#!/bin/bash mocha_multi="mocha-multi.js" normal="\033[0m" function log { local color if [ "$2" = "info" ]; then color="" # normal elif [ "$2" = "fail" ]; then color="\033[01;31m" # red elif [ "$2" = "pass" ]; then color="\033[01;32m" # green else color="\033[01;30m" # grey fi echo -e "${color}VERIFY: $1${normal}" 1>&2 } function normalise_timers { local file=$1 cmd="sed -i'.bak' -e 's/[0-9]\{1,\}\(\.[0-9]\{1,\}\)\{0,1\}/0/g' '$file'" eval $cmd rm "$file.bak" } # pipe through cat to ensure istty = false, but capture exit code function eval_notty { log "Running formatter $1: $2" eval $2 | cat return ${PIPESTATUS[0]} } function compare { local reporter=$1 log "Running comparison for $reporter" info local builtin_out=$(mktemp /tmp/mocha-multi.XXXXXXXXX) local multi_env_out=$(mktemp /tmp/mocha-multi.XXXXXXXXX) local multi_arg_out=$(mktemp /tmp/mocha-multi.XXXXXXXXX) local multi_file_in=$(mktemp /tmp/mocha-multi.XXXXXXXXX) local multi_file_out=$(mktemp /tmp/mocha-multi.XXXXXXXXX) local builtin_cmd="mocha -R $reporter &> $builtin_out" eval_notty "normally" "$builtin_cmd" local builtin_result=$? normalise_timers $builtin_out local multi_env_cmd="multi='$reporter=$multi_env_out' mocha -R $mocha_multi" eval_notty "via mocha-multi using environment variable" "$multi_env_cmd" local multi_env_result=$? normalise_timers $multi_env_out local multi_arg_cmd="mocha -R $mocha_multi --reporter-options '$reporter=$multi_arg_out'" eval_notty "via mocha-multi using --reporter-options" "$multi_arg_cmd" local multi_arg_result=$? normalise_timers $multi_arg_out echo "{\"$reporter\": \"$multi_file_out\"}" > "$multi_file_in" local multi_file_cmd="mocha -R $mocha_multi --reporter-options 'mocha-multi=$multi_file_in'" eval_notty "via mocha-multi using file" "$multi_file_cmd" local multi_file_result=$? normalise_timers $multi_file_out log "Comparing exit codes" if [ "$builtin_result" = "$multi_arg_result" -a "$builtin_result" = "$multi_env_result" -a "$builtin_result" = "$multi_file_result" ]; then log 'Codes match, hooray!' pass else log "Codes do not match" fail log "Result ${normal}$builtin_result" log "Result (env) ${normal}$multi_env_result" log "Result (arg) ${normal}$multi_arg_result" log "Result (file) ${normal}$multi_file_result" return 1 fi log "Comparing output" local diff_cmd_env="diff -U1 -Lbuiltin -Lmulti $builtin_out $multi_env_out" log "Running $diff_cmd_env" local difference_env=$($diff_cmd_env) local diff_cmd_arg="diff -U1 -Lbuiltin -Lmulti $builtin_out $multi_arg_out" log "Running $diff_cmd_arg" local difference_arg=$($diff_cmd_arg) local diff_cmd_file="diff -U1 -Lbuiltin -Lmulti $builtin_out $multi_file_out" log "Running $diff_cmd_file" local difference_file=$($diff_cmd_file) rm "$builtin_out" "$multi_env_out" "$multi_arg_out" "$multi_file_out" "$multi_file_in" if [ "$difference_env" = "" -a "$difference_arg" = "" -a "$difference_file" = "" ]; then log 'Output matches, hooray!' pass return 0 else log "Output does not match" fail log "Difference (env)\n${normal}$difference_env" log "Difference (arg)\n${normal}$difference_arg" log "Difference (file)\n${normal}$difference_file" return 1 fi } badfilecheck="ERROR: Missing or malformed options file 'missing.json' -- Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'missing.json'" badfile=`mocha --reporter "$mocha_multi" --reporter-options mocha-multi=missing.json --recursive test 2>&1` log "$badfile" if [ "$badfile" != "$badfilecheck" ]; then log "Wrong error message trying to load missing options file" fail exit 1 else log "Correct error message trying to load missing options file" pass fi if [ "$1" = "" ]; then log "No reporter chosen" exit 1 fi if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then reporters=(\ dot doc spec json progress \ list tap landing xunit min \ json-stream markdown nyan\ ) result=0 for reporter in ${reporters[@]}; do compare $reporter result=$(($result + $?)) done exit $result else compare $1 fi