declare class NativeError extends global.Error { } declare module 'mongoose' { import mongodb = require('mongodb'); type CastError = Error.CastError; type SyncIndexesError = Error.SyncIndexesError; class MongooseError extends global.Error { constructor(msg: string); /** The type of error. "MongooseError" for generic errors. */ name: string; static messages: any; static Messages: any; } class Error extends MongooseError { } namespace Error { export class CastError extends MongooseError { name: 'CastError'; stringValue: string; kind: string; value: any; path: string; reason?: NativeError | null; model?: any; constructor(type: string, value: any, path: string, reason?: NativeError, schemaType?: SchemaType); } export class SyncIndexesError extends MongooseError { name: 'SyncIndexesError'; errors?: Record; constructor(type: string, value: any, path: string, reason?: NativeError, schemaType?: SchemaType); } export class DisconnectedError extends MongooseError { name: 'DisconnectedError'; } export class DivergentArrayError extends MongooseError { name: 'DivergentArrayError'; } export class MissingSchemaError extends MongooseError { name: 'MissingSchemaError'; } export class DocumentNotFoundError extends MongooseError { name: 'DocumentNotFoundError'; result: any; numAffected: number; filter: any; query: any; } export class ObjectExpectedError extends MongooseError { name: 'ObjectExpectedError'; path: string; } export class ObjectParameterError extends MongooseError { name: 'ObjectParameterError'; } export class OverwriteModelError extends MongooseError { name: 'OverwriteModelError'; } export class ParallelSaveError extends MongooseError { name: 'ParallelSaveError'; } export class ParallelValidateError extends MongooseError { name: 'ParallelValidateError'; } export class MongooseServerSelectionError extends MongooseError { name: 'MongooseServerSelectionError'; } export class StrictModeError extends MongooseError { name: 'StrictModeError'; isImmutableError: boolean; path: string; } export class ValidationError extends MongooseError { name: 'ValidationError'; errors: { [path: string]: ValidatorError | CastError }; addError: (path: string, error: ValidatorError | CastError) => void; constructor(instance?: MongooseError); } export class ValidatorError extends MongooseError { name: 'ValidatorError'; properties: { message: string, type?: string, path?: string, value?: any, reason?: any }; kind: string; path: string; value: any; reason?: MongooseError | null; constructor(properties: { message?: string, type?: string, path?: string, value?: any, reason?: any }); } export class VersionError extends MongooseError { name: 'VersionError'; version: number; modifiedPaths: Array; constructor(doc: Document, currentVersion: number, modifiedPaths: Array); } } }