import { useObserver } from "./useObserver" // TODO: this type could be improved in the next major release: // type IObserverProps = { children: () => React.ReactNode, render?: never } | { children?: never, render: () => React.ReactNode } interface IObserverProps { children?(): React.ReactElement | null render?(): React.ReactElement | null } function ObserverComponent({ children, render }: IObserverProps) { if (children && render) { console.error( "MobX Observer: Do not use children and render in the same time in `Observer`" ) } const component = children || render if (typeof component !== "function") { return null } return useObserver(component) } if ("production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) { ObserverComponent.propTypes = { children: ObserverPropsCheck, render: ObserverPropsCheck } } ObserverComponent.displayName = "Observer" export { ObserverComponent as Observer } function ObserverPropsCheck( props: { [k: string]: any }, key: string, componentName: string, location: any, propFullName: string ) { const extraKey = key === "children" ? "render" : "children" const hasProp = typeof props[key] === "function" const hasExtraProp = typeof props[extraKey] === "function" if (hasProp && hasExtraProp) { return new Error( "MobX Observer: Do not use children and render in the same time in`" + componentName ) } if (hasProp || hasExtraProp) { return null } return new Error( "Invalid prop `" + propFullName + "` of type `" + typeof props[key] + "` supplied to" + " `" + componentName + "`, expected `function`." ) }