import {filterObject} from '../util/util'; import styleSpec from '../style-spec/reference/latest'; import { validateStyle, validateLayoutProperty, validatePaintProperty, emitValidationErrors } from './validate_style'; import {Evented} from '../util/evented'; import {Layout, Transitionable, Transitioning, Properties, PossiblyEvaluated, PossiblyEvaluatedPropertyValue} from './properties'; import {supportsPropertyExpression} from '../style-spec/util/properties'; import type {FeatureState} from '../style-spec/expression'; import type {Bucket} from '../data/bucket'; import type Point from '@mapbox/point-geometry'; import type {FeatureFilter} from '../style-spec/feature_filter'; import type {TransitionParameters, PropertyValue} from './properties'; import EvaluationParameters from './evaluation_parameters'; import type {CrossfadeParameters} from './evaluation_parameters'; import type Transform from '../geo/transform'; import type { LayerSpecification, FilterSpecification } from '../style-spec/types.g'; import type {CustomLayerInterface} from './style_layer/custom_style_layer'; import type Map from '../ui/map'; import type {StyleSetterOptions} from './style'; import {mat4} from 'gl-matrix'; import type {VectorTileFeature} from '@mapbox/vector-tile'; const TRANSITION_SUFFIX = '-transition'; abstract class StyleLayer extends Evented { id: string; metadata: unknown; type: LayerSpecification['type'] | CustomLayerInterface['type']; source: string; sourceLayer: string; minzoom: number; maxzoom: number; filter: FilterSpecification | void; visibility: 'visible' | 'none' | void; _crossfadeParameters: CrossfadeParameters; _unevaluatedLayout: Layout; readonly layout: unknown; _transitionablePaint: Transitionable; _transitioningPaint: Transitioning; readonly paint: unknown; _featureFilter: FeatureFilter; readonly onAdd: ((map: Map) => void); readonly onRemove: ((map: Map) => void); queryRadius?(bucket: Bucket): number; queryIntersectsFeature?( queryGeometry: Array, feature: VectorTileFeature, featureState: FeatureState, geometry: Array>, zoom: number, transform: Transform, pixelsToTileUnits: number, pixelPosMatrix: mat4 ): boolean | number; constructor(layer: LayerSpecification | CustomLayerInterface, properties: Readonly<{ layout?: Properties; paint?: Properties; }>) { super(); =; this.type = layer.type; this._featureFilter = {filter: () => true, needGeometry: false}; if (layer.type === 'custom') return; layer = (layer as any as LayerSpecification); this.metadata = layer.metadata; this.minzoom = layer.minzoom; this.maxzoom = layer.maxzoom; if (layer.type !== 'background') { this.source = layer.source; this.sourceLayer = layer['source-layer']; this.filter = layer.filter; } if (properties.layout) { this._unevaluatedLayout = new Layout(properties.layout); } if (properties.paint) { this._transitionablePaint = new Transitionable(properties.paint); for (const property in layer.paint) { this.setPaintProperty(property, layer.paint[property], {validate: false}); } for (const property in layer.layout) { this.setLayoutProperty(property, layer.layout[property], {validate: false}); } this._transitioningPaint = this._transitionablePaint.untransitioned(); //$FlowFixMe this.paint = new PossiblyEvaluated(properties.paint); } } getCrossfadeParameters() { return this._crossfadeParameters; } getLayoutProperty(name: string) { if (name === 'visibility') { return this.visibility; } return this._unevaluatedLayout.getValue(name); } setLayoutProperty(name: string, value: any, options: StyleSetterOptions = {}) { if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { const key = `layers.${}.layout.${name}`; if (this._validate(validateLayoutProperty, key, name, value, options)) { return; } } if (name === 'visibility') { this.visibility = value; return; } this._unevaluatedLayout.setValue(name, value); } getPaintProperty(name: string) { if (name.endsWith(TRANSITION_SUFFIX)) { return this._transitionablePaint.getTransition(name.slice(0, -TRANSITION_SUFFIX.length)); } else { return this._transitionablePaint.getValue(name); } } setPaintProperty(name: string, value: unknown, options: StyleSetterOptions = {}) { if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { const key = `layers.${}.paint.${name}`; if (this._validate(validatePaintProperty, key, name, value, options)) { return false; } } if (name.endsWith(TRANSITION_SUFFIX)) { this._transitionablePaint.setTransition(name.slice(0, -TRANSITION_SUFFIX.length), (value as any) || undefined); return false; } else { const transitionable = this._transitionablePaint._values[name]; const isCrossFadedProperty =['property-type'] === 'cross-faded-data-driven'; const wasDataDriven = transitionable.value.isDataDriven(); const oldValue = transitionable.value; this._transitionablePaint.setValue(name, value); this._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate(name); const newValue = this._transitionablePaint._values[name].value; const isDataDriven = newValue.isDataDriven(); // if a cross-faded value is changed, we need to make sure the new icons get added to each tile's iconAtlas // so a call to _updateLayer is necessary, and we return true from this function so it gets called in // Style#setPaintProperty return isDataDriven || wasDataDriven || isCrossFadedProperty || this._handleOverridablePaintPropertyUpdate(name, oldValue, newValue); } } _handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate(_: string) { // No-op; can be overridden by derived classes. } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars _handleOverridablePaintPropertyUpdate(name: string, oldValue: PropertyValue, newValue: PropertyValue): boolean { // No-op; can be overridden by derived classes. return false; } isHidden(zoom: number) { if (this.minzoom && zoom < this.minzoom) return true; if (this.maxzoom && zoom >= this.maxzoom) return true; return this.visibility === 'none'; } updateTransitions(parameters: TransitionParameters) { this._transitioningPaint = this._transitionablePaint.transitioned(parameters, this._transitioningPaint); } hasTransition() { return this._transitioningPaint.hasTransition(); } recalculate(parameters: EvaluationParameters, availableImages: Array) { if (parameters.getCrossfadeParameters) { this._crossfadeParameters = parameters.getCrossfadeParameters(); } if (this._unevaluatedLayout) { (this as any).layout = this._unevaluatedLayout.possiblyEvaluate(parameters, undefined, availableImages); } (this as any).paint = this._transitioningPaint.possiblyEvaluate(parameters, undefined, availableImages); } serialize(): LayerSpecification { const output: LayerSpecification = { 'id':, 'type': this.type as LayerSpecification['type'], 'source': this.source, 'source-layer': this.sourceLayer, 'metadata': this.metadata, 'minzoom': this.minzoom, 'maxzoom': this.maxzoom, 'filter': this.filter as FilterSpecification, 'layout': this._unevaluatedLayout && this._unevaluatedLayout.serialize(), 'paint': this._transitionablePaint && this._transitionablePaint.serialize() }; if (this.visibility) { output.layout = output.layout || {}; output.layout.visibility = this.visibility; } return filterObject(output, (value, key) => { return value !== undefined && !(key === 'layout' && !Object.keys(value).length) && !(key === 'paint' && !Object.keys(value).length); }); } _validate(validate: Function, key: string, name: string, value: unknown, options: StyleSetterOptions = {}) { if (options && options.validate === false) { return false; } return emitValidationErrors(this,, { key, layerType: this.type, objectKey: name, value, styleSpec, // Workaround for style: {glyphs: true, sprite: true} })); } is3D() { return false; } isTileClipped() { return false; } hasOffscreenPass() { return false; } resize() { // noop } isStateDependent() { for (const property in (this as any).paint._values) { const value = (this as any).paint.get(property); if (!(value instanceof PossiblyEvaluatedPropertyValue) || !supportsPropertyExpression( { continue; } if ((value.value.kind === 'source' || value.value.kind === 'composite') && value.value.isStateDependent) { return true; } } return false; } } export default StyleLayer;