import { Repository, SelectQueryBuilder } from "typeorm"; import { Request } from "express"; export class Element { _class: string; text: string; } export class TableConfiguration { _class: string = ""; ordersBy: Number[] = []; header: Element[] = []; data: Element[][] = []; addClass(_class: string): TableConfiguration { this._class += _class + " "; return this; } addHeader(text: string, _class?: string): TableConfiguration { this.header.push({ text: text, _class: _class ? _class : "" }); this.ordersBy.push(0); return this; } addData(texts: string[], _classes?: string[]): TableConfiguration { let c: Element[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) { c.push({ text: texts[i], _class: _classes && _classes[i] ? _classes[i] : "" }); }; return this; } } export class PaginationConfiguration { total = 0; pageSize = 10; pageCount = 0; currentPage = 0; left = 0; right = 0; maxPages = 2; _class: string = ""; calculate() { this.pageCount = Math.ceil( / this.pageSize); this.left = Math.max(0, this.currentPage - this.maxPages); this.right = Math.min( this.pageCount, this.currentPage + 1 + this.maxPages ); } addClass(_class: string): PaginationConfiguration { this._class += _class + " "; return this; } } export class DatatableConfiguration { private table: TableConfiguration = new TableConfiguration(); private repository: Repository; private req: Request; protected urlNoPage: string; protected urlNoOrder: string; protected urlNoPageNoOrder: string; protected urlNoFilter: string; private map: string[]; private _classes: string[] = []; private mapTransformers: any = {}; private pagination: PaginationConfiguration = new PaginationConfiguration(); private alias: string = "e"; constructor(repository: Repository, req: Request, alias?: string) { this.repository = repository; this.req = req; this.setupPageRequested(); this.urlNoPage = getUrlWithoutPage(this.req); this.urlNoOrder = getUrlWithoutOrder(this.req); this.urlNoPageNoOrder = getUrlWithoutPageOrOrder(this.req); this.urlNoFilter = getUrlWithoutFilter(this.req); if (alias) { this.alias = alias; } } public setPageSize(size: number) { this.pagination.pageSize = size; } public addTableClass(_class: string): DatatableConfiguration { this.table.addClass(_class); return this; } public addTableHeader( text: string, _class?: string ): DatatableConfiguration { this.table.addHeader(text, _class); return this; } public addDataMap( map: string[], _classes?: string[] ): DatatableConfiguration { = map; if (_classes) { this._classes = _classes; } else { this._classes = []; for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { this._classes.push(""); } } return this; } public addDataTransformer( label: string, exe: (value: any, entity: any) => any ): DatatableConfiguration { this.mapTransformers[label] = exe; return this; } public addPaginationClass(_class: string): DatatableConfiguration { this.pagination.addClass(_class); return this; } private setupPageRequested() { this.pagination.currentPage = 0; if ( { this.pagination.currentPage = Number(; if (this.pagination.currentPage > 0) { this.pagination.currentPage -= 1; } } } private getQueryValue(key: string): any[] { for (let q in this.req.query) { if (q.toLowerCase() !== key) { continue; } if (this.req.query[q] instanceof Array) { return this.req.query[q]; } return [this.req.query[q]]; } return []; } private addOrderBy( query: SelectQueryBuilder ): SelectQueryBuilder { let ordersBy = this.getQueryValue("orderby"); if (ordersBy.length > 0) { let order = ordersBy[0].split(":"); this.setOrderBy(order[0], order[1]); query = query.orderBy( this.alias + "." + order[0], order[1] == "desc" ? "DESC" : "ASC" ); for (let i = 1; i < ordersBy.length; i++) { let order = ordersBy[i].split(":"); this.setOrderBy(order[0], order[1]); query = query.addOrderBy( this.alias + "." + order[0], order[1] == "desc" ? "DESC" : "ASC" ); } } return query; } private setOrderBy(column: string, order: string) { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { if ([i] == column) { this.table.ordersBy[i] = order == "desc" ? -1 : 1; } } } private addFilterBy( query: SelectQueryBuilder ): SelectQueryBuilder { let filtersBy = this.getQueryValue("filterby"); if (filtersBy.length) { let f = filtersBy[0].split(":"); let o: any = {}; o[f[0] + "_" + 0] = f[1]; query = query.where(this.alias + "." + f[0] + " = :" + f[0] + "_" + 0, o); for (let i = 1; i < filtersBy.length; i++) { let f = filtersBy[i].split(":"); let o: any = {}; o[f[0] + "_" + i] = f[1]; query = query.andWhere( this.alias + "." + f[0] + " = :" + f[0] + "_" + i, o ); } } return query; } public async fetchData(query?: SelectQueryBuilder): Promise { if (!query) { let select: string[] = []; => { if (!v.startsWith(":")) { select.push(this.alias + "." + v.replace("-", "")); } }); query = this.repository.createQueryBuilder(this.alias).select(select); } query = this.addFilterBy(query); = await query.getCount(); this.pagination.calculate(); query = this.addOrderBy(query); let skip = this.pagination.currentPage * this.pagination.pageSize; query = query.skip(skip).take(this.pagination.pageSize); let result = await query.getMany(); for (let r of result) { let line: string[] = []; for (let label of { if (label.startsWith("-")) continue; let cell = r[label]; if (this.mapTransformers[label]) { cell = this.mapTransformers[label](cell, r); } line.push(cell); } this.table.addData(line, this._classes); } } } function getUrlWithoutPage(req: Request): string { return getUrlWithoutParameter(req, ["page"]); } function getUrlWithoutOrder(req: Request): string { return getUrlWithoutParameter(req, ["orderby"]); } function getUrlWithoutPageOrOrder(req: Request): string { return getUrlWithoutParameter(req, ["orderby", "page"]); } function getUrlWithoutFilter(req: Request): string { return getUrlWithoutParameter(req, ["filter", "filterby"]); } function getUrlWithoutParameter(req: Request, parameters: string[]): string { let u = (req.baseUrl + req.path).replace(/\/$/, "") + "?"; for (let key in req.query) { var found = false; for (let p of parameters) { if (key.toLowerCase() == p) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { continue; } u += generateQueryValue(key, req.query[key]); } return u; } function generateQueryValue(key: string, q: any): string { let m = key + "="; if (q instanceof Array) { m += q[0] + "&"; for (let i = 1; i < q.length; i++) { m += key + "=" + q[i] + "&"; } return m; } return m + q + "&"; }