import zlib from 'zlib'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import path from 'path'; import os from 'os'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import semver from 'semver'; import _debug from 'debug'; const debug = _debug('mongodb-download-url:version-list'); const gunzip = promisify(zlib.gunzip); const gzip = promisify(zlib.gzip); export type ArchiveBaseInfo = { sha1: string; sha256: string; url: string; }; export type DownloadInfo = { edition: 'enterprise' | 'targeted' | 'base' | 'source' | 'subscription'; target?: string; arch?: string; archive: { debug_symbols: string; } & ArchiveBaseInfo; cryptd?: ArchiveBaseInfo; shell?: ArchiveBaseInfo; packages?: string[]; msi?: string; }; export type VersionInfo = { changes: string; notes: string; date: string; githash: string; continuous_release: boolean; current: boolean; development_release: boolean; lts_release: boolean; production_release: boolean; release_candidate: boolean; version: string; downloads: DownloadInfo[]; }; type FullJSON = { versions: VersionInfo[]; }; export type VersionListOpts = { version?: string; versionListUrl?: string; cachePath?: string; cacheTimeMs?: number; productionOnly?: boolean; }; function defaultCachePath(): string { return path.join(os.tmpdir(), '.mongodb-full.json.gz'); } let fullJSON: FullJSON | undefined; let fullJSONFetchTime = 0; async function getFullJSON(opts: VersionListOpts): Promise { const versionListUrl = opts.versionListUrl ?? ''; const cachePath = opts.cachePath ?? defaultCachePath(); const cacheTimeMs = opts.cacheTimeMs ?? 24 * 3600 * 1000; let tryWriteCache = cacheTimeMs > 0; const inMemoryCopyUpToDate = () => fullJSONFetchTime >= new Date().getTime() - cacheTimeMs; try { if ((!fullJSON || !inMemoryCopyUpToDate()) && cacheTimeMs > 0) { debug('trying to load versions from cache', cachePath); const fh = await, 'r'); try { const stat = await fh.stat(); if (process.getuid && (stat.uid !== process.getuid() || (stat.mode & 0o022) !== 0)) { tryWriteCache = false; debug('cannot use cache because it is not a file or we do not own it'); throw new Error(); } if (stat.mtime.getTime() < new Date().getTime() - cacheTimeMs) { debug('cache is outdated'); throw new Error(); } debug('cache up-to-date'); tryWriteCache = false; fullJSON = JSON.parse((await gunzip(await fh.readFile())).toString()); fullJSONFetchTime = new Date().getTime(); } finally { await fh.close(); } } } catch {} if (!fullJSON || !inMemoryCopyUpToDate()) { debug('trying to load versions from source', versionListUrl); const response = await fetch(versionListUrl); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Could not get mongodb versions from ${versionListUrl}: ${response.statusText}`); } fullJSON = await response.json(); fullJSONFetchTime = new Date().getTime(); if (tryWriteCache) { const partialFilePath = cachePath + `.partial.${}`; await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(cachePath), { recursive: true }); try { const compressed = await gzip(JSON.stringify(fullJSON), { level: 9 }); await fs.writeFile(partialFilePath, compressed, { mode: 0o644, flag: 'wx' }); await fs.rename(partialFilePath, cachePath); debug('wrote cache', cachePath); } catch { try { await fs.unlink(partialFilePath); } catch {} } } } return fullJSON; } export async function getVersion(opts: VersionListOpts): Promise { const fullJSON = await getFullJSON(opts); let versions = fullJSON.versions; versions = versions.filter((info: VersionInfo) => info.downloads.length > 0); if (opts.productionOnly) { versions = versions.filter((info: VersionInfo) => info.production_release); } if (opts.version && opts.version !== '*') { versions = versions.filter((info: VersionInfo) => semver.satisfies(info.version, opts.version)); } versions = versions.sort((a: VersionInfo, b: VersionInfo) => semver.rcompare(a.version, b.version)); return versions[0]; } export async function clearCache(cachePath?: string): Promise { debug('clearing cache'); fullJSON = undefined; fullJSONFetchTime = 0; if (cachePath !== '') { try { await fs.unlink(cachePath ?? defaultCachePath()); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') return; throw err; } } }