import assert from 'assert'; import type { StructArray, StructArrayMember } from '../util/struct_array'; import type Program from '../render/program'; import type Context from '../gl/context'; /** * @enum {string} AttributeType * @private * @readonly */ const AttributeType = { Int8: 'BYTE', Uint8: 'UNSIGNED_BYTE', Int16: 'SHORT', Uint16: 'UNSIGNED_SHORT', Int32: 'INT', Uint32: 'UNSIGNED_INT', Float32: 'FLOAT' }; /** * The `VertexBuffer` class turns a `StructArray` into a WebGL buffer. Each member of the StructArray's * Struct type is converted to a WebGL atribute. * @private */ class VertexBuffer { length: number; attributes: ReadonlyArray; itemSize: number; dynamicDraw: boolean; context: Context; buffer: WebGLBuffer; /** * @param dynamicDraw Whether this buffer will be repeatedly updated. * @private */ constructor(context: Context, array: StructArray, attributes: ReadonlyArray, dynamicDraw?: boolean) { this.length = array.length; this.attributes = attributes; this.itemSize = array.bytesPerElement; this.dynamicDraw = dynamicDraw; this.context = context; const gl =; this.buffer = gl.createBuffer(); context.bindVertexBuffer.set(this.buffer); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, array.arrayBuffer, this.dynamicDraw ? gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW : gl.STATIC_DRAW); if (!this.dynamicDraw) { delete array.arrayBuffer; } } bind() { this.context.bindVertexBuffer.set(this.buffer); } updateData(array: StructArray) { assert(array.length === this.length); const gl =; this.bind(); gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, array.arrayBuffer); } enableAttributes(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: Program) { for (let j = 0; j < this.attributes.length; j++) { const member = this.attributes[j]; const attribIndex: number | void = program.attributes[]; if (attribIndex !== undefined) { gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attribIndex); } } } /** * Set the attribute pointers in a WebGL context * @param gl The WebGL context * @param program The active WebGL program * @param vertexOffset Index of the starting vertex of the segment */ setVertexAttribPointers(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: Program, vertexOffset?: number | null) { for (let j = 0; j < this.attributes.length; j++) { const member = this.attributes[j]; const attribIndex: number | void = program.attributes[]; if (attribIndex !== undefined) { gl.vertexAttribPointer( attribIndex, member.components, (gl as any)[AttributeType[member.type]], false, this.itemSize, member.offset + (this.itemSize * (vertexOffset || 0)) ); } } } /** * Destroy the GL buffer bound to the given WebGL context */ destroy() { const gl =; if (this.buffer) { gl.deleteBuffer(this.buffer); delete this.buffer; } } } export default VertexBuffer;