import * as Joi from "@hapi/joi"; import * as itErrors from "./locale/joi_it"; /** * SchemaBuilder for the Joi validator. * It exposes some facility methods for some simple task, * and it also allows a complete personalization of the final result. */ export class SchemaBuilder { keys: any; lastKey: string; constructor() { this.keys = {}; } /** * Generate the final Joi Object Schema */ build(): Joi.ObjectSchema { return Joi.object().keys(this.keys); } /** * General method, that can be used with the Joi functions */ general(key: string, spec: any): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] = spec; this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add an optional string to the Schema * @param key the key * @param min minimum length of the string * @param max maximum length of the string * @return the schema builder */ stringOptional(key: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder { let tmp = Joi.string(); if (min !== undefined) { tmp = tmp.min(min); } else { tmp = tmp.allow(""); } if (max !== undefined) { tmp = tmp.max(max); } this.keys[key] = tmp; this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add a required string to the Schema * @param key the key * @param min minimum length of the string * @param max maximum length of the string * @return the schema builder */ string(key: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder { this.stringOptional(key, min, max); this.keys[key] = this.keys[key].required(); this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add a required email to the Schema * @param key the key * @return the schema builder */ email(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] = Joi.string() .email() .required(); this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add an optional email to the Schema * @param key the key * @return the schema builder */ emailOptional(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] = Joi.string().email(); this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add a required password to the Schema. * The password will be validated using the following regex: * ^[0-9a-zA-Z\|\!\"\£\$\%\&\/\(\)\=\?\^\,\;\.\:\-\_\\\~]{6,}$ * @param key the key * @return the schema builder */ password(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] = Joi.string() .regex( /^[0-9a-zA-Z\|\!\"\£\$\%\&\/\(\)\=\?\^\,\;\.\:\-\_\\\~]{6,}$/ ) .required(); return this; } /** * Add an optional password to the Schema. * The password will be validated using the following regex: * ^[0-9a-zA-Z\|\!\"\£\$\%\&\/\(\)\=\?\^\,\;\.\:\-\_\\\~]{6,}$ * @param key the key * @return the schema builder */ passwordOptional(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] = Joi.string().regex( /^[0-9a-zA-Z\|\!\"\£\$\%\&\/\(\)\=\?\^\,\;\.\:\-\_\\\~]{6,}$/ ); return this; } /** * Add an optional number to the Schema * @param key the key * @param min minimum value of the number * @param max maximum value of the number * @return the schema builder */ numberOptional(key: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder { let tmp = Joi.number(); if (min !== undefined) { tmp = tmp.min(min); } if (max !== undefined) { tmp = tmp.max(max); } this.keys[key] = tmp; this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add a required number to the Schema * @param key the key * @param min minimum value of the number * @param max maximum value of the number * @return the schema builder */ number(key: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder { this.numberOptional(key, min, max); this.keys[key] = this.keys[key].required(); this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add an optional integer number to the Schema * @param key the key * @param min minimum value of the number * @param max maximum value of the number * @return the schema builder */ integerOptional(key: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder { let tmp = Joi.number().integer(); if (min !== undefined) { tmp = tmp.min(min); } if (max !== undefined) { tmp = tmp.max(max); } this.keys[key] = tmp; this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add a required integer number to the Schema * @param key the key * @param min minimum value of the number * @param max maximum value of the number * @return the schema builder */ integer(key: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder { this.integerOptional(key, min, max); this.keys[key] = this.keys[key].required(); this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add an optional date to the Schema * @param key the key * @return the schema builder */ dateOptional(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] =; this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add a required date to the Schema * @param key the key * @return the schema builder */ date(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] =; this.lastKey = key; return this; } arrayOfStrings(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] = Joi.array().items(Joi.string()); this.lastKey = key; return this; } arrayOfStringsOptional(key: string): SchemaBuilder { this.keys[key] = Joi.array().items(Joi.string()); this.lastKey = key; return this; } /** * Add the label to the last added key * @param label the label to use in case of error * @return the schema builder */ withLabel(label: string): SchemaBuilder { if (this.lastKey) { this.keys[this.lastKey] = this.keys[this.lastKey].label(label); } return this; } } /** * Contains the name of the error and a localized error message. */ export interface ValidationError { name: string; message: string; } /** * This class is used to validate an object using a given schema. * It is used by Lynx to automatically validate the body of any requests, using * the Body decorator. */ export class ValidateObject { private _obj: T; private schema: Joi.Schema; private valid: Joi.ValidationResult; /** * @param obj the object to validate * @param schema the schema * @param locales an array of available language. You can use the `req.acceptsLanguages()` */ constructor(obj: any, schema: Joi.Schema, locales: string[]) { this._obj = obj; this.schema = schema; let options = null; for (let locale of locales) { if (locale.indexOf("en") != -1) { break; } if (locale == "it") { options = { language: itErrors.errors }; break; } } this.validate(options); } private validate(options: any) { this.valid = this.schema.validate(this._obj, options); } /** * Verify that the object respect the schema. * @return true if the object is valid, false otherwise. */ get isValid() { return !this.valid.error; } /** * Unwrap the object (can be valid or not!) * @return the unwrapped object */ get obj() { return this._obj; } /** * Getter that returns an array of validation errors. * @return an array of validation errors. It can not be null. */ get errors(): ValidationError[] { let errors: ValidationError[] = []; if (this.isValid) { return errors; } if (this.valid.error) { for (let err of this.valid.error!!.details) { errors.push({ name: err.context && err.context.key ? err.context.key : "", message: err.message }); } } return errors; } /** * Getter that returns a map of errors. This prop contains the save information * as the `errors` prop, but with a different format. * @return a map or localized errors. */ get errorsMap(): any { let map: any = {}; for (let err of this.errors) { map[] = err.message; } return map; } }