import { ComputedValue, IComputedValueOptions, Annotation, storeAnnotation, createDecoratorAnnotation, isStringish, isPlainObject, isFunction, die, IComputedValue, createComputedAnnotation, comparer } from "../internal" export const COMPUTED = "computed" export const COMPUTED_STRUCT = "computed.struct" export interface IComputedFactory extends Annotation, PropertyDecorator { // @computed(opts) (options: IComputedValueOptions): Annotation & PropertyDecorator // computed(fn, opts) (func: () => T, options?: IComputedValueOptions): IComputedValue struct: Annotation & PropertyDecorator } const computedAnnotation = createComputedAnnotation(COMPUTED) const computedStructAnnotation = createComputedAnnotation(COMPUTED_STRUCT, { equals: comparer.structural }) /** * Decorator for class properties: @computed get value() { return expr; }. * For legacy purposes also invokable as ES5 observable created: `computed(() => expr)`; */ export const computed: IComputedFactory = function computed(arg1, arg2) { if (isStringish(arg2)) { // @computed return storeAnnotation(arg1, arg2, computedAnnotation) } if (isPlainObject(arg1)) { // @computed({ options }) return createDecoratorAnnotation(createComputedAnnotation(COMPUTED, arg1)) } // computed(expr, options?) if (__DEV__) { if (!isFunction(arg1)) die("First argument to `computed` should be an expression.") if (isFunction(arg2)) die( "A setter as second argument is no longer supported, use `{ set: fn }` option instead" ) } const opts: IComputedValueOptions = isPlainObject(arg2) ? arg2 : {} opts.get = arg1 ||= || "" /* for generated name */ return new ComputedValue(opts) } as any Object.assign(computed, computedAnnotation) computed.struct = createDecoratorAnnotation(computedStructAnnotation)