import * as http from "http"; import * as https from "https"; import * as net from "net"; import * as tls from "tls"; import * as ws from "ws"; import { PlainAuthenticator } from "./authenticator"; import Hub, { UserRights } from "./hub"; import TcpConnection from "./transports/tcpconnection"; import WSConnection from "./transports/wsconnection"; import * as pubsub from "./pubsub"; import * as storage from "./storage"; import { KeyValues } from "./types"; import { Logger } from "./logger"; const DEFAULT_PORT_WS = 13900; const DEFAULT_PORT_WSS = 13901; const DEFAULT_PORT_TCP = 13902; export interface Binding { from: string; to: string; pattern?: string; } export interface WSServerOptions extends tls.TlsOptions { type: "websocket"; port?: number; // default 13900 (ws) or 13901 (wss) } export interface TcpServerOptions { type: "tcp"; host?: string; // NodeJS default (note: will default to IPv6 if available!) port?: number; // default 13902 backlog?: number; // NodeJS default, typically 511 } export interface NodeDefinition { type: string; options?: { [key: string]: any; }; } export interface NodesConfig { [nodeName: string]: string | NodeDefinition; } export type ListenOption = WSServerOptions | TcpServerOptions; export interface UserOptions { [username: string]: string; } export type LoggingOptions = "none" | "fatal" | "error" | "warning" | "info" | "debug"; export interface Config { listen?: ListenOption | ListenOption[]; port?: number; verbose?: boolean; logging?: LoggingOptions; bindings?: Binding[]; nodes: string[] | NodesConfig; storage?: string; users?: string | UserOptions; rights?: UserRights; } export interface NormalizedConfig { listen: ListenOption[]; logging: LoggingOptions; bindings: Binding[]; nodes: NodesConfig; storage: string; users: UserOptions; rights: UserRights; } // Register known node types import ConsoleDestination from "./nodes/consoleDestination"; import Exchange from "./nodes/exchange"; import HeaderStore from "./nodes/headerStore"; import PingResponder from "./nodes/pingResponder"; import Queue from "./nodes/queue"; import TestSource from "./nodes/testSource"; import TopicStore from "./nodes/topicStore"; type ConstructableNode = new(name: string, options?: KeyValues) => pubsub.Source | pubsub.Destination; const nodeClasses: ConstructableNode[] = [ ConsoleDestination, Exchange, PingResponder, Queue, TestSource, TopicStore, HeaderStore, ]; const nodeClassMap: { [className: string]: ConstructableNode } = {}; nodeClasses.forEach((c) => { nodeClassMap[(c).name] = c; }); // For backward compatibility nodeClassMap.TopicQueue = TopicStore; nodeClassMap.TopicState = TopicStore; export class MServer { private hub: Hub; private plainAuth: PlainAuthenticator; private normalizedConfig: NormalizedConfig; private logger: Logger | undefined = undefined; private connectionId = 0; constructor( normalizedConfig: NormalizedConfig, hub?: Hub ) { this.plainAuth = new PlainAuthenticator(); this.hub = hub || new Hub(this.plainAuth); this.normalizedConfig = normalizedConfig; this.setUsers(normalizedConfig); this.setPermissions(normalizedConfig); this.instantiateNodes(normalizedConfig); this.setupBindings(normalizedConfig); this.setStorage(normalizedConfig); } public init(): Promise { return this.hub.init().then(() => { return this.startTransports(this.hub, this.normalizedConfig); }).catch((err: Error) => { throw new Error(`Failed to initialize:` + JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)); }); } public setLogger(logger: Logger): void { this.logger = logger; } private log(fmt: string, ...args: any[]): void { if (this.logger) {, ...args); } } private setUsers({ users }: NormalizedConfig): void { const usernames = Object.keys(users); usernames.forEach((username: string) => { this.plainAuth.setUser(username, users[username]); }); } // Set up user permissions private setPermissions({ rights }: NormalizedConfig): void { try { this.hub.setRights(rights); } catch (err) { throw new Error("Invalid configuration: `rights` property: " + err.message); } } // Instantiate nodes from config file private instantiateNodes({ nodes }: NormalizedConfig) { Object.keys(nodes).forEach((nodeName: string): void => { let def = nodes[nodeName]; if (typeof def === "string") { def = { type: def, }; } const typeName = def.type; const nodeConstructor = nodeClassMap[typeName]; if (!nodeConstructor) { throw new Error(`Unknown node type '${typeName}' for node '${nodeName}'`); } const node = new nodeConstructor(nodeName, def.options); this.hub.add(node); }); } // Setup bindings between nodes private setupBindings({ bindings }: NormalizedConfig) { bindings.forEach((binding: Binding, index: number): void => { const from = this.hub.findSource(binding.from); if (!from) { throw new Error(`Unknown Source node '${binding.from}' in \`binding[${index}].from\``); } const to = this.hub.findDestination(; if (!to) { throw new Error(`Unknown Destination node '${}' in \`binding[${index}].to\``); } from.bind(to, binding.pattern); }); } private setStorage({ storage: storageRoot }: NormalizedConfig) { if (typeof storageRoot !== "string") { throw new Error(`Invalid storage root, string expected`); } const simpleStorage = new storage.ThrottledStorage(new storage.SimpleFileStorage(storageRoot)); this.hub.setStorage(simpleStorage); } // Initialize and start server private startWebSocketServer(hub: Hub, options: WSServerOptions): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { options = { ...options }; // clone let server: http.Server | https.Server; const useTls = !!(options.key || options.pfx); options.port = options.port || (useTls ? DEFAULT_PORT_WSS : DEFAULT_PORT_WS); if (useTls) { server = https.createServer(options); } else { server = http.createServer(); } const wss = new ws.Server({ server: server, path: "/" }); wss.on("connection", (conn: ws) => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression new WSConnection(hub, conn, "websocket" + this.connectionId++); }); wss.on("error", (e: Error): void => { reject(e); }); server.listen(options.port, (): void => { this.log(`WebSocket Server started on port ${options.port}${useTls ? " (TLS)" : ""}`); resolve(undefined); }); }); } private startTcpServer(hub: Hub, options: TcpServerOptions): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { options = { ...options }; // clone options.port = options.port || DEFAULT_PORT_TCP; const server = net.createServer((socket: net.Socket) => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression new TcpConnection(hub, socket, "tcp" + this.connectionId++); }); server.on("error", (e: Error): void => { reject(e); }); server.listen( { port: options.port, host:, backlog: options.backlog, }, (): void => { this.log("TCP Server started on port " + options.port); resolve(undefined); } ); }); } private startTransports(hub: Hub, config: NormalizedConfig): Promise { const serverOptions = Array.isArray(config.listen) ? config.listen : [config.listen]; return Promise.all( ListenOption) => { switch (options.type) { case "websocket": return this.startWebSocketServer(hub, options); case "tcp": return this.startTcpServer(hub, options); default: throw new Error(`unsupported transport '${options!.type}'`); } }) ).then(() => undefined); } }