const { resolve } = require('path'); const EXTS = ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx', '.mjs']; const IMPORT_REGEX = /import(?:['"\s]*([\w*${}\s,]+)from\s*)?['"\s]['"\s](.*[@\w_-]+)['"\s].*/gm; const scanImports = (contents) => { let result; let imports = []; while (result = IMPORT_REGEX.exec(contents)) { const [_, statement = null, specifier] = result; imports.push({ statement, specifier }); } return imports; } /** Automatically inject `h` and `Fragment` */ const injectJSX = (contents) => { let toInject = []; let imports = scanImports(contents); const preactImports = imports.filter(i => i.specifier.indexOf('preact') > -1); const imported = { h: preactImports.length > 0 ? preactImports.some(({ statement }) => /\bh\b/.test(statement)) : false, Fragment: preactImports.length > 0 ? preactImports.some(({ statement }) => /\bFragment\b/.test(statement)) : false } if (/\bh\(/g.test(contents) && !imported.h) toInject.push('h'); if (/\bFragment\b/g.test(contents) && !imported.Fragment) toInject.push('Fragment'); if (toInject.length > 0) { contents = `import { ${toInject.join(', ')} } from 'preact';\n` + contents; } return contents; } module.exports = function plugin() { return { name: '@microsite/snowpack', knownEntrypoints: ['preact', 'microsite/client/hooks', 'microsite/client/csr', 'microsite/error', 'microsite/document', 'microsite/head'], async transform({ id, contents, isDev, fileExt }) { if (!EXTS.includes(fileExt)) return; contents = injectJSX(contents); if (!isDev) { // shim fetch for files that use it if (/\bfetch\(/g.test(contents)) return `import fetch from 'microsite/server/fetch';\n${contents}`; return contents; } if (id.endsWith('global/index.js')) { return `${contents}\nif (;` } if (id.indexOf('src/pages') > -1) { return `${contents} const hash = s => s.split('').reduce((a,b) => (((a << 5) - a) + b.charCodeAt(0))|0, 0) export let $hashes = {}; if ( { let $prev = $hashes; import(\`$\{}\`).then(module => { $hashes = { getStaticProps: module.default.getStaticProps ? hash(\`$\{module.default.getStaticProps}\`) : undefined, getStaticPaths: module.default.getStaticPaths ? hash(\`$\{module.default.getStaticPaths}\`) : undefined } => { = { $hashes }; }) });{ module }) => { $prev =$hashes || module.$hashes; $hashes = { getStaticProps: module.default.getStaticProps ? hash(\`$\{module.default.getStaticProps}\`) : undefined, getStaticPaths: module.default.getStaticPaths ? hash(\`$\{module.default.getStaticPaths}\`) : undefined } if ($prev && $hashes) { if ($prev.getStaticProps !== $hashes.getStaticProps) {; } if ($prev.getStaticPaths !== $hashes.getStaticPaths) {; } } }); } `; } return contents; }, config(snowpackConfig) { snowpackConfig.devOptions.fallback = null; return snowpackConfig; }, }; };