// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v9.5.1 export type MarkedToken = (Tokens.Space | Tokens.Code | Tokens.Heading | Tokens.Table | Tokens.Hr | Tokens.Blockquote | Tokens.List | Tokens.ListItem | Tokens.Paragraph | Tokens.HTML | Tokens.Text | Tokens.Def | Tokens.Escape | Tokens.Tag | Tokens.Image | Tokens.Link | Tokens.Strong | Tokens.Em | Tokens.Codespan | Tokens.Br | Tokens.Del); export type Token = (MarkedToken | Tokens.Generic); export declare namespace Tokens { interface Space { type: "space"; raw: string; } interface Code { type: "code"; raw: string; codeBlockStyle?: "indented" | undefined; lang?: string | undefined; text: string; escaped?: boolean; } interface Heading { type: "heading"; raw: string; depth: number; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Table { type: "table"; raw: string; align: Array<"center" | "left" | "right" | null>; header: TableCell[]; rows: TableCell[][]; } interface TableRow { text: string; } interface TableCell { text: string; tokens: Token[]; header: boolean; align: "center" | "left" | "right" | null; } interface Hr { type: "hr"; raw: string; } interface Blockquote { type: "blockquote"; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface List { type: "list"; raw: string; ordered: boolean; start: number | ""; loose: boolean; items: ListItem[]; } interface ListItem { type: "list_item"; raw: string; task: boolean; checked?: boolean | undefined; loose: boolean; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Checkbox { checked: boolean; } interface Paragraph { type: "paragraph"; raw: string; pre?: boolean | undefined; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface HTML { type: "html"; raw: string; pre: boolean; text: string; block: boolean; } interface Text { type: "text"; raw: string; text: string; tokens?: Token[]; } interface Def { type: "def"; raw: string; tag: string; href: string; title: string; } interface Escape { type: "escape"; raw: string; text: string; } interface Tag { type: "text" | "html"; raw: string; inLink: boolean; inRawBlock: boolean; text: string; block: boolean; } interface Link { type: "link"; raw: string; href: string; title?: string | null; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Image { type: "image"; raw: string; href: string; title: string | null; text: string; } interface Strong { type: "strong"; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Em { type: "em"; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Codespan { type: "codespan"; raw: string; text: string; } interface Br { type: "br"; raw: string; } interface Del { type: "del"; raw: string; text: string; tokens: Token[]; } interface Generic { [index: string]: any; type: string; raw: string; tokens?: Token[] | undefined; } } export type Links = Record>; export type TokensList = Token[] & { links: Links; }; /** * Renderer */ declare class _Renderer { options: MarkedOptions; parser: _Parser; constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); space(token: Tokens.Space): string; code({ text, lang, escaped }: Tokens.Code): string; blockquote({ tokens }: Tokens.Blockquote): string; html({ text }: Tokens.HTML | Tokens.Tag): string; heading({ tokens, depth }: Tokens.Heading): string; hr(token: Tokens.Hr): string; list(token: Tokens.List): string; listitem(item: Tokens.ListItem): string; checkbox({ checked }: Tokens.Checkbox): string; paragraph({ tokens }: Tokens.Paragraph): string; table(token: Tokens.Table): string; tablerow({ text }: Tokens.TableRow): string; tablecell(token: Tokens.TableCell): string; /** * span level renderer */ strong({ tokens }: Tokens.Strong): string; em({ tokens }: Tokens.Em): string; codespan({ text }: Tokens.Codespan): string; br(token: Tokens.Br): string; del({ tokens }: Tokens.Del): string; link({ href, title, tokens }: Tokens.Link): string; image({ href, title, text }: Tokens.Image): string; text(token: Tokens.Text | Tokens.Escape | Tokens.Tag): string; } /** * TextRenderer * returns only the textual part of the token */ declare class _TextRenderer { strong({ text }: Tokens.Strong): string; em({ text }: Tokens.Em): string; codespan({ text }: Tokens.Codespan): string; del({ text }: Tokens.Del): string; html({ text }: Tokens.HTML | Tokens.Tag): string; text({ text }: Tokens.Text | Tokens.Escape | Tokens.Tag): string; link({ text }: Tokens.Link): string; image({ text }: Tokens.Image): string; br(): string; } /** * Parsing & Compiling */ declare class _Parser { options: MarkedOptions; renderer: _Renderer; textRenderer: _TextRenderer; constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); /** * Static Parse Method */ static parse(tokens: Token[], options?: MarkedOptions): string; /** * Static Parse Inline Method */ static parseInline(tokens: Token[], options?: MarkedOptions): string; /** * Parse Loop */ parse(tokens: Token[], top?: boolean): string; /** * Parse Inline Tokens */ parseInline(tokens: Token[], renderer?: _Renderer | _TextRenderer): string; } declare const blockNormal: { blockquote: RegExp; code: RegExp; def: RegExp; fences: RegExp; heading: RegExp; hr: RegExp; html: RegExp; lheading: RegExp; list: RegExp; newline: RegExp; paragraph: RegExp; table: RegExp; text: RegExp; }; export type BlockKeys = keyof typeof blockNormal; declare const inlineNormal: { _backpedal: RegExp; anyPunctuation: RegExp; autolink: RegExp; blockSkip: RegExp; br: RegExp; code: RegExp; del: RegExp; emStrongLDelim: RegExp; emStrongRDelimAst: RegExp; emStrongRDelimUnd: RegExp; escape: RegExp; link: RegExp; nolink: RegExp; punctuation: RegExp; reflink: RegExp; reflinkSearch: RegExp; tag: RegExp; text: RegExp; url: RegExp; }; export type InlineKeys = keyof typeof inlineNormal; /** * exports */ export declare const block: { normal: { blockquote: RegExp; code: RegExp; def: RegExp; fences: RegExp; heading: RegExp; hr: RegExp; html: RegExp; lheading: RegExp; list: RegExp; newline: RegExp; paragraph: RegExp; table: RegExp; text: RegExp; }; gfm: Record<"code" | "blockquote" | "hr" | "html" | "table" | "text" | "heading" | "list" | "paragraph" | "def" | "fences" | "lheading" | "newline", RegExp>; pedantic: Record<"code" | "blockquote" | "hr" | "html" | "table" | "text" | "heading" | "list" | "paragraph" | "def" | "fences" | "lheading" | "newline", RegExp>; }; export declare const inline: { normal: { _backpedal: RegExp; anyPunctuation: RegExp; autolink: RegExp; blockSkip: RegExp; br: RegExp; code: RegExp; del: RegExp; emStrongLDelim: RegExp; emStrongRDelimAst: RegExp; emStrongRDelimUnd: RegExp; escape: RegExp; link: RegExp; nolink: RegExp; punctuation: RegExp; reflink: RegExp; reflinkSearch: RegExp; tag: RegExp; text: RegExp; url: RegExp; }; gfm: Record<"link" | "code" | "url" | "br" | "del" | "text" | "escape" | "tag" | "reflink" | "autolink" | "nolink" | "_backpedal" | "anyPunctuation" | "blockSkip" | "emStrongLDelim" | "emStrongRDelimAst" | "emStrongRDelimUnd" | "punctuation" | "reflinkSearch", RegExp>; breaks: Record<"link" | "code" | "url" | "br" | "del" | "text" | "escape" | "tag" | "reflink" | "autolink" | "nolink" | "_backpedal" | "anyPunctuation" | "blockSkip" | "emStrongLDelim" | "emStrongRDelimAst" | "emStrongRDelimUnd" | "punctuation" | "reflinkSearch", RegExp>; pedantic: Record<"link" | "code" | "url" | "br" | "del" | "text" | "escape" | "tag" | "reflink" | "autolink" | "nolink" | "_backpedal" | "anyPunctuation" | "blockSkip" | "emStrongLDelim" | "emStrongRDelimAst" | "emStrongRDelimUnd" | "punctuation" | "reflinkSearch", RegExp>; }; export interface Rules { block: Record; inline: Record; } /** * Tokenizer */ declare class _Tokenizer { options: MarkedOptions; rules: Rules; lexer: _Lexer; constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); space(src: string): Tokens.Space | undefined; code(src: string): Tokens.Code | undefined; fences(src: string): Tokens.Code | undefined; heading(src: string): Tokens.Heading | undefined; hr(src: string): Tokens.Hr | undefined; blockquote(src: string): Tokens.Blockquote | undefined; list(src: string): Tokens.List | undefined; html(src: string): Tokens.HTML | undefined; def(src: string): Tokens.Def | undefined; table(src: string): Tokens.Table | undefined; lheading(src: string): Tokens.Heading | undefined; paragraph(src: string): Tokens.Paragraph | undefined; text(src: string): Tokens.Text | undefined; escape(src: string): Tokens.Escape | undefined; tag(src: string): Tokens.Tag | undefined; link(src: string): Tokens.Link | Tokens.Image | undefined; reflink(src: string, links: Links): Tokens.Link | Tokens.Image | Tokens.Text | undefined; emStrong(src: string, maskedSrc: string, prevChar?: string): Tokens.Em | Tokens.Strong | undefined; codespan(src: string): Tokens.Codespan | undefined; br(src: string): Tokens.Br | undefined; del(src: string): Tokens.Del | undefined; autolink(src: string): Tokens.Link | undefined; url(src: string): Tokens.Link | undefined; inlineText(src: string): Tokens.Text | undefined; } declare class _Hooks { options: MarkedOptions; constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); static passThroughHooks: Set; /** * Process markdown before marked */ preprocess(markdown: string): string; /** * Process HTML after marked is finished */ postprocess(html: string): string; /** * Process all tokens before walk tokens */ processAllTokens(tokens: Token[] | TokensList): Token[] | TokensList; } export interface TokenizerThis { lexer: _Lexer; } export type TokenizerExtensionFunction = (this: TokenizerThis, src: string, tokens: Token[] | TokensList) => Tokens.Generic | undefined; export type TokenizerStartFunction = (this: TokenizerThis, src: string) => number | void; export interface TokenizerExtension { name: string; level: "block" | "inline"; start?: TokenizerStartFunction | undefined; tokenizer: TokenizerExtensionFunction; childTokens?: string[] | undefined; } export interface RendererThis { parser: _Parser; } export type RendererExtensionFunction = (this: RendererThis, token: Tokens.Generic) => string | false | undefined; export interface RendererExtension { name: string; renderer: RendererExtensionFunction; } export type TokenizerAndRendererExtension = TokenizerExtension | RendererExtension | (TokenizerExtension & RendererExtension); export type HooksApi = Omit<_Hooks, "constructor" | "options">; export type HooksObject = { [K in keyof HooksApi]?: (this: _Hooks, ...args: Parameters) => ReturnType | Promise>; }; export type RendererApi = Omit<_Renderer, "constructor" | "options" | "parser">; export type RendererObject = { [K in keyof RendererApi]?: (this: _Renderer, ...args: Parameters) => ReturnType | false; }; export type TokenizerApi = Omit<_Tokenizer, "constructor" | "options" | "rules" | "lexer">; export type TokenizerObject = { [K in keyof TokenizerApi]?: (this: _Tokenizer, ...args: Parameters) => ReturnType | false; }; export interface MarkedExtension { /** * True will tell marked to await any walkTokens functions before parsing the tokens and returning an HTML string. */ async?: boolean; /** * Enable GFM line breaks. This option requires the gfm option to be true. */ breaks?: boolean | undefined; /** * Add tokenizers and renderers to marked */ extensions?: TokenizerAndRendererExtension[] | undefined | null; /** * Enable GitHub flavored markdown. */ gfm?: boolean | undefined; /** * Hooks are methods that hook into some part of marked. * preprocess is called to process markdown before sending it to marked. * processAllTokens is called with the TokensList before walkTokens. * postprocess is called to process html after marked has finished parsing. */ hooks?: HooksObject | undefined | null; /** * Conform to obscure parts of markdown.pl as much as possible. Don't fix any of the original markdown bugs or poor behavior. */ pedantic?: boolean | undefined; /** * Type: object Default: new Renderer() * * An object containing functions to render tokens to HTML. */ renderer?: RendererObject | undefined | null; /** * Shows an HTML error message when rendering fails. */ silent?: boolean | undefined; /** * The tokenizer defines how to turn markdown text into tokens. */ tokenizer?: TokenizerObject | undefined | null; /** * The walkTokens function gets called with every token. * Child tokens are called before moving on to sibling tokens. * Each token is passed by reference so updates are persisted when passed to the parser. * The return value of the function is ignored. */ walkTokens?: ((token: Token) => void | Promise) | undefined | null; /** * Use the new renderer that accepts an object instead of individual parameters. * This option will be removed and default to true in the next major version. */ useNewRenderer?: boolean | undefined; } export interface MarkedOptions extends Omit { /** * Hooks are methods that hook into some part of marked. */ hooks?: _Hooks | undefined | null; /** * Type: object Default: new Renderer() * * An object containing functions to render tokens to HTML. */ renderer?: _Renderer | undefined | null; /** * The tokenizer defines how to turn markdown text into tokens. */ tokenizer?: _Tokenizer | undefined | null; /** * Custom extensions */ extensions?: null | { renderers: { [name: string]: RendererExtensionFunction; }; childTokens: { [name: string]: string[]; }; inline?: TokenizerExtensionFunction[]; block?: TokenizerExtensionFunction[]; startInline?: TokenizerStartFunction[]; startBlock?: TokenizerStartFunction[]; }; /** * walkTokens function returns array of values for Promise.all */ walkTokens?: null | ((token: Token) => void | Promise | (void | Promise)[]); } /** * Block Lexer */ declare class _Lexer { tokens: TokensList; options: MarkedOptions; state: { inLink: boolean; inRawBlock: boolean; top: boolean; }; private tokenizer; private inlineQueue; constructor(options?: MarkedOptions); /** * Expose Rules */ static get rules(): { block: { normal: { blockquote: RegExp; code: RegExp; def: RegExp; fences: RegExp; heading: RegExp; hr: RegExp; html: RegExp; lheading: RegExp; list: RegExp; newline: RegExp; paragraph: RegExp; table: RegExp; text: RegExp; }; gfm: Record<"code" | "blockquote" | "hr" | "html" | "table" | "text" | "heading" | "list" | "paragraph" | "def" | "fences" | "lheading" | "newline", RegExp>; pedantic: Record<"code" | "blockquote" | "hr" | "html" | "table" | "text" | "heading" | "list" | "paragraph" | "def" | "fences" | "lheading" | "newline", RegExp>; }; inline: { normal: { _backpedal: RegExp; anyPunctuation: RegExp; autolink: RegExp; blockSkip: RegExp; br: RegExp; code: RegExp; del: RegExp; emStrongLDelim: RegExp; emStrongRDelimAst: RegExp; emStrongRDelimUnd: RegExp; escape: RegExp; link: RegExp; nolink: RegExp; punctuation: RegExp; reflink: RegExp; reflinkSearch: RegExp; tag: RegExp; text: RegExp; url: RegExp; }; gfm: Record<"link" | "code" | "url" | "br" | "del" | "text" | "escape" | "tag" | "reflink" | "autolink" | "nolink" | "_backpedal" | "anyPunctuation" | "blockSkip" | "emStrongLDelim" | "emStrongRDelimAst" | "emStrongRDelimUnd" | "punctuation" | "reflinkSearch", RegExp>; breaks: Record<"link" | "code" | "url" | "br" | "del" | "text" | "escape" | "tag" | "reflink" | "autolink" | "nolink" | "_backpedal" | "anyPunctuation" | "blockSkip" | "emStrongLDelim" | "emStrongRDelimAst" | "emStrongRDelimUnd" | "punctuation" | "reflinkSearch", RegExp>; pedantic: Record<"link" | "code" | "url" | "br" | "del" | "text" | "escape" | "tag" | "reflink" | "autolink" | "nolink" | "_backpedal" | "anyPunctuation" | "blockSkip" | "emStrongLDelim" | "emStrongRDelimAst" | "emStrongRDelimUnd" | "punctuation" | "reflinkSearch", RegExp>; }; }; /** * Static Lex Method */ static lex(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): TokensList; /** * Static Lex Inline Method */ static lexInline(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): Token[]; /** * Preprocessing */ lex(src: string): TokensList; /** * Lexing */ blockTokens(src: string, tokens?: Token[], lastParagraphClipped?: boolean): Token[]; blockTokens(src: string, tokens?: TokensList, lastParagraphClipped?: boolean): TokensList; inline(src: string, tokens?: Token[]): Token[]; /** * Lexing/Compiling */ inlineTokens(src: string, tokens?: Token[]): Token[]; } /** * Gets the original marked default options. */ declare function _getDefaults(): MarkedOptions; declare let _defaults: MarkedOptions; export type MaybePromise = void | Promise; export declare class Marked { #private; defaults: MarkedOptions; options: (opt: MarkedOptions) => this; parse: (src: string, options?: MarkedOptions | undefined | null) => string | Promise; parseInline: (src: string, options?: MarkedOptions | undefined | null) => string | Promise; Parser: typeof _Parser; Renderer: typeof _Renderer; TextRenderer: typeof _TextRenderer; Lexer: typeof _Lexer; Tokenizer: typeof _Tokenizer; Hooks: typeof _Hooks; constructor(...args: MarkedExtension[]); /** * Run callback for every token */ walkTokens(tokens: Token[] | TokensList, callback: (token: Token) => MaybePromise | MaybePromise[]): MaybePromise[]; use(...args: MarkedExtension[]): this; setOptions(opt: MarkedOptions): this; lexer(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): TokensList; parser(tokens: Token[], options?: MarkedOptions): string; } /** * Compiles markdown to HTML asynchronously. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Hash of options, having async: true * @return Promise of string of compiled HTML */ export declare function marked(src: string, options: MarkedOptions & { async: true; }): Promise; /** * Compiles markdown to HTML. * * @param src String of markdown source to be compiled * @param options Optional hash of options * @return String of compiled HTML. Will be a Promise of string if async is set to true by any extensions. */ export declare function marked(src: string, options?: MarkedOptions): string | Promise; export declare namespace marked { var options: (options: MarkedOptions) => typeof marked; var setOptions: (options: MarkedOptions) => typeof marked; var getDefaults: typeof _getDefaults; var defaults: MarkedOptions; var use: (...args: MarkedExtension[]) => typeof marked; var walkTokens: (tokens: Token[] | TokensList, callback: (token: Token) => MaybePromise | MaybePromise[]) => MaybePromise[]; var parseInline: (src: string, options?: MarkedOptions | undefined | null) => string | Promise; var Parser: typeof _Parser; var parser: typeof _Parser.parse; var Renderer: typeof _Renderer; var TextRenderer: typeof _TextRenderer; var Lexer: typeof _Lexer; var lexer: typeof _Lexer.lex; var Tokenizer: typeof _Tokenizer; var Hooks: typeof _Hooks; var parse: typeof marked; } export declare const options: (options: MarkedOptions) => typeof marked; export declare const setOptions: (options: MarkedOptions) => typeof marked; export declare const use: (...args: MarkedExtension[]) => typeof marked; export declare const walkTokens: (tokens: Token[] | TokensList, callback: (token: Token) => MaybePromise | MaybePromise[]) => MaybePromise[]; export declare const parseInline: (src: string, options?: MarkedOptions | undefined | null) => string | Promise; export declare const parse: typeof marked; export declare const parser: typeof _Parser.parse; export declare const lexer: typeof _Lexer.lex; export { _Hooks as Hooks, _Lexer as Lexer, _Parser as Parser, _Renderer as Renderer, _TextRenderer as TextRenderer, _Tokenizer as Tokenizer, _defaults as defaults, _getDefaults as getDefaults, }; export {};