#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ // Native import Module from 'module'; import http from 'http'; import path from 'path'; import { existsSync } from 'fs'; // Packages import arg from 'arg'; // Utilities import { serve } from '../lib'; import { handle } from '../lib/handler'; import { version } from '../../package.json'; import { logError } from '../lib/error'; import { parseEndpoint } from '../lib/parse-endpoint'; import type { AddressInfo } from 'net'; import type { RequestHandler } from '../lib'; // Check if the user defined any options const args = arg({ '--listen': parseEndpoint, '-l': '--listen', '--help': Boolean, '--version': Boolean, '-v': '--version', }); // When `-h` or `--help` are used, print out // the usage information if (args['--help']) { console.error(` micro - Asynchronous HTTP microservices USAGE $ micro --help $ micro --version $ micro [-l listen_uri [-l ...]] [entry_point.js] By default micro will listen on and will look first for the "main" property in package.json and subsequently for index.js as the default entry_point. Specifying a single --listen argument will overwrite the default, not supplement it. OPTIONS --help shows this help message -v, --version displays the current version of micro -l, --listen listen_uri specify a URI endpoint on which to listen (see below) - more than one may be specified to listen in multiple places ENDPOINTS Listen endpoints (specified by the --listen or -l options above) instruct micro to listen on one or more interfaces/ports, UNIX domain sockets, or Windows named pipes. For TCP (traditional host/port) endpoints: $ micro -l tcp://hostname:1234 For UNIX domain socket endpoints: $ micro -l unix:/path/to/socket.sock For Windows named pipe endpoints: $ micro -l pipe:\\\\.\\pipe\\PipeName `); process.exit(2); } // Print out the package's version when // `--version` or `-v` are used if (args['--version']) { console.log(version); process.exit(); } if (!args['--listen']) { // default endpoint args['--listen'] = [String(3000)]; } let file = args._[0]; if (!file) { try { const req = Module.createRequire(module.filename); const packageJson: unknown = req( path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'package.json'), ); if (hasMain(packageJson)) { file = packageJson.main; } else { file = 'index.js'; } } catch (err) { if (isNodeError(err) && err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { logError( `Could not read \`package.json\`: ${err.message}`, 'invalid-package-json', ); process.exit(1); } } } if (!file) { logError('Please supply a file!', 'path-missing'); process.exit(1); } if (!file.startsWith('/')) { file = path.resolve(process.cwd(), file); } if (!existsSync(file)) { logError( `The file or directory "${path.basename(file)}" doesn't exist!`, 'path-not-existent', ); process.exit(1); } function registerShutdown(fn: () => void) { let run = false; const wrapper = () => { if (!run) { run = true; fn(); } }; process.on('SIGINT', wrapper); process.on('SIGTERM', wrapper); process.on('exit', wrapper); } function startEndpoint(module: RequestHandler, endpoint: string) { const server = new http.Server(serve(module)); server.on('error', (err) => { console.error('micro:', err.stack); process.exit(1); }); server.listen(endpoint, () => { const details = server.address(); registerShutdown(() => { console.log('micro: Gracefully shutting down. Please wait...'); server.close(); process.exit(); }); // `micro` is designed to run only in production, so // this message is perfect for prod if (typeof details === 'string') { console.log(`micro: Accepting connections on ${details}`); } else if (isAddressInfo(details)) { console.log(`micro: Accepting connections on port ${details.port}`); } else { console.log('micro: Accepting connections'); } }); } async function start() { if (file && args['--listen']) { const loadedModule = await handle(file); for (const endpoint of args['--listen']) { startEndpoint(loadedModule as RequestHandler, endpoint); } } } start() .then() .catch((error) => { if (error instanceof Error) { logError(error.message, 'STARTUP_FAILURE'); } process.exit(1); }); function hasMain(packageJson: unknown): packageJson is { main: string } { return ( typeof packageJson === 'object' && packageJson !== null && 'main' in packageJson ); } function isNodeError( error: unknown, ): error is { code: string; message: string } { return error instanceof Error && 'code' in error; } function isAddressInfo(obj: unknown): obj is AddressInfo { return 'port' in (obj as AddressInfo); }