import { Collection } from 'discord.js' import Connection, { Endpoint } from './Connection' import { getThread } from './messenger' export type YAMLConnections = { [name: string]: Endpoint[] | string } export default class ConnectionsManager extends Collection { async load () { const log = logger.withScope('CM:init') try { // load file and parse YAML let parsed = await config.loadConnections() if (!parsed || typeof parsed !== 'object') return for (let [ name, endpoints ] of Object.entries(parsed)) { log.trace(name, endpoints) if (name.startsWith('_')) { if (name === '__comment') continue name = name.substr(1) if (Array.isArray(endpoints)) { await new Connection(name, endpoints).disable() } continue } if ( !Array.isArray(endpoints) || endpoints.some(el => typeof el !== 'object') ) throw new Error(`Incorrect connection syntax: ${name}`) try { await new Connection( name, await ConnectionsManager.validateEndpoints(endpoints) ).save() } catch (err) { log.warn(err.message) log.warn(`Disabling temporarily connection ${name}, you can re-enable it once the error is fixed.`) await new Connection(name, endpoints).disable().save() } } await } catch (err) { if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') throw err await } } static async validateEndpoints (endpoints: Endpoint[]): Promise { const newEndpoints: Endpoint[] = [] for (let endpoint of (endpoints as Endpoint[])) { if (!endpoint.type || ! { throw new Error(`Type or ID missing on endpoint: ${JSON.stringify(endpoint)}`) } if (endpoint.type !== 'discord' && endpoint.type !== 'messenger') { throw new Error(`Endpoint type incorrect, should be 'messenger' or 'discord', actual: ${endpoint.type}`) } if (typeof !== 'string') { throw new Error(`Endpoint ID is not a string (wrap it in single quotes): ${}`) } if (endpoint.type === 'discord' && !discord.client.channels.get( { throw new Error(`Channel ${} not found!`) } if (endpoint.type === 'messenger') { try { await getThread( } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Thread ${} not found!`) } } newEndpoints.push(endpoint) } return newEndpoints } static async createAutomaticDiscordChannel (threadID: string, name: string) { const log = logger.withScope('CM:createAutomaticDiscordChannel') // create new channel with specified name and set its parent const channel = await discord.guilds[0].createChannel(name, 'text') await channel.overwritePermissions(discord.guilds[0].roles.find(role => === '@everyone').id, { VIEW_CHANNEL: false }) log.debug(`Channel created, name: ${name}, id: ${}`) // set category if it's in the same guild if (discord.category && === await channel.setParent(discord.category) // save newly created channel in the channels map const connection = new Connection(name) .addChannel( .addThread(threadID.toString()) await log.trace('new connection', connection, 1) return connection } async getWithCreateFallback (threadID: string, name: string) { const log = logger.withScope('CM:getWithCreateFallback') let connection = this.getWith(threadID) if (!connection) { if (!config.discord.createChannels) return log.debug(`Channel creation disabled, ignoring. Name: ${name}, id: ${threadID}`) connection = await ConnectionsManager.createAutomaticDiscordChannel(threadID, name) } return connection } getWith (id: string) { return this.find(connection => connection.has(id)) } hasWith (id: string) { return this.some(connection => connection.has(id)) } get (name: string): Connection { // failsafe just for TypeScript to stop complaining // in the code it should be checked with CM::has before return super.get(name) || new Connection(name) } hasEndpoint (id: string) { return this.some(connection => connection.has(id)) } save () { const yamlConnections: YAMLConnections = Object.assign( { __comment: 'This is your connections.yml file. More info at' }, => connection.toYAMLObject()) ) return config.saveConnections(yamlConnections) } }