#!/usr/bin/env node const program = require('commander') const { resolve } = require('path') const fs = require('fs-extra') const log4js = require('log4js') const mili = require('../lib') const { version } = require('../package.json') const logger = log4js.getLogger('mili-cli') if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') logger.level = 'debug' else logger.level = 'info' function exitWhenThrowError(func) { return async(...arg) => { try { await func(...arg) } catch (e) { console.error(e) process.exit(1) } } } program .version(version) const absolutize = val => resolve(val) program .command('init [repository]') .usage('[options] ') .description('initialize the project') .option('-n --app-name [app_name]', 'Set your app name.') .option('--no-deps', 'Need not install dependencies', false) .option('--force') .option('-v --version [version]', 'Set the template version') .option('--cwd [cwd]', 'Set the current work directory', absolutize) .action(exitWhenThrowError(async(repository, option) => { if (!repository) program.help() const { appName, force = false, deps = true, cwd } = option let version if (typeof option.version === 'string') version = option.version if (cwd) fs.ensureDir(cwd) await mili.init({ cwd, name: appName, force, repository, version, noDeps: !deps }) logger.info('initialize complete') })) const collect = (val, memo) => { memo.push(val) return memo } program .command('upgrade') .description('upgrade the template') .option('--force') .option('--no-deps', 'Need not install dependencies', false) .option('-r, --recursive', 'Upgrade recursive all subfolder') .option('--ignore [file]', 'the folder need not search', collect, []) .option('--cwd [cwd]', 'Set the current work directory', absolutize) .action(exitWhenThrowError(async option => { const { cwd, force = false, deps = true, recursive, ignore } = option if (cwd && !fs.pathExistsSync(cwd)) { throw new Error(`No such directory: ${cwd}`) } await mili.upgrade({ cwd, force, noDeps: !deps, recursive, ignore }) logger.info('upgraded complete') })) program .command('update') .description('Update the project with the current version of the template') .option('--force') .option('-v --version [version]', 'Set the template version') .option('--no-deps', 'Need not install dependencies', false) .option('-r, --recursive', 'Upgrade recursive all subfolder') .option('--ignore [file]', 'the folder need not search', collect, []) .option('--cwd [cwd]', 'Set the current work directory', absolutize) .action(exitWhenThrowError(async option => { const { cwd, force = false, deps = true, recursive, ignore } = option let version if (typeof option.version === 'string') version = option.version if (cwd && !fs.pathExistsSync(cwd)) { throw new Error(`No such directory: ${cwd}`) } await mili.update({ cwd, force, version, noDeps: !deps, recursive, ignore }) logger.info('update complete') })) program .command('clean') .description('Clean the cache of mili') .action(exitWhenThrowError(async() => { logger.info('begin clean') await mili.clean() logger.info('clean complete') })) program .command('outdated') .description('Check template is outdated') .action(exitWhenThrowError(async() => { await mili.outdated() })) program .command('check [files...]') .description('Check if the project file meets the template requirements') .option('--no-deps', 'Need not install dependencies', false) .option('-r, --recursive', 'Upgrade recursive all subfolder') .option('--ignore [file]', 'the folder need not search', collect, []) .option('--cwd [cwd]', 'Set the current work directory', absolutize) .option('-d --diff', 'Show file difference') .option('--fold', 'fold undifferentiated code') .action(exitWhenThrowError(async(files, options) => { const { cwd, deps = true, recursive, ignore, diff, fold } = options if (cwd && !fs.pathExistsSync(cwd)) { throw new Error(`No such directory: ${cwd}`) } try { await mili.check({ cwd, noDeps: !deps, recursive, ignore, showDiff: diff, fold, files }) logger.info('check completed') } catch (e) { logger.error(e) process.exit(1) } })) // error on unknown commands program.on('command:*', () => { logger.error(`Invalid command: %s\nSee --help for a list of available commands.${program.args.join(' ')}`) process.exit(1) }) program.on('command:*', function (operands) { logger.error(`error: unknown command '${operands[0]}'`); // const availableCommands = program.commands.map(cmd => cmd.name()); process.exitCode = 1; }); program.parse(process.argv) if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) program.help()