {}; import { logger } from "./logger"; import {APIResponseWrapper, DefaultAPIResponseWrapper} from "./api-response-wrapper"; /** * Utility function to check if we are in the production environment. * @return true if the NODE_ENV is set to "production", false otherwise */ export function isProduction(): boolean { return process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"; } /** * Retrieve the preferred language from an express request, using the accepts-languages * header value. * @param req the express request * @return the two letter lower-cased language, or "*" (wildcard), or null */ export function getLanguageFromRequest(req: express.Request): string { let lang = req.acceptsLanguages()[0]; if (lang.indexOf("-") !== -1) { lang = lang.split("-")[0]; } if (lang) { lang = lang.trim().toLowerCase(); } return lang; } /** * This function shall be called with the nunjucks environment as self parameter! * It retrieve the language of the current request, using the default * language set in the app as fallback. */ function retrieveLanguage(self: any): string { let lang = null; try { const req: express.Request = self.ctx.req; lang = getLanguageFromRequest(req); if (lang === "*") { lang = null; } } catch (e) {} if (!lang) { lang = self.getVariables()["lang"]; } if (!lang) { let app: App ="app"); lang = app.config.defaultLanguage; } return lang; } /** * Implementation of the tr filer for the nunjucks engine. * It trying to understand the current language from the request. The fallback * uses the defaultLanguage set on the app. */ function translate(str: string): string { try { let lang = retrieveLanguage(this); return performTranslation(str, translations[lang]); } catch (e) {;; } return str; } function performTranslation(str: string, translations: any): string { let translation = translations[str]; if (translation) { return translation; } const start = str.indexOf("{{"); const end = str.indexOf("}}"); if (start != -1 && end != -1) { let key = str.substring(start + 2, end); translation = translations[key.trim()]; return str.replace("{{" + key + "}}", translation); } return str; } /** * Implementation of the date filter using moment. * The default implementation uses the "lll" string format, resulting in * Feb 19, 2018 4:57 PM in English. * @param d the date to format * @param format the string to format the date, default to lll * @return the formatted date */ function date(d: Date, format?: string): string { let lang = retrieveLanguage(this); let m = moment(d).locale(lang); if (!format) { format = "lll"; } return m.format(format); } /** * Apply parameters to an URL. If a parameter is not found as path parameter, * it is added as query parameter. * @param url the url to compile * @param parameters a plain object containing the parameters * @return the compiled url */ function applyParametersToUrl(url: string, parameters: any): string { if (!parameters) { return url; } if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) { url += "?"; } else { url += "&"; } for (let key in parameters) { if (url.indexOf(":" + key) == -1) { url += `${key}=${parameters[key]}&`; } else { url = url.replace(":" + key, parameters[key]); } } if (url.endsWith("?") || url.endsWith("&")) { url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1); } return url; } /** * Transform the route name to a URL and compile it with the given parameters. * @param name the route name (or, eventually, the path) * @param parameters a plain object containing the parameters * @return the compiled url */ function route(name: string, parameters?: any): string { let url = name; if (routes[name]) { url = routes[name]; } return applyParametersToUrl(url, parameters); } /** * Implementation of the old filter function. This function returns the previous * value of the input form. Fallback to the defaultValue. * @param name the name used in the form * @param defaultValue a fallback value * @return the previous value or defaultValue */ function old(name: string, defaultValue?: any): string { const req = this.ctx.req; if (req.body && req.body[name]) { return req.body[name]; } if (req.query[name]) { return req.query[name]; } return defaultValue; } /** * Implementation of the format filter function to format a float number. * By default, the number is formatted with 2 decimal numbers. * @param val the number to format * @param decimal the number of decimal number * @return the formatted number as a string */ function format(val: number, decimal: number = 2): string { return Number(val).toFixed(decimal); } /** * Implementation of the resolvePath global function. Using this function, it is * possible to refer to any views with a virtual folder containing all the available * views. * @param path the virtual absolute path of the view * @return the absolute path of the view if resolved, or the original path otherwise */ function resolvePath(path: string): string { let normalizedPath = path; if (normalizedPath.endsWith(".njk")) { normalizedPath = normalizedPath.substring(0, normalizedPath.length - 4); } let app: App ="app"); let resolved = app.templateMap[path]; if (resolved) { return resolved; } return path; } /** * This function returns the current server url, with the used protocol and port. * This function is available as global function on nunjucks. */ function currentHost(): string { let req = this.ctx.req; return req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host'); } export let app: App; /** * The App class contains the initialization code for a Lynx application. */ export default class App { public express: Express; public httpServer: any; private readonly _config: Config; private readonly _nunjucksEnvironment: nunjucks.Environment; private readonly _upload: multer.Instance; private _templateMap: any; private _modules: Set = new Set(); private _errorController: ErrorController; public apiResponseWrapper: APIResponseWrapper = new DefaultAPIResponseWrapper(); get config(): Config { return this._config; } get templateMap(): any { return this._templateMap; } get nunjucksEnvironment(): nunjucks.Environment { return this._nunjucksEnvironment; } get upload(): multer.Instance { return this._upload; } /** * This property allow the customization of the standard error controller. * You need to create the controller using its standard constructor: * new MyCustomErrorController(app) */ set customErrorController(ctrl: ErrorController) { this._errorController = ctrl; } constructor(config: Config, modules?: BaseModule[]) { this._config = config; app = this; if (modules) { this._modules = new Set(modules); this._modules.forEach(module => module.mount(this._config)); } config.db.entities.unshift(__dirname + "/entities/*.entity.js"); config.middlewaresFolders.unshift(__dirname + "/middlewares"); config.viewFolders.unshift(__dirname + "/views"); if (!config.disabledDb) { createConnection(config.db) .then(_ => { // here you can start to work with your entities"Connection to the db established!"); setup(config.db.entities) .then(_ => { this._modules.forEach(module => module.onDatabaseConnected() ); if (!config.disableMigrations) { this.executeMigrations() .catch(err => { logger.error(err); process.exit(1); }) .then(() => { if (this._config.onDatabaseInit) { this._config.onDatabaseInit(); } }); } else if (this._config.onDatabaseInit) { this._config.onDatabaseInit(); } }) .catch(error => { logger.error(error); process.exit(1); }); }) .catch(error => { logger.error(error); process.exit(1); }); } else { logger.debug("The DB service is disabled"); } = express(); this.httpServer = http.createServer(;"app", this);, res, next) => { res.setHeader('X-Powered-By', 'lynx-framework/express'); next(); });"/api/*", cors()); if (this.config.jsonLimit) {{ limit: this.config.jsonLimit })); } else {; }{ extended: true })); let app_session_options: any = { secret: config.sessionSecret, resave: false, saveUninitialized: true }; if (config.sessionStore) { = config.sessionStore; } let app_session = session(app_session_options);;; this._upload = multer({ dest: config.uploadPath }); fs.exists(config.cachePath, exists => { if (!exists) { fs.mkdir(config.cachePath, err => { if (err) { logger.error( "Error creating the local cache directory", err ); } }); } }); for (let folder of config.publicFolders) {; } this.generateTemplateMap(config.viewFolders); this._nunjucksEnvironment = nunjucks.configure(config.viewFolders, { autoescape: true, watch: true, express: }); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter("tr", translate); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter("json", JSON.stringify); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter("format", format); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addFilter("date", date); this.loadTranslations(config.translationFolders); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addGlobal("route", route); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addGlobal("old", old); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addGlobal("resolvePath", resolvePath); this._nunjucksEnvironment.addGlobal("currentHost", currentHost); for (let path of config.middlewaresFolders) { this.loadMiddlewares(path); } for (let path of config.controllersFolders) { this.loadControllers(path); } if (!config.disabledDb && !config.disabledGraphQL) { const schema = graphqlGenerator.generateSchema(config.db.entities); // The GraphQL endpoint "/graphql", bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({ schema }) ); // GraphiQL, a visual editor for queries "/graphiql", graphiqlExpress({ endpointURL: "/graphql" }) ); } this._errorController = new ErrorController(this); } private recursiveGenerateTemplateMap(path: string, currentPath: string) { const files = fs.readdirSync(path); for (let index in files) { let currentFilePath = path + "/" + files[index]; if (fs.lstatSync(currentFilePath).isDirectory()) { this.recursiveGenerateTemplateMap( currentFilePath, currentPath + files[index] + "/" ); continue; } let name = files[index].replace(".njk", ""); this._templateMap[currentPath + name] = currentFilePath; } } private generateTemplateMap(paths: string[]) { this._templateMap = {}; for (let path of paths) { this.recursiveGenerateTemplateMap(path, "/"); } } private async recursiveExecuteMigrations(path: string) { if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { logger.warn("The migration folder " + path + " doesn't exists!"); return; } const files = fs.readdirSync(path).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); for (let index in files) { let currentFilePath = path + "/" + files[index]; if (fs.lstatSync(currentFilePath).isDirectory()) { await this.recursiveExecuteMigrations(currentFilePath); continue; } if (currentFilePath.endsWith("ts")) continue; const m = require(currentFilePath); if (!m.default) { throw new Error( "Please define the migration as the export default class in file " + currentFilePath + "." ); } let entity = await MigrationEntity.findByName(currentFilePath); if (entity && entity.wasExecuted()) { continue; } if (!entity) { entity = new MigrationEntity(); = currentFilePath; await; } let migration = new m.default() as Migration; try { await migration.up(); entity.setExecuted(); await;"Migration " + currentFilePath + " executed!"); } catch (e) { entity.setFailed(); await; logger.error( "Error executing the migration " + currentFilePath ); throw e; } } } /** * This method will execute the migrations. * By default, this method will be executed automatically during the app * startup. In some scenario, like hight-scalability, this behaviour could * be unwanted. Thus, it is possibly otherwise to explicitly call this method * in some other way (for example, connecting it to a standard http route). */ public async executeMigrations() { for (let path of this._config.migrationsFolders) { await this.recursiveExecuteMigrations(path); } } private loadTranslations(paths: string[]) { for (let path of paths) { const files = fs.readdirSync(path); for (let index in files) { let nameWithExtension: string = files[index]; if (!nameWithExtension.endsWith("json")) continue; let name = nameWithExtension.substring( 0, nameWithExtension.indexOf(".") ); let tmp = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path + "/" + nameWithExtension, "utf8") ); if (!translations[name]) { translations[name] = {}; } for (let key in tmp) { translations[name][key] = tmp[key]; } } } } private loadMiddlewares(path: string) { if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { logger.warn("The middleares folder " + path + " doesn't exists!"); return; } const middlewares = fs.readdirSync(path); for (let index in middlewares) { let currentFilePath = path + "/" + middlewares[index]; if (fs.lstatSync(currentFilePath).isDirectory()) { this.loadMiddlewares(currentFilePath); continue; } if (middlewares[index].endsWith("ts")) continue; const midd = require(currentFilePath); if (!midd.default) { throw new Error( "Please define the middleware as the export default class in file " + currentFilePath + "." ); } expressGenerator.useMiddleware(this, midd.default); } } private loadControllers(path: string) { const files = fs.readdirSync(path); for (let index in files) { let currentFilePath = path + "/" + files[index]; if (fs.lstatSync(currentFilePath).isDirectory()) { this.loadControllers(currentFilePath); continue; } if (files[index].endsWith("ts")) continue; const ctrl = require(currentFilePath); if (!ctrl.default) { throw new Error( "Please define the controller as the export default class in file " + currentFilePath + "." ); } expressGenerator.useController(this, ctrl.default, routes); } } public startServer(port: number) {, res) => { this._errorController .onNotFound(req as any) .then((r: any) => { if (!res.headersSent) { res.status(404); } r.performResponse(req, res); }) .catch(err => { if (!res.headersSent) { res.status(404); } res.send(err); }); }); Error, req: any, res: any, _: any) => { this._errorController .onError(error, req as any) .then((r: any) => { if (!res.headersSent) { res.status(500); } r.performResponse(req, res); }) .catch(err => { if (!res.headersSent) { res.status(500); } res.send(err); }); }); this.httpServer.listen(port, () => {`server is listening on ${port}`); }); } public route(name: string, parameters?: any) { return route(name, parameters); } public translate(str: string, req: express.Request): string { try { let lang = getLanguageFromRequest(req); if (!lang) { lang = this._config.defaultLanguage; } return performTranslation(str, translations[lang]); } catch (e) {; } return str; } public generateTokenForUser(user: User): string { return sign({ id: }, this._config.tokenSecret, { expiresIn: "1y" }); } } declare global { interface Array { serialize(): Array; removeHiddenField(field: string): void; addHiddenField(field: string): void; } } Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "serialize", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: function() { let r = []; for (let el of this) { if (el.serialize) { r.push(el.serialize()); } else { r.push(el); } } return r; } }); Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "addHiddenField", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: function(field: string) { for (let el of this) { if (el.addHiddenField) { el.addHiddenField(field); } } } }); Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "removeHiddenField", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: function(field: string) { for (let el of this) { if (el.removeHiddenField) { el.removeHiddenField(field); } } } });