marked(1) marked.js marked(1) NAME marked - a javascript markdown parser SYNOPSIS marked [-o ] [-i ] [--help] [--tokens] [--pedantic] [--gfm] [--breaks] [--tables] [--sanitize] [--smart-lists] [--lang-pre‐ fix ] [--no-etc...] [--silent] [filename] DESCRIPTION marked is a full-featured javascript markdown parser, built for speed. It also includes multiple GFM features. EXAMPLES cat | marked > out.html echo "hello *world*" | marked marked -o out.html -i --gfm marked --output="hello world.html" -i --no-breaks OPTIONS -o, --output [output] Specify file output. If none is specified, write to stdout. -i, --input [input] Specify file input, otherwise use last argument as input file. If no input file is specified, read from stdin. -t, --tokens Output a token stream instead of html. --pedantic Conform to obscure parts of as much as possible. Don't fix original markdown bugs. --gfm Enable github flavored markdown. --breaks Enable GFM line breaks. Only works with the gfm option. --tables Enable GFM tables. Only works with the gfm option. --sanitize Sanitize output. Ignore any HTML input. --smart-lists Use smarter list behavior than the original markdown. --lang-prefix [prefix] Set the prefix for code block classes. --mangle Mangle email addresses. --no-sanitize, -no-etc... The inverse of any of the marked options above. --silent Silence error output. -h, --help Display help information. CONFIGURATION For configuring and running programmatically. Example require('marked')('*foo*', { gfm: true }); BUGS Please report any bugs to LICENSE Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License). SEE ALSO markdown(1), node.js(1) v0.3.1 2014-01-31 marked(1)