import { PureComponent, Component } from "react" import { createAtom, _allowStateChanges, Reaction, $mobx, _allowStateReadsStart, _allowStateReadsEnd } from "mobx" import { isUsingStaticRendering } from "mobx-react-lite" import { newSymbol, shallowEqual, setHiddenProp, patch } from "./utils/utils" const mobxAdminProperty = $mobx || "$mobx" const mobxObserverProperty = newSymbol("isMobXReactObserver") const mobxIsUnmounted = newSymbol("isUnmounted") const skipRenderKey = newSymbol("skipRender") const isForcingUpdateKey = newSymbol("isForcingUpdate") export function makeClassComponentObserver( componentClass: React.ComponentClass ): React.ComponentClass { const target = componentClass.prototype if (componentClass[mobxObserverProperty]) { const displayName = getDisplayName(target) console.warn( `The provided component class (${displayName}) has already been declared as an observer component.` ) } else { componentClass[mobxObserverProperty] = true } if (target.componentWillReact) throw new Error("The componentWillReact life-cycle event is no longer supported") if (componentClass["__proto__"] !== PureComponent) { if (!target.shouldComponentUpdate) target.shouldComponentUpdate = observerSCU else if (target.shouldComponentUpdate !== observerSCU) // n.b. unequal check, instead of existence check, as @observer might be on superclass as well throw new Error( "It is not allowed to use shouldComponentUpdate in observer based components." ) } // this.props and this.state are made observable, just to make sure @computed fields that // are defined inside the component, and which rely on state or props, re-compute if state or props change // (otherwise the computed wouldn't update and become stale on props change, since props are not observable) // However, this solution is not without it's own problems: makeObservableProp(target, "props") makeObservableProp(target, "state") const baseRender = target.render target.render = function () { return, baseRender) } patch(target, "componentWillUnmount", function () { if (isUsingStaticRendering() === true) return this.render[mobxAdminProperty]?.dispose() this[mobxIsUnmounted] = true if (!this.render[mobxAdminProperty]) { // Render may have been hot-swapped and/or overriden by a subclass. const displayName = getDisplayName(this) console.warn( `The reactive render of an observer class component (${displayName}) was overriden after MobX attached. This may result in a memory leak if the overriden reactive render was not properly disposed.` ) } }) return componentClass } // Generates a friendly name for debugging function getDisplayName(comp: any) { return ( comp.displayName || || (comp.constructor && (comp.constructor.displayName || || "" ) } function makeComponentReactive(render: any) { if (isUsingStaticRendering() === true) return /** * If props are shallowly modified, react will render anyway, * so atom.reportChanged() should not result in yet another re-render */ setHiddenProp(this, skipRenderKey, false) /** * forceUpdate will re-assign this.props. We don't want that to cause a loop, * so detect these changes */ setHiddenProp(this, isForcingUpdateKey, false) const initialName = getDisplayName(this) const baseRender = render.bind(this) let isRenderingPending = false const reaction = new Reaction(`${initialName}.render()`, () => { if (!isRenderingPending) { // N.B. Getting here *before mounting* means that a component constructor has side effects (see the relevant test in misc.js) // This unidiomatic React usage but React will correctly warn about this so we continue as usual // See #85 / Pull #44 isRenderingPending = true if (this[mobxIsUnmounted] !== true) { let hasError = true try { setHiddenProp(this, isForcingUpdateKey, true) if (!this[skipRenderKey]) hasError = false } finally { setHiddenProp(this, isForcingUpdateKey, false) if (hasError) reaction.dispose() } } } }) reaction["reactComponent"] = this reactiveRender[mobxAdminProperty] = reaction this.render = reactiveRender function reactiveRender() { isRenderingPending = false let exception = undefined let rendering = undefined reaction.track(() => { try { rendering = _allowStateChanges(false, baseRender) } catch (e) { exception = e } }) if (exception) { throw exception } return rendering } return } function observerSCU(nextProps: React.Props, nextState: any): boolean { if (isUsingStaticRendering()) { console.warn( "[mobx-react] It seems that a re-rendering of a React component is triggered while in static (server-side) mode. Please make sure components are rendered only once server-side." ) } // update on any state changes (as is the default) if (this.state !== nextState) { return true } // update if props are shallowly not equal, inspired by PureRenderMixin // we could return just 'false' here, and avoid the `skipRender` checks etc // however, it is nicer if lifecycle events are triggered like usually, // so we return true here if props are shallowly modified. return !shallowEqual(this.props, nextProps) } function makeObservableProp(target: any, propName: string): void { const valueHolderKey = newSymbol(`reactProp_${propName}_valueHolder`) const atomHolderKey = newSymbol(`reactProp_${propName}_atomHolder`) function getAtom() { if (!this[atomHolderKey]) { setHiddenProp(this, atomHolderKey, createAtom("reactive " + propName)) } return this[atomHolderKey] } Object.defineProperty(target, propName, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () { let prevReadState = false if (_allowStateReadsStart && _allowStateReadsEnd) { prevReadState = _allowStateReadsStart(true) } if (_allowStateReadsStart && _allowStateReadsEnd) { _allowStateReadsEnd(prevReadState) } return this[valueHolderKey] }, set: function set(v) { if (!this[isForcingUpdateKey] && !shallowEqual(this[valueHolderKey], v)) { setHiddenProp(this, valueHolderKey, v) setHiddenProp(this, skipRenderKey, true) setHiddenProp(this, skipRenderKey, false) } else { setHiddenProp(this, valueHolderKey, v) } } }) }