# First Name Last Name Username Required
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam asperiores repudiandae architecto eaque veritatis officia dicta quam ex natus, aliquam reprehenderit ipsam. Tempore eius ducimus cum aspernatur minus ipsum non?
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
Variable Description
$auth The authenticated user of this request. If the request was not authenticated, it will be null.
$config The raw JSON data stored in the service's config.json file.
$session All stored session data. If the request had no session cookie, it will be an empty map for the new session created for this request.
$params The request params as they were loaded from url query and request body. All query and form parameters will be strings here.
$values The parsed request params, as they are used for parameter validation. All query and form parameters will be parsed to JSON values.
$body The parsed request body, according to the request Content-Type.
$data The data view for this request, if a data path is mounted in the API path, and the request path represents a key to access any data resource (collection, document or inner field from a document). It will be null otherwise.