type MaybeMatrix = AbstractMatrix | number[][]; type ScalarOrMatrix = number | MaybeMatrix; type MatrixDimension = 'row' | 'column'; export interface IRandomOptions { /** * Random number generator. * @default `Math.random` */ random: () => number; } export interface IRandomIntOptions { /** * Minimum value. * @default `0` */ min: number; /** * Maximum value. * @default `1000` */ max: number; /** * Random number generator. * @default `Math.random` */ random: () => number; } export interface IRepeatOptions { /** * Number of times the rows should be repeated. * @default `1` */ rows?: number; /** * Number of times the columns should be repeated. * @default `1` */ columns?: number; } export interface IScaleOptions { /** * Minimum scaled value. * @default `0` */ min?: number; /** * Maximum scaled value. * @default `1` */ max?: number; } export interface IVarianceOptions { unbiased?: boolean; mean?: number; } export interface IVarianceByOptions { unbiased?: boolean; mean?: number[]; } export interface ICenterOptions { center?: number; } export interface ICenterByOptions { center?: number[]; } export interface IScaleOptions { scale?: number; } export interface IScaleByOptions { scale?: number[]; } export interface ICovarianceOptions { /** * @default `true` */ center?: boolean; } export interface ICorrelationOptions { /** * @default `true` */ center?: boolean; /** * @default `true` */ scale?: boolean; } export interface IToStringOptions { /** * Maximum number of printed rows. * @default `15` */ maxRows?: number; /** * Maximum number of printed columns. * @default `10` */ maxColumns?: number; /** * Maximum size (number of characters) of printed numbers. * @default `8` */ maxNumSize?: number; } export abstract class AbstractMatrix { /** * Total number of elements in the matrix. */ readonly size: number; /** * Number of rows of the matrix. */ readonly rows: number; /** * Number of columns of the matrix. */ readonly columns: number; /** * Constructs a matrix with the chosen dimensions from a 1D array. * @param newRows - Number of rows. * @param newColumns - Number of columns. * @param newData - A 1D array containing data for the matrix. * @returns The new matrix. */ static from1DArray( newRows: number, newColumns: number, newData: number[], ): Matrix; /** * Creates a row vector, a matrix with only one row. * @param newData - A 1D array containing data for the vector. * @returns The new matrix. */ static rowVector(newData: number[]): Matrix; /** * Creates a column vector, a matrix with only one column. * @param newData - A 1D array containing data for the vector. * @returns The new matrix. */ static columnVector(newData: number[]): Matrix; /** * Creates a matrix with the given dimensions. Values will be set to zero. * This is equivalent to calling the Matrix constructor. * @param rows - Number of rows. * @param columns - Number of columns. * @returns The new matrix. */ static zeros(rows: number, columns: number): Matrix; /** * Creates a matrix with the given dimensions. Values will be set to one. * @param rows - Number of rows. * @param columns - Number of columns. * @returns The new matrix. */ static ones(rows: number, columns: number): Matrix; /** * Creates a matrix with the given dimensions. Values will be randomly set. * @param rows - Number of rows. * @param columns - Number of columns. * @param options - Options object. * @returns The new matrix. */ static rand(rows: number, columns: number, options?: IRandomOptions): Matrix; static random( rows: number, columns: number, options?: IRandomOptions, ): Matrix; /** * Creates a matrix with the given dimensions. Values will be random integers. * @param rows - Number of rows. * @param columns - Number of columns. * @returns - The new matrix. */ static randInt( rows: number, columns: number, options?: IRandomIntOptions, ): Matrix; /** * Creates an identity matrix with the given dimension. Values of the diagonal will be 1 and others will be 0. * @param rows - Number of rows. * @param columns - Number of columns. Default: `rows`. * @param value - Value to fill the diagonal with. Default: `1`. * @returns - The new identity matrix. */ static eye(rows: number, columns?: number, value?: number): Matrix; /** * Alias for {@link AbstractMatrix.eye}. */ static identity(rows: number, columns?: number, value?: number): Matrix; /** * Creates a diagonal matrix based on the given array. * @param data - Array containing the data for the diagonal. * @param rows - Number of rows. Default: `data.length`. * @param columns - Number of columns. Default: `rows`. * @returns - The new diagonal matrix. */ static diag(data: number[], rows?: number, columns?: number): Matrix; /** * Alias for {@link AbstractMatrix.diag}. */ static diagonal(data: number[], rows?: number, columns?: number): Matrix; /** * Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum between `matrix1` and `matrix2`. */ static min(matrix1: MaybeMatrix, matrix2: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; /** * Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum between `matrix1` and `matrix2`. * @param matrix1 * @param matrix2 */ static max(matrix1: MaybeMatrix, matrix2: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; /** * Check that the provided value is a Matrix and tries to instantiate one if not. * @param value - The value to check. */ static checkMatrix(value: any): Matrix; /** * Returns whether `value` is a Matrix. * @param value - The value to check. */ static isMatrix(value: any): value is AbstractMatrix; /** * Sets a given element of the matrix. * @param rowIndex - Index of the element's row. * @param columnIndex - Index of the element's column. * @param value - The new value for the element. */ set(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number, value: number): this; /** * Returns the value of the given element of the matrix. * @param rowIndex - Index of the element's row. * @param columnIndex - Index of the element's column. * @returns - The value of the element. */ get(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): number; /** * Applies a callback for each element of the matrix. The function is called in the matrix (this) context. * @param callback - Function that will be called for each element in the matrix. */ apply(callback: (row: number, column: number) => void): this; /** * Returns a new 1D array filled row by row with the matrix values. */ to1DArray(): number[]; /** * Returns a 2D array containing a copy of the matrix data. */ to2DArray(): number[][]; toJSON(): number[][]; /** * Returns whether the matrix has one row. */ isRowVector(): boolean; /** * Returns whether the matrix has one column. */ isColumnVector(): boolean; /** * Returns whether the matrix has one row or one column. */ isVector(): boolean; /** * Returns whether the matrix has the same number of rows and columns. */ isSquare(): boolean; /** * Returns whether the number of rows or columns (or both) is zero. */ isEmpty(): boolean; /** * Returns whether the matrix is square and has the same values on both sides of the diagonal. */ isSymmetric(): boolean; /** * Returns whether the matrix is in row echelon form. */ isEchelonForm(): boolean; /** * Returns whether the matrix is in reduced row echelon form. */ isReducedEchelonForm(): boolean; /** * Returns the row echelon form of the matrix computed using gaussian * elimination. */ echelonForm(): Matrix; /** * Returns the reduced row echelon form of the matrix computed using * gaussian elimination. */ reducedEchelonForm(): Matrix; /** * Creates a new matrix that is a repetition of the current matrix. New matrix has rows times the number of * rows of the original matrix, and columns times the number of columns of the original matrix. * * @example * var matrix = new Matrix([[1, 2]]); * matrix.repeat({ rows: 2 }); // [[1, 2], [1, 2]] */ repeat(options?: IRepeatOptions): Matrix; /** * Fills the matrix with a given value. All elements will be set to this value. * @param value - New value. */ fill(value: number): this; /** * Negates the matrix. All elements will be multiplied by `-1`. */ neg(): this; /** * Alias for {@link AbstractMatrix.neg}. */ negate(): this; /** * Returns a new array with the values from the given row index. * @param index - Row index. */ getRow(index: number): number[]; /** * Returns a new row vector with the values from the given row index. * @param index - Row index. */ getRowVector(index: number): Matrix; /** * Sets a row at the given index. * @param index - Row index. * @param array - Array or vector to set. */ setRow(index: number, array: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Swap two rows. * @param row1 - First row index. * @param row2 - Second row index. */ swapRows(row1: number, row2: number): this; /** * Returns a new array with the values from the given column index. * @param index - Column index. */ getColumn(index: number): number[]; /** * Returns a new column vector with the values from the given column index. * @param index - Column index. */ getColumnVector(index: number): Matrix; /** * Sets a column at the given index. * @param index - Column index. * @param array - Array or vector to set. */ setColumn(index: number, array: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Swap two columns. * @param column1 - First column index. * @param column2 - Second column index. */ swapColumns(column1: number, column2: number): this; /** * Adds the values of a vector to each row. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ addRowVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Subtracts the values of a vector from each row. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ subRowVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Multiplies the values of a vector with each row. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ mulRowVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Divides the values of each row by those of a vector. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ divRowVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Adds the values of a vector to each column. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ addColumnVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Subtracts the values of a vector from each column. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ subColumnVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Multiplies the values of a vector with each column. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ mulColumnVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Divides the values of each column by those of a vector. * @param vector - Array or vector. */ divColumnVector(vector: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Multiplies the values of a row with a scalar. * @param index - Row index. * @param value */ mulRow(index: number, value: number): this; /** * Multiplies the values of a column with a scalar. * @param index - Column index. * @param value */ mulColumn(index: number, value: number): this; /** * Returns the maximum value of the matrix. */ max(): number; /** * Returns the index of the maximum value. */ maxIndex(): [number, number]; /** * Returns the minimum value of the matrix. */ min(): number; /** * Returns the index of the minimum value. */ minIndex(): [number, number]; /** * Returns the maximum value of one row. * @param row - Row index. */ maxRow(row: number): number; /** * Returns the index of the maximum value of one row. * @param row - Row index. */ maxRowIndex(row: number): [number, number]; /** * Returns the minimum value of one row. * @param row - Row index. */ minRow(row: number): number; /** * Returns the index of the maximum value of one row. * @param row - Row index. */ minRowIndex(row: number): [number, number]; /** * Returns the maximum value of one column. * @param column - Column index. */ maxColumn(column: number): number; /** * Returns the index of the maximum value of one column. * @param column - Column index. */ maxColumnIndex(column: number): [number, number]; /** * Returns the minimum value of one column. * @param column - Column index. */ minColumn(column: number): number; /** * Returns the index of the minimum value of one column. * @param column - Column index. */ minColumnIndex(column: number): [number, number]; /** * Returns an array containing the diagonal values of the matrix. */ diag(): number[]; /** * Alias for {@link AbstractMatrix.diag}. */ diagonal(): number[]; /** * Returns the norm of a matrix. * @param type - Norm type. Default: `'frobenius'`. */ norm(type: 'frobenius' | 'max'): number; /** * Computes the cumulative sum of the matrix elements (in place, row by row). */ cumulativeSum(): this; /** * Computes the dot (scalar) product between the matrix and another. * @param vector */ dot(vector: AbstractMatrix): number; /** * Returns the matrix product between `this` and `other`. * @param other - Other matrix. */ mmul(other: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; strassen2x2(other: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; strassen3x3(other: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; mmulStrassen(y: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; /** * Returns a new row-by-row scaled matrix. * @param options */ scaleRows(options?: IScaleOptions): Matrix; /** * Returns a new column-by-column scaled matrix. * @param options * @example * var matrix = new Matrix([[1, 2], [-1, 0]]); * var scaledMatrix = matrix.scaleColumns(); // [[1, 1], [0, 0]] */ scaleColumns(options?: IScaleOptions): Matrix; flipRows(): this; flipColumns(): this; /** * Returns the Kronecker product (also known as tensor product) between `this` and `other`. * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronecker_product * @param other - Other matrix. */ kroneckerProduct(other: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; /** * Returns the Kronecker sum between `this` and `other`. * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronecker_product#Kronecker_sum * @param other - Other matrix. */ kroneckerSum(other: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; /** * Alias for {@link AbstractMatrix.kroneckerProduct}. */ tensorProduct(other: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; /** * Transposes the matrix and returns a new one containing the result. */ transpose(): Matrix; /** * Sorts the rows in-place. * @param compareFunction */ sortRows(compareFunction?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this; /** * Sorts the columns in-place. * @param compareFunction */ sortColumns(compareFunction?: (a: number, b: number) => number): this; /** * Returns a subset of the matrix. * @param startRow - First row index. * @param endRow - Last row index. * @param startColumn - First column index. * @param endColumn - Last column index. */ subMatrix( startRow: number, endRow: number, startColumn: number, endColumn: number, ): Matrix; /** * Returns a subset of the matrix based on an array of row indices. * @param indices - Array containing the row indices. * @param startColumn - First column index. Default: `0`. * @param endColumn - Last column index. Default: `this.columns - 1`. */ subMatrixRow( indices: number[], startColumn?: number, endColumn?: number, ): Matrix; /** * Returns a subset of the matrix based on an array of column indices. * @param indices - Array containing the column indices. * @param startRow - First row index. Default: `0`. * @param endRow - Last row index. Default: `this.rows - 1`. */ subMatrixColumn( indices: number[], startRow?: number, endRow?: number, ): Matrix; /** * Set a part of the matrix to the given sub-matrix. * @param matrix - The source matrix from which to extract values. * @param startRow - The index of the first row to set. * @param startColumn - The index of the first column to set. */ setSubMatrix( matrix: MaybeMatrix | number[], startRow: number, startColumn: number, ): this; /** * Return a new matrix based on a selection of rows and columns. * Order of the indices matters and the same index can be used more than once. * @param rowIndices - The row indices to select. * @param columnIndices - The column indices to select. */ selection(rowIndices: number[], columnIndices: number[]): Matrix; /** * Returns the trace of the matrix (sum of the diagonal elements). */ trace(): number; /** * Creates an exact and independent copy of the matrix. */ clone(): Matrix; /** * Returns the sum of all elements of the matrix. */ sum(): number; /** * Returns the sum by the given dimension. * @param by - sum by 'row' or 'column'. */ sum(by: MatrixDimension): number[]; /** * Returns the product of all elements of the matrix. */ product(): number; /** * Returns the product by the given dimension. * @param by - product by 'row' or 'column'. */ product(by: MatrixDimension): number[]; /** * Returns the mean of all elements of the matrix. */ mean(): number; /** * Returns the mean by the given dimension. * @param by - mean by 'row' or 'column'. */ mean(by: MatrixDimension): number[]; /** * Returns the variance of all elements of the matrix. * @param options */ variance(options?: IVarianceOptions): number; /** * Returns the variance by the given dimension. * @param by - variance by 'row' or 'column'. * @param options */ variance(by: MatrixDimension, options?: IVarianceByOptions): number[]; /** * Returns the standard deviation of all elements of the matrix. * @param options */ standardDeviation(options?: IVarianceOptions): number; /** * Returns the standard deviation by the given dimension. * @param by - standard deviation by 'row' or 'column'. * @param options */ standardDeviation( by: MatrixDimension, options?: IVarianceByOptions, ): number[]; /** * Center the matrix in-place. By default, the mean value of the matrix is * subtracted from every value. * @param options */ center(options?: ICenterOptions): this; /** * Center the matrix in-place. By default, the mean values in the give * dimension are subtracted from the values. * @param by - center by 'row' or 'column'. * @param options */ center(by: MatrixDimension, options?: ICenterByOptions): this; /** * Scale the matrix in-place. By default, values are divided by their * standard deviation. * @param options */ scale(options?: IScaleOptions): this; /** * Scale the matrix in-place. By default, values are divided by the * standard deviation in the given dimension. * @param by - scale by 'row' or 'column'. * @param options */ scale(by: MatrixDimension, options?: IScaleByOptions): this; toString(options?: IToStringOptions): string; // From here we document methods dynamically generated from operators // Mathematical operators // inplace add(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; sub(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; subtract(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; mul(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; multiply(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; div(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; divide(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; mod(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; modulus(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; and(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; or(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; xor(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; leftShift(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; signPropagatingRightShift(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; rightShift(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; zeroFillRightShift(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; // new matrix static add(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static sub(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static subtract(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static mul(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static multiply(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static div(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static divide(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static mod(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static modulus(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static and(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static or(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static xor(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static leftShift(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static signPropagatingRightShift( matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix, ): Matrix; static rightShift(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; static zeroFillRightShift(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; // Functional operators (one arg) // inplace not(): this; abs(): this; acos(): this; acosh(): this; asin(): this; asinh(): this; atan(): this; atanh(): this; cbrt(): this; ceil(): this; clz32(): this; cos(): this; cosh(): this; exp(): this; expm1(): this; floor(): this; fround(): this; log(): this; log1p(): this; log10(): this; log2(): this; round(): this; sign(): this; sin(): this; sinh(): this; sqrt(): this; tan(): this; tanh(): this; trunc(): this; // new matrix static not(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static abs(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static acos(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static acosh(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static asin(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static asinh(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static atan(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static atanh(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static cbrt(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static ceil(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static clz32(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static cos(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static cosh(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static exp(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static expm1(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static floor(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static fround(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static log(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static log1p(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static log10(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static log2(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static round(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static sign(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static sin(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static sinh(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static sqrt(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static tan(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static tanh(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; static trunc(value: MaybeMatrix): Matrix; // Functional operators with one arg // inplace pow(value: ScalarOrMatrix): this; // new matrix static pow(matrix: MaybeMatrix, value: ScalarOrMatrix): Matrix; } export class Matrix extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(nRows: number, nColumns: number); constructor(data: number[][]); constructor(otherMatrix: AbstractMatrix); /** * Removes a column from the matrix (in place). * @param index - Column index. */ removeColumn(index: number): this; /** * Removes a row from the matrix (in place). * @param index - Row index. */ removeRow(index: number): this; /** * Adds a new column to the matrix (in place). * @param index - Column index. Default: `this.columns`. * @param array - Column to add. */ addColumn(index: number, array: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; /** * Adds a new row to the matrix (in place). * @param index - Row index. Default: `this.rows`. * @param array - Row to add. */ addRow(index: number, array: number[] | AbstractMatrix): this; } export default Matrix; export class MatrixColumnView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(matrix: AbstractMatrix, column: number); } export class MatrixColumnSelectionView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(matrix: AbstractMatrix, columnIndices: number[]); } export class MatrixFlipColumnView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(matrix: AbstractMatrix); } export class MatrixFlipRowView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(matrix: AbstractMatrix); } export class MatrixRowView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(matrix: AbstractMatrix, row: number); } export class MatrixRowSelectionView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(matrix: AbstractMatrix, rowIndices: number[]); } export class MatrixSelectionView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor( matrix: AbstractMatrix, rowIndices: number[], columnIndices: number[], ); } export class MatrixSubView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor( matrix: AbstractMatrix, startRow: number, endRow: number, startColumn: number, endColumn: number, ); } export class MatrixTransposeView extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(matrix: AbstractMatrix); } export interface IWrap1DOptions { /** * @default: `1` */ rows?: number; } export function wrap( array: number[], options?: IWrap1DOptions, ): WrapperMatrix1D; export function wrap(twoDAray: number[][]): WrapperMatrix2D; export class WrapperMatrix1D extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(data: number[], options?: IWrap1DOptions); } export class WrapperMatrix2D extends AbstractMatrix { constructor(data: number[][]); } /** * @param leftHandSide * @param rightHandSide * @param useSVD - Default: `false`. */ export function solve( leftHandSide: MaybeMatrix, rightHandSide: MaybeMatrix, useSVD?: boolean, ): Matrix; /** * Computes the inverse of a matrix. * @param matrix - Matrix to invert. * @param useSVD - Use the singular value decomposition to compute the inverse. Default: `false`. */ export function inverse(matrix: MaybeMatrix, useSVD?: boolean): Matrix; /** * Calculates and returns the determinant of a matrix. * @param matrix */ export function determinant(matrix: MaybeMatrix): number; export interface ILinearDependenciesOptions { /** * If an absolute value is inferior to this threshold, it will equals zero. * @default `10e-10` */ thresholdValue?: number; /** * If the error is inferior to that threshold, the linear combination found is accepted and the row is dependent from other rows. * @default `10e-10` */ thresholdError?: number; } /** * Creates a matrix which represents the dependencies between rows. * If a row is a linear combination of others rows, the result will be a row with the coefficients of this combination. * For example : for A = [[2, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 6, 0], [0, 3, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0]], the result will be [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 4, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.25, 0, 0, -0.25], [0, 1, 0, -4, 0]] * @param matrix * @param options * @returns - The matrix which represents the dependencies between rows. */ export function linearDependencies( matrix: MaybeMatrix, options?: ILinearDependenciesOptions, ): Matrix; /** * Returns inverse of a matrix if it exists or the pseudoinverse. * @param matrix * @param threshold - Threshold for taking inverse of singular values. Default: `Number.EPSILON`. * @returns - The (pseudo)inverted matrix. */ export function pseudoInverse(matrix: MaybeMatrix, threshold?: number): Matrix; export function covariance( matrix: MaybeMatrix, options?: ICovarianceOptions, ): Matrix; export function covariance( xMatrix: MaybeMatrix, yMatrix: MaybeMatrix, options?: ICovarianceOptions, ): Matrix; export function correlation( matrix: MaybeMatrix, options?: ICorrelationOptions, ): Matrix; export function correlation( xMatrix: MaybeMatrix, yMatrix: MaybeMatrix, options?: ICorrelationOptions, ): Matrix; export interface ISVDOptions { /** * @default `true` */ computeLeftSingularVectors?: boolean; /** * @default `true` */ computeRightSingularVectors?: boolean; /** * @default `false` */ autoTranspose?: boolean; } /** * @see https://github.com/accord-net/framework/blob/development/Sources/Accord.Math/Decompositions/SingularValueDecomposition.cs */ export class SingularValueDecomposition { constructor(value: MaybeMatrix, options?: ISVDOptions); /** * Get the inverse of the matrix. We compute the inverse of a matrix using SVD when this matrix is singular or ill-conditioned. Example : * var svd = SingularValueDecomposition(A); * var inverseA = svd.inverse(); * @returns - The approximation of the inverse of the matrix. */ inverse(): Matrix; /** * Solve a problem of least square (Ax=b) by using the SVD. Useful when A is singular. When A is not singular, it would be better to use qr.solve(value). * Example : We search to approximate x, with A matrix shape m*n, x vector size n, b vector size m (m > n). We will use : * var svd = SingularValueDecomposition(A); * var x = svd.solve(b); * @param value - Matrix 1D which is the vector b (in the equation Ax = b). * @returns - The vector x. */ solve(value: Matrix): Matrix; solveForDiagonal(value: number[]): Matrix; readonly norm2: number; readonly threshold: number; readonly leftSingularVectors: Matrix; readonly condition: number; readonly rank: number; readonly rightSingularVectors: Matrix; readonly diagonal: number[]; readonly diagonalMatrix: Matrix; } export { SingularValueDecomposition as SVD }; export interface IEVDOptions { /** * @default `false` */ assumeSymmetric?: boolean; } /** * @link https://github.com/lutzroeder/Mapack/blob/master/Source/EigenvalueDecomposition.cs */ export class EigenvalueDecomposition { constructor(value: MaybeMatrix, options?: IEVDOptions); readonly diagonalMatrix: Matrix; readonly eigenvectorMatrix: Matrix; readonly imaginaryEigenvalues: number[]; readonly realEigenvalues: number[]; } export { EigenvalueDecomposition as EVD }; /** * @link https://github.com/lutzroeder/Mapack/blob/master/Source/CholeskyDecomposition.cs */ export class CholeskyDecomposition { /** * * @param value - The matrix to decompose */ constructor(value: MaybeMatrix); isPositiveDefinite(): boolean; solve(value: Matrix): Matrix; readonly lowerTriangularMatrix: Matrix; } export { CholeskyDecomposition as CHO }; /** * @link https://github.com/lutzroeder/Mapack/blob/master/Source/LuDecomposition.cs */ export class LuDecomposition { constructor(value: MaybeMatrix); isSingular(): boolean; solve(value: Matrix): Matrix; readonly determinant: number; readonly lowerTriangularMatrix: Matrix; readonly pivotPermutationVector: number[]; readonly upperTriangularMatrix: Matrix; } export { LuDecomposition as LU }; /** * @link https://github.com/lutzroeder/Mapack/blob/master/Source/QrDecomposition.cs */ export class QrDecomposition { constructor(value: MaybeMatrix); isFullRank(): boolean; /** * Solve a problem of least square (Ax=b) by using the QR decomposition. Useful when A is rectangular, but not working when A is singular. * Example : We search to approximate x, with A matrix shape m*n, x vector size n, b vector size m (m > n). We will use : * var qr = QrDecomposition(A); * var x = qr.solve(b); * @param value - Matrix 1D which is the vector b (in the equation Ax = b). * @returns - The vector x. */ solve(value: Matrix): Matrix; readonly orthogonalMatrix: Matrix; readonly upperTriangularMatrix: Matrix; } export { QrDecomposition as QR }; export interface INipalsOptions { /** * A column vector of length `X.rows` that contains known labels for supervised PLS. */ Y?: MaybeMatrix | number[]; /** * The maximum number of allowed iterations before beraking the loop if convergence is not achieved. * @default 1000 */ maxIterations?: number; /** * Termination criteria * @default 1e-10 */ terminationCriteria?: number; } export class Nipals { /** * Implementation of the NIPALS algorithm. * Geladi, P and Kowalski, B.R. (1986) * Partial least squares and regression: * a tutorial. * Analytica Chimica Acta 185, 1-17. * @param X - A matrix to be factored * @param options */ constructor(X: MaybeMatrix, options?: INipalsOptions); w: Matrix; s: Matrix; t: Matrix; xResidual: Matrix; p: Matrix; q: Matrix; u: Matrix; yResidual: Matrix; betas: Matrix; } export { Nipals as NIPALS };