.TH "MDASTCONFIG" "7" "October 2015" "2.2.2" "mdast manual" .SH "NAME" \fBmdastconfig\fR - mdast configuration .SH "SYNOPSIS" .P \fBmdast\fR(1), \fBmdast\fR(3), \fBmdastrc\fR(5) .SH "DESCRIPTION" .P \fBmdast\fR is configured from multiple sources: .RS 0 .IP \(bu 4 \fBmdast\fR(3) accepts configuration as a parameter to its \fBparse()\fR, \fBrun()\fR, and \fBstringify()\fR methods; .IP \(bu 4 \fBmdast\fR(1) accepts configuration as command line flags through \fB-s\fR, \fB--setting\fR \fIsettings\fR; .IP \(bu 4 \fBmdast\fR(1) additionally accepts configuration through a \fBsettings\fR key in \fBmdastrc\fR(5) configuration files; .IP \(bu 4 Plug-ins can configure mdast, for example, \fBmdast-yaml-config\fR allows per-file configuration to be set through YAML front-matter. .RE 0 .P For a list of available configuration settings, see \fBmdastsetting\fR(7). .SH "SETTINGS FOR \FBPROCESS\FR, \FBPARSE\FR, AND \FBSTRINGIFY\FR" .P To configure the programatic interface of \fBmdast\fR, pass an object as a second parameter to \fBprocess()\fR, \fBparse()\fR, and \fBstringify()\fR. .SH "COMMAND LINE SETTINGS" .P To configure the shell interface of \fBmdast\fR, pass a string to the \fB--setting\fR (or \fB-s\fR) flag. .P Command line settings are just JSON, with two exceptions: .RS 0 .IP \(bu 4 Keys do not need to be escaped, thus, both \fB\[dq]foo\[dq]: \[dq]bar\[dq]\fR and \fBfoo: \[dq]bar\[dq]\fR are considered equal; .IP \(bu 4 The surrounding braces must not be used: \fB\[dq]foo\[dq]: 1\fR, is first wrapped as \fB\[lC]\[dq]foo\[dq]: 1\[rC]\fR, and then passed to \fBJSON.parse\fR. .RE 0 .P Valid examples are: .P .RS 2 .nf mdast --setting \[dq]foo:true\[dq] --setting \[dq]\[rs]\[dq]bar\[rs]\[dq]: \[rs]\[dq]baz\[rs]\[dq]\[dq] mdast --setting \[dq]foo-bar:-2\[dq] mdast --setting \[dq]foo: false, bar-baz: \[lB]\[rs]\[dq]qux\[rs]\[dq], 1\[rB]\[dq] .fi .RE .P Command Line Settings can be specified both in camel- and dash-case: \fBfoo-bar: true\fR and \fBfooBar: true\fR are treated equally. .SH "CONFIGURATION FILES" .P Specify directory specific settings with \fB.mdastrc\fR and \fBpackage.json\fR files. See \fBmdastrc\fR(5) for more information. .SH "BUGS" .P \fI\(lahttps:\[sl]\[sl]github.com\[sl]wooorm\[sl]mdast\[sl]issues\(ra\fR .SH "SEE ALSO" .P \fBmdast\fR(1), \fBmdast\fR(3), \fBmdastrc\fR(5), \fBmdastignore\fR(5), \fBmdastsetting\fR(7). .SH "AUTHOR" .P Written by Titus Wormer \fI\(latituswormer\[at]gmail.com\(ra\fR