declare module 'mongoose' { import stream = require('stream'); interface MongooseOptions { /** * Set to `true` to set `allowDiskUse` to true to all aggregation operations by default. * * @default false */ allowDiskUse?: boolean; /** * Set to `false` to skip applying global plugins to child schemas. * * @default true */ applyPluginsToChildSchemas?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` to apply global plugins to discriminator schemas. * This typically isn't necessary because plugins are applied to the base schema and * discriminators copy all middleware, methods, statics, and properties from the base schema. * * @default false */ applyPluginsToDiscriminators?: boolean; /** * autoCreate is `true` by default unless readPreference is secondary or secondaryPreferred, * which means Mongoose will attempt to create every model's underlying collection before * creating indexes. If readPreference is secondary or secondaryPreferred, Mongoose will * default to false for both autoCreate and autoIndex because both createCollection() and * createIndex() will fail when connected to a secondary. */ autoCreate?: boolean; /** * Set to `false` to disable automatic index creation for all models associated with this Mongoose instance. * * @default true */ autoIndex?: boolean; /** * enable/disable mongoose's buffering mechanism for all connections and models. * * @default true */ bufferCommands?: boolean; /** * If bufferCommands is on, this option sets the maximum amount of time Mongoose * buffering will wait before throwing an error. * If not specified, Mongoose will use 10000 (10 seconds). * * @default 10000 */ bufferTimeoutMS?: number; /** * Set to `true` to `clone()` all schemas before compiling into a model. * * @default false */ cloneSchemas?: boolean; /** * Set to `false` to disable the creation of the initial default connection. * * @default true */ createInitialConnection?: boolean; /** * If `true`, prints the operations mongoose sends to MongoDB to the console. * If a writable stream is passed, it will log to that stream, without colorization. * If a callback function is passed, it will receive the collection name, the method * name, then all arguments passed to the method. For example, if you wanted to * replicate the default logging, you could output from the callback * `Mongoose: ${collectionName}.${methodName}(${methodArgs.join(', ')})`. * * @default false */ debug?: | boolean | { color?: boolean; shell?: boolean; } | stream.Writable | ((collectionName: string, methodName: string, ...methodArgs: any[]) => void); /** * If `true`, adds a `id` virtual to all schemas unless overwritten on a per-schema basis. * @defaultValue true */ id?: boolean; /** * If `false`, it will change the `createdAt` field to be [`immutable: false`]( * which means you can update the `createdAt`. * * @default true */ 'timestamps.createdAt.immutable'?: boolean /** If set, attaches [maxTimeMS]( to every query */ maxTimeMS?: number; /** * Mongoose adds a getter to MongoDB ObjectId's called `_id` that * returns `this` for convenience with populate. Set this to false to remove the getter. * * @default true */ objectIdGetter?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` to default to overwriting models with the same name when calling * `mongoose.model()`, as opposed to throwing an `OverwriteModelError`. * * @default false */ overwriteModels?: boolean; /** * If `false`, changes the default `returnOriginal` option to `findOneAndUpdate()`, * `findByIdAndUpdate`, and `findOneAndReplace()` to false. This is equivalent to * setting the `new` option to `true` for `findOneAndX()` calls by default. Read our * `findOneAndUpdate()` [tutorial]( * for more information. * * @default true */ returnOriginal?: boolean; /** * Set to true to enable [update validators]( * * ) for all validators by default. * * @default false */ runValidators?: boolean; /** * Sanitizes query filters against [query selector injection attacks]( * * ) by wrapping any nested objects that have a property whose name starts with $ in a $eq. */ sanitizeFilter?: boolean; sanitizeProjection?: boolean; /** * Set to false to opt out of Mongoose adding all fields that you `populate()` * to your `select()`. The schema-level option `selectPopulatedPaths` overwrites this one. * * @default true */ selectPopulatedPaths?: boolean; /** * Mongoose also sets defaults on update() and findOneAndUpdate() when the upsert option is * set by adding your schema's defaults to a MongoDB $setOnInsert operator. You can disable * this behavior by setting the setDefaultsOnInsert option to false. * * @default true */ setDefaultsOnInsert?: boolean; /** * Sets the default strict mode for schemas. * May be `false`, `true`, or `'throw'`. * * @default true */ strict?: boolean | 'throw'; /** * Set to `false` to allow populating paths that aren't in the schema. * * @default true */ strictPopulate?: boolean; /** * Sets the default [strictQuery]( mode for schemas. * May be `false`, `true`, or `'throw'`. * * @default false */ strictQuery?: boolean | 'throw'; /** * Overwrites default objects to `toJSON()`, for determining how Mongoose * documents get serialized by `JSON.stringify()` * * @default { transform: true, flattenDecimals: true } */ toJSON?: ToObjectOptions; /** * Overwrites default objects to `toObject()` * * @default { transform: true, flattenDecimals: true } */ toObject?: ToObjectOptions; /** * Set to true to make Mongoose use Node.js' built-in AsyncLocalStorage (Node >= 16.0.0) * to set `session` option on all operations within a `connection.transaction(fn)` call * by default. Defaults to false. */ transactionAsyncLocalStorage?: boolean; /** * If `true`, convert any aliases in filter, projection, update, and distinct * to their database property names. Defaults to false. */ translateAliases?: boolean; } }