const Debug: any = require('debug'); import * as portfinder from 'portfinder'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import {MongodHelper} from 'mongodb-prebuilt'; import {MockgooseHelper} from './mockgoose-helper'; //const uuidV4 = require('uuid/v4'); const uuidV4: any = require('uuid/v4'); export class Mockgoose { helper: MockgooseHelper; mongodHelper: MongodHelper = new MongodHelper(); debug: any; mongooseObj: any; constructor(mongooseObj: any) { this.debug = Debug('Mockgoose'); this.helper = new MockgooseHelper(mongooseObj, this); this.mongooseObj = mongooseObj; this.mongooseObj.mocked = true; } prepareStorage(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let tempDBPathPromise: Promise = this.getTempDBPath(); let openPortPromise: Promise = this.getOpenPort(); Promise.all([tempDBPathPromise, openPortPromise]).then((promiseValues) => { let dbPath: string = promiseValues[0]; let openPort: string = promiseValues[1].toString(); let storageEngine: string = this.getMemoryStorageName(); let mongodArgs: string[] = [ '--port', openPort, '--storageEngine', storageEngine, '--dbpath', dbPath ]; this.debug(`@prepareStorage mongod args, ${mongodArgs}`); this.mongodHelper.mongoBin.commandArguments = mongodArgs; => { let connectionString: string = this.getMockConnectionString(openPort); this.mockConnectCalls(connectionString); resolve(); }, (e: any) => { reject(e); // throw e; // return this.prepareStorage(); }); }); }); } shutdown(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.mongooseObj.disconnect(); let timer = setTimeout(()=> { reject(new Error('Mockgoose timed out shutting down mongod')) }, 10000); this.mongodHelper.mongoBin.childProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) => { this.debug('mongod has exited with %s on %s', code, signal) clearTimeout(timer); resolve(code); }); this.mongodHelper.stop(); }); } getMockConnectionString(port: string): string { const dbName: string = 'mockgoose-temp-db-' + uuidV4(); const connectionString: string = `mongodb://localhost:${port}/${dbName}`; return connectionString; } mockConnectCalls(connection: string) { let createConnection: ConnectionWrapper = new ConnectionWrapper('createConnection', this.mongooseObj, connection); this.mongooseObj.createConnection = function() { return }; let connect: ConnectionWrapper = new ConnectionWrapper('connect', this.mongooseObj, connection); this.mongooseObj.connect = function() { return }; } getOpenPort(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { portfinder.getPort({port: 27017}, function (err, port) { if ( err ) { reject(err) } else { resolve(port); } }); }); } // todo: add support to mongodb-download or prebuilt to return version getMemoryStorageName(): string { return "ephemeralForTest"; } getTempDBPath(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let tempDir: string = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), "mockgoose",; fs.ensureDir(tempDir, (err: any) => { if (err) throw err; resolve(tempDir); }); }); } } export class ConnectionWrapper { originalArguments: any; functionName: string; functionCode: any; mongoose: any; connectionString: string; constructor( functionName: string, mongoose: any, connectionString: string ) { this.functionName = functionName; this.mongoose = mongoose; this.functionCode = mongoose[functionName]; this.connectionString = connectionString; } run(args: any): void { this.originalArguments = args; let mockedArgs: any = args; mockedArgs[0] = this.connectionString; return this.functionCode.apply(this.mongoose, mockedArgs); } }