declare module 'mongoose' { type IfAny = 0 extends (1 & IFTYPE) ? THENTYPE : ELSETYPE; type IfUnknown = unknown extends IFTYPE ? THENTYPE : IFTYPE; /** * @summary Removes keys from a type * @description It helps to exclude keys from a type * @param {T} T A generic type to be checked. * @param {K} K Keys from T that are to be excluded from the generic type * @returns T with the keys in K excluded */ type ExcludeKeys = { [P in keyof T as P extends K ? never : P]: T[P]; }; type Unpacked = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : T extends ReadonlyArray ? U : T; type UnpackedIntersection = T extends null ? null : T extends (infer A)[] ? (Omit & U)[] : keyof U extends never ? T : Omit & U; type MergeType = Omit & B; /** * @summary Converts Unions to one record "object". * @description It makes intellisense dialog box easier to read as a single object instead of showing that in multiple object unions. * @param {T} T The type to be converted. */ type FlatRecord = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; /** * @summary Checks if a type is "Record" or "any". * @description It Helps to check if user has provided schema type "EnforcedDocType" * @param {T} T A generic type to be checked. * @returns true if {@link T} is Record OR false if {@link T} is of any type. */ type IsItRecordAndNotAny = IfEquals ? true : false>; /** * @summary Checks if two types are identical. * @param {T} T The first type to be compared with {@link U}. * @param {U} U The seconde type to be compared with {@link T}. * @param {Y} Y A type to be returned if {@link T} & {@link U} are identical. * @param {N} N A type to be returned if {@link T} & {@link U} are not identical. */ type IfEquals = (() => G extends T ? 1 : 0) extends (() => G extends U ? 1 : 0) ? Y : N; /** * @summary Extracts 'this' parameter from a function, if it exists. Otherwise, returns fallback. * @param {T} T Function type to extract 'this' parameter from. * @param {F} F Fallback type to return if 'this' parameter does not exist. */ type ThisParameter = T extends { (this: infer This): void } ? This : F; /** * @summary Decorates all functions in an object with 'this' parameter. * @param {T} T Object with functions as values to add 'D' parameter to as 'this'. {@link D} * @param {D} D The type to be added as 'this' parameter to all functions in {@link T}. */ type AddThisParameter = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (...args: infer A) => infer R ? ThisParameter extends unknown ? (this: D, ...args: A) => R : T[K] : T[K]; }; }