import { IAtom, IDepTreeNode, IObservable, addObserver, globalState, isComputedValue, removeObserver } from "../internal" export enum IDerivationState_ { // before being run or (outside batch and not being observed) // at this point derivation is not holding any data about dependency tree NOT_TRACKING_ = -1, // no shallow dependency changed since last computation // won't recalculate derivation // this is what makes mobx fast UP_TO_DATE_ = 0, // some deep dependency changed, but don't know if shallow dependency changed // will require to check first if UP_TO_DATE or POSSIBLY_STALE // currently only ComputedValue will propagate POSSIBLY_STALE // // having this state is second big optimization: // don't have to recompute on every dependency change, but only when it's needed POSSIBLY_STALE_ = 1, // A shallow dependency has changed since last computation and the derivation // will need to recompute when it's needed next. STALE_ = 2 } export enum TraceMode { NONE, LOG, BREAK } /** * A derivation is everything that can be derived from the state (all the atoms) in a pure manner. * See */ export interface IDerivation extends IDepTreeNode { observing_: IObservable[] newObserving_: null | IObservable[] dependenciesState_: IDerivationState_ /** * Id of the current run of a derivation. Each time the derivation is tracked * this number is increased by one. This number is globally unique */ runId_: number /** * amount of dependencies used by the derivation in this run, which has not been bound yet. */ unboundDepsCount_: number onBecomeStale_(): void isTracing_: TraceMode /** * warn if the derivation has no dependencies after creation/update */ requiresObservable_?: boolean } export class CaughtException { constructor(public cause: any) { // Empty } } export function isCaughtException(e: any): e is CaughtException { return e instanceof CaughtException } /** * Finds out whether any dependency of the derivation has actually changed. * If dependenciesState is 1 then it will recalculate dependencies, * if any dependency changed it will propagate it by changing dependenciesState to 2. * * By iterating over the dependencies in the same order that they were reported and * stopping on the first change, all the recalculations are only called for ComputedValues * that will be tracked by derivation. That is because we assume that if the first x * dependencies of the derivation doesn't change then the derivation should run the same way * up until accessing x-th dependency. */ export function shouldCompute(derivation: IDerivation): boolean { switch (derivation.dependenciesState_) { case IDerivationState_.UP_TO_DATE_: return false case IDerivationState_.NOT_TRACKING_: case IDerivationState_.STALE_: return true case IDerivationState_.POSSIBLY_STALE_: { // state propagation can occur outside of action/reactive context #2195 const prevAllowStateReads = allowStateReadsStart(true) const prevUntracked = untrackedStart() // no need for those computeds to be reported, they will be picked up in trackDerivedFunction. const obs = derivation.observing_, l = obs.length for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { const obj = obs[i] if (isComputedValue(obj)) { if (globalState.disableErrorBoundaries) { obj.get() } else { try { obj.get() } catch (e) { // we are not interested in the value *or* exception at this moment, but if there is one, notify all untrackedEnd(prevUntracked) allowStateReadsEnd(prevAllowStateReads) return true } } // if ComputedValue `obj` actually changed it will be computed and propagated to its observers. // and `derivation` is an observer of `obj` // invariantShouldCompute(derivation) if ((derivation.dependenciesState_ as any) === IDerivationState_.STALE_) { untrackedEnd(prevUntracked) allowStateReadsEnd(prevAllowStateReads) return true } } } changeDependenciesStateTo0(derivation) untrackedEnd(prevUntracked) allowStateReadsEnd(prevAllowStateReads) return false } } } export function isComputingDerivation() { return globalState.trackingDerivation !== null // filter out actions inside computations } export function checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(atom: IAtom) { if (!__DEV__) { return } const hasObservers = atom.observers_.size > 0 // Should not be possible to change observed state outside strict mode, except during initialization, see #563 if ( !globalState.allowStateChanges && (hasObservers || globalState.enforceActions === "always") ) { console.warn( "[MobX] " + (globalState.enforceActions ? "Since strict-mode is enabled, changing (observed) observable values without using an action is not allowed. Tried to modify: " : "Side effects like changing state are not allowed at this point. Are you trying to modify state from, for example, a computed value or the render function of a React component? You can wrap side effects in 'runInAction' (or decorate functions with 'action') if needed. Tried to modify: ") + atom.name_ ) } } export function checkIfStateReadsAreAllowed(observable: IObservable) { if (__DEV__ && !globalState.allowStateReads && globalState.observableRequiresReaction) { console.warn( `[mobx] Observable '${observable.name_}' being read outside a reactive context.` ) } } /** * Executes the provided function `f` and tracks which observables are being accessed. * The tracking information is stored on the `derivation` object and the derivation is registered * as observer of any of the accessed observables. */ export function trackDerivedFunction(derivation: IDerivation, f: () => T, context: any) { const prevAllowStateReads = allowStateReadsStart(true) changeDependenciesStateTo0(derivation) // Preallocate array; will be trimmed by bindDependencies. derivation.newObserving_ = new Array( // Reserve constant space for initial dependencies, dynamic space otherwise. // See derivation.runId_ === 0 ? 100 : derivation.observing_.length ) derivation.unboundDepsCount_ = 0 derivation.runId_ = ++globalState.runId const prevTracking = globalState.trackingDerivation globalState.trackingDerivation = derivation globalState.inBatch++ let result if (globalState.disableErrorBoundaries === true) { result = } else { try { result = } catch (e) { result = new CaughtException(e) } } globalState.inBatch-- globalState.trackingDerivation = prevTracking bindDependencies(derivation) warnAboutDerivationWithoutDependencies(derivation) allowStateReadsEnd(prevAllowStateReads) return result } function warnAboutDerivationWithoutDependencies(derivation: IDerivation) { if (!__DEV__) { return } if (derivation.observing_.length !== 0) { return } if ( typeof derivation.requiresObservable_ === "boolean" ? derivation.requiresObservable_ : globalState.reactionRequiresObservable ) { console.warn( `[mobx] Derivation '${derivation.name_}' is created/updated without reading any observable value.` ) } } /** * diffs newObserving with observing. * update observing to be newObserving with unique observables * notify observers that become observed/unobserved */ function bindDependencies(derivation: IDerivation) { // invariant(derivation.dependenciesState !== IDerivationState.NOT_TRACKING, "INTERNAL ERROR bindDependencies expects derivation.dependenciesState !== -1"); const prevObserving = derivation.observing_ const observing = (derivation.observing_ = derivation.newObserving_!) let lowestNewObservingDerivationState = IDerivationState_.UP_TO_DATE_ // Go through all new observables and check diffValue: (this list can contain duplicates): // 0: first occurrence, change to 1 and keep it // 1: extra occurrence, drop it let i0 = 0, l = derivation.unboundDepsCount_ for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { const dep = observing[i] if (dep.diffValue_ === 0) { dep.diffValue_ = 1 if (i0 !== i) { observing[i0] = dep } i0++ } // Upcast is 'safe' here, because if dep is IObservable, `dependenciesState` will be undefined, // not hitting the condition if ((dep as any as IDerivation).dependenciesState_ > lowestNewObservingDerivationState) { lowestNewObservingDerivationState = (dep as any as IDerivation).dependenciesState_ } } observing.length = i0 derivation.newObserving_ = null // newObserving shouldn't be needed outside tracking (statement moved down to work around FF bug, see #614) // Go through all old observables and check diffValue: (it is unique after last bindDependencies) // 0: it's not in new observables, unobserve it // 1: it keeps being observed, don't want to notify it. change to 0 l = prevObserving.length while (l--) { const dep = prevObserving[l] if (dep.diffValue_ === 0) { removeObserver(dep, derivation) } dep.diffValue_ = 0 } // Go through all new observables and check diffValue: (now it should be unique) // 0: it was set to 0 in last loop. don't need to do anything. // 1: it wasn't observed, let's observe it. set back to 0 while (i0--) { const dep = observing[i0] if (dep.diffValue_ === 1) { dep.diffValue_ = 0 addObserver(dep, derivation) } } // Some new observed derivations may become stale during this derivation computation // so they have had no chance to propagate staleness (#916) if (lowestNewObservingDerivationState !== IDerivationState_.UP_TO_DATE_) { derivation.dependenciesState_ = lowestNewObservingDerivationState derivation.onBecomeStale_() } } export function clearObserving(derivation: IDerivation) { // invariant(globalState.inBatch > 0, "INTERNAL ERROR clearObserving should be called only inside batch"); const obs = derivation.observing_ derivation.observing_ = [] let i = obs.length while (i--) { removeObserver(obs[i], derivation) } derivation.dependenciesState_ = IDerivationState_.NOT_TRACKING_ } export function untracked(action: () => T): T { const prev = untrackedStart() try { return action() } finally { untrackedEnd(prev) } } export function untrackedStart(): IDerivation | null { const prev = globalState.trackingDerivation globalState.trackingDerivation = null return prev } export function untrackedEnd(prev: IDerivation | null) { globalState.trackingDerivation = prev } export function allowStateReadsStart(allowStateReads: boolean) { const prev = globalState.allowStateReads globalState.allowStateReads = allowStateReads return prev } export function allowStateReadsEnd(prev: boolean) { globalState.allowStateReads = prev } /** * needed to keep `lowestObserverState` correct. when changing from (2 or 1) to 0 * */ export function changeDependenciesStateTo0(derivation: IDerivation) { if (derivation.dependenciesState_ === IDerivationState_.UP_TO_DATE_) { return } derivation.dependenciesState_ = IDerivationState_.UP_TO_DATE_ const obs = derivation.observing_ let i = obs.length while (i--) { obs[i].lowestObserverState_ = IDerivationState_.UP_TO_DATE_ } }