import { PureComponent, Component, ComponentClass, ClassAttributes } from "react" import { _allowStateChanges, Reaction, _allowStateReadsStart, _allowStateReadsEnd, _getGlobalState } from "mobx" import { isUsingStaticRendering, _observerFinalizationRegistry as observerFinalizationRegistry } from "mobx-react-lite" import { shallowEqual, patch } from "./utils/utils" const administrationSymbol = Symbol("ObserverAdministration") const isMobXReactObserverSymbol = Symbol("isMobXReactObserver") let observablePropDescriptors: PropertyDescriptorMap if (__DEV__) { observablePropDescriptors = { props: createObservablePropDescriptor("props"), state: createObservablePropDescriptor("state"), context: createObservablePropDescriptor("context") } } type ObserverAdministration = { reaction: Reaction | null // also serves as disposed flag forceUpdate: Function | null mounted: boolean // we could use forceUpdate as mounted flag reactionInvalidatedBeforeMount: boolean name: string // Used only on __DEV__ props: any state: any context: any } function getAdministration(component: Component): ObserverAdministration { // We create administration lazily, because we can't patch constructor // and the exact moment of initialization partially depends on React internals. // At the time of writing this, the first thing invoked is one of the observable getter/setter (state/props/context). return (component[administrationSymbol] ??= { reaction: null, mounted: false, reactionInvalidatedBeforeMount: false, forceUpdate: null, name: getDisplayName(component.constructor as ComponentClass), state: undefined, props: undefined, context: undefined }) } export function makeClassComponentObserver( componentClass: ComponentClass ): ComponentClass { const { prototype } = componentClass if (componentClass[isMobXReactObserverSymbol]) { const displayName = getDisplayName(componentClass) throw new Error( `The provided component class (${displayName}) has already been declared as an observer component.` ) } else { componentClass[isMobXReactObserverSymbol] = true } if (prototype.componentWillReact) { throw new Error("The componentWillReact life-cycle event is no longer supported") } if (componentClass["__proto__"] !== PureComponent) { if (!prototype.shouldComponentUpdate) { prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = observerSCU } else if (prototype.shouldComponentUpdate !== observerSCU) { // n.b. unequal check, instead of existence check, as @observer might be on superclass as well throw new Error( "It is not allowed to use shouldComponentUpdate in observer based components." ) } } if (__DEV__) { Object.defineProperties(prototype, observablePropDescriptors) } const originalRender = prototype.render if (typeof originalRender !== "function") { const displayName = getDisplayName(componentClass) throw new Error( `[mobx-react] class component (${displayName}) is missing \`render\` method.` + `\n\`observer\` requires \`render\` being a function defined on prototype.` + `\n\`render = () => {}\` or \`render = function() {}\` is not supported.` ) } prototype.render = function () { Object.defineProperty(this, "render", { // There is no safe way to replace render, therefore it's forbidden. configurable: false, writable: false, value: isUsingStaticRendering() ? originalRender :, originalRender) }) return this.render() } const originalComponentDidMount = prototype.componentDidMount prototype.componentDidMount = function () { if (__DEV__ && this.componentDidMount !== Object.getPrototypeOf(this).componentDidMount) { const displayName = getDisplayName(componentClass) throw new Error( `[mobx-react] \`observer(${displayName}).componentDidMount\` must be defined on prototype.` + `\n\`componentDidMount = () => {}\` or \`componentDidMount = function() {}\` is not supported.` ) } // `componentDidMount` may not be called at all. React can abandon the instance after `render`. // That's why we use finalization registry to dispose reaction created during render. // Happens with `` see #3492 // // `componentDidMount` can be called immediately after `componentWillUnmount` without calling `render` in between. // Happens with ``see #3395. // // If `componentDidMount` is called, it's guaranteed to run synchronously with render (similary to `useLayoutEffect`). // Therefore we don't have to worry about external (observable) state being updated before mount (no state version checking). // // Things may change: "In the future, React will provide a feature that lets components preserve state between unmounts" const admin = getAdministration(this) admin.mounted = true // Component instance committed, prevent reaction disposal. observerFinalizationRegistry.unregister(this) // We don't set forceUpdate before mount because it requires a reference to `this`, // therefore `this` could NOT be garbage collected before mount, // preventing reaction disposal by FinalizationRegistry and leading to memory leak. // As an alternative we could have `admin.instanceRef = new WeakRef(this)`, but lets avoid it if possible. admin.forceUpdate = () => this.forceUpdate() if (!admin.reaction || admin.reactionInvalidatedBeforeMount) { // Missing reaction: // 1. Instance was unmounted (reaction disposed) and immediately remounted without running render #3395. // 2. Reaction was disposed by finalization registry before mount. Shouldn't ever happen for class components: // `componentDidMount` runs synchronously after render, but our registry are deferred (can't run in between). // In any case we lost subscriptions to observables, so we have to create new reaction and re-render to resubscribe. // The reaction will be created lazily by following render. // Reaction invalidated before mount: // 1. A descendant's `componenDidMount` invalidated it's parent #3730 admin.forceUpdate() } return originalComponentDidMount?.apply(this, arguments) } // TODO@major Overly complicated "patch" is only needed to support the deprecated @disposeOnUnmount patch(prototype, "componentWillUnmount", function () { if (isUsingStaticRendering()) { return } const admin = getAdministration(this) admin.reaction?.dispose() admin.reaction = null admin.forceUpdate = null admin.mounted = false admin.reactionInvalidatedBeforeMount = false }) return componentClass } // Generates a friendly name for debugging function getDisplayName(componentClass: ComponentClass) { return componentClass.displayName || || "" } function createReactiveRender(originalRender: any) { const boundOriginalRender = originalRender.bind(this) const admin = getAdministration(this) function reactiveRender() { if (!admin.reaction) { // Create reaction lazily to support re-mounting #3395 admin.reaction = createReaction(admin) if (!admin.mounted) { // React can abandon this instance and never call `componentDidMount`/`componentWillUnmount`, // we have to make sure reaction will be disposed. observerFinalizationRegistry.register(this, admin, this) } } let error: unknown = undefined let renderResult = undefined admin.reaction.track(() => { try { // TODO@major // Optimization: replace with _allowStateChangesStart/End (not available in mobx@6.0.0) renderResult = _allowStateChanges(false, boundOriginalRender) } catch (e) { error = e } }) if (error) { throw error } return renderResult } return reactiveRender } function createReaction(admin: ObserverAdministration) { return new Reaction(`${}.render()`, () => { if (!admin.mounted) { // This is neccessary to avoid react warning about calling forceUpdate on component that isn't mounted yet. // This happens when component is abandoned after render - our reaction is already created and reacts to changes. // `componenDidMount` runs synchronously after `render`, so unlike functional component, there is no delay during which the reaction could be invalidated. // However `componentDidMount` runs AFTER it's descendants' `componentDidMount`, which CAN invalidate the reaction, see #3730. Therefore remember and forceUpdate on mount. admin.reactionInvalidatedBeforeMount = true return } try { admin.forceUpdate?.() } catch (error) { admin.reaction?.dispose() admin.reaction = null } }) } function observerSCU(nextProps: ClassAttributes, nextState: any): boolean { if (isUsingStaticRendering()) { console.warn( "[mobx-react] It seems that a re-rendering of a React component is triggered while in static (server-side) mode. Please make sure components are rendered only once server-side." ) } // update on any state changes (as is the default) if (this.state !== nextState) { return true } // update if props are shallowly not equal, inspired by PureRenderMixin // we could return just 'false' here, and avoid the `skipRender` checks etc // however, it is nicer if lifecycle events are triggered like usually, // so we return true here if props are shallowly modified. return !shallowEqual(this.props, nextProps) } function createObservablePropDescriptor(key: "props" | "state" | "context") { return { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { const admin = getAdministration(this) const derivation = _getGlobalState().trackingDerivation if (derivation && derivation !== admin.reaction) { throw new Error( `[mobx-react] Cannot read "${}.${key}" in a reactive context, as it isn't observable. Please use component lifecycle method to copy the value into a local observable first. See` ) } return admin[key] }, set(value) { getAdministration(this)[key] = value } } }