import { forwardRef, memo } from "react"
import { isUsingStaticRendering } from "./staticRendering"
import { useObserver } from "./useObserver"
let warnObserverOptionsDeprecated = true
const hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.for
const isFunctionNameConfigurable =
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(() => {}, "name")?.configurable ?? false
// Using react-is had some issues (and operates on elements, not on types), see #608 / #609
const ReactForwardRefSymbol = hasSymbol
? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref")
: typeof forwardRef === "function" && forwardRef((props: any) => null)["$$typeof"]
const ReactMemoSymbol = hasSymbol
? Symbol.for("react.memo")
: typeof memo === "function" && memo((props: any) => null)["$$typeof"]
export interface IObserverOptions {
readonly forwardRef?: boolean
export function observer
baseComponent: React.ForwardRefRenderFunction,
options: IObserverOptions & { forwardRef: true }
): React.MemoExoticComponent<
React.ForwardRefExoticComponent & React.RefAttributes>
export function observer(
baseComponent: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
& React.RefAttributes
): React.MemoExoticComponent<
React.ForwardRefExoticComponent & React.RefAttributes>
export function observer(
baseComponent: React.FunctionComponent
options?: IObserverOptions
): React.FunctionComponent
export function observer<
C extends React.FunctionComponent | React.ForwardRefRenderFunction,
Options extends IObserverOptions
baseComponent: C,
options?: Options
): Options extends { forwardRef: true }
? C extends React.ForwardRefRenderFunction
? C &
React.PropsWithoutRef & React.RefAttributes
: never /* forwardRef set for a non forwarding component */
: C & { displayName: string }
// n.b. base case is not used for actual typings or exported in the typing files
export function observer(
| React.ForwardRefRenderFunction
| React.FunctionComponent
| React.ForwardRefExoticComponent & React.RefAttributes>,
// TODO remove in next major
options?: IObserverOptions
) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && warnObserverOptionsDeprecated && options) {
warnObserverOptionsDeprecated = false
`[mobx-react-lite] \`observer(fn, { forwardRef: true })\` is deprecated, use \`observer(React.forwardRef(fn))\``
if (ReactMemoSymbol && baseComponent["$$typeof"] === ReactMemoSymbol) {
throw new Error(
`[mobx-react-lite] You are trying to use \`observer\` on a function component wrapped in either another \`observer\` or \`React.memo\`. The observer already applies 'React.memo' for you.`
// The working of observer is explained step by step in this talk:
if (isUsingStaticRendering()) {
return baseComponent
let useForwardRef = options?.forwardRef ?? false
let render = baseComponent
const baseComponentName = baseComponent.displayName ||
// If already wrapped with forwardRef, unwrap,
// so we can patch render and apply memo
if (ReactForwardRefSymbol && baseComponent["$$typeof"] === ReactForwardRefSymbol) {
useForwardRef = true
render = baseComponent["render"]
if (typeof render !== "function") {
throw new Error(
`[mobx-react-lite] \`render\` property of ForwardRef was not a function`
let observerComponent = (props: any, ref: React.Ref) => {
return useObserver(() => render(props, ref), baseComponentName)
// Inherit original name and displayName, see #3438
;(observerComponent as React.FunctionComponent).displayName = baseComponent.displayName
if (isFunctionNameConfigurable) {
Object.defineProperty(observerComponent, "name", {
writable: true,
configurable: true
// Support legacy context: `contextTypes` must be applied before `memo`
if ((baseComponent as any).contextTypes) {
;(observerComponent as React.FunctionComponent).contextTypes = (
baseComponent as any
if (useForwardRef) {
// `forwardRef` must be applied prior `memo`
// `forwardRef(observer(cmp))` throws:
// "forwardRef requires a render function but received a `memo` component. Instead of forwardRef(memo(...)), use memo(forwardRef(...))"
observerComponent = forwardRef(observerComponent)
// memo; we are not interested in deep updates
// in props; we assume that if deep objects are changed,
// this is in observables, which would have been tracked anyway
observerComponent = memo(observerComponent)
copyStaticProperties(baseComponent, observerComponent)
if ("production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) {
Object.defineProperty(observerComponent, "contextTypes", {
set() {
throw new Error(
`[mobx-react-lite] \`${
this.displayName || this.type?.displayName || this.type?.name || "Component"
}.contextTypes\` must be set before applying \`observer\`.`
return observerComponent
// based on
const hoistBlackList: any = {
$$typeof: true,
render: true,
compare: true,
type: true,
// Don't redefine `displayName`,
// it's defined as getter-setter pair on `memo` (see #3192).
displayName: true
function copyStaticProperties(base: any, target: any) {
Object.keys(base).forEach(key => {
if (!hoistBlackList[key]) {
Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, key)!)