declare module 'mongoose' { /** * Reference another Model */ type PopulatedDoc< PopulatedType, RawId extends RefType = (PopulatedType extends { _id?: RefType; } ? NonNullable : Types.ObjectId) | undefined > = PopulatedType | RawId; interface PopulateOptions { /** space delimited path(s) to populate */ path: string; /** fields to select */ select?: any; /** query conditions to match */ match?: any; /** optional model to use for population */ model?: string | Model; /** optional query options like sort, limit, etc */ options?: QueryOptions; /** correct limit on populated array */ perDocumentLimit?: number; /** optional boolean, set to `false` to allow populating paths that aren't in the schema */ strictPopulate?: boolean; /** deep populate */ populate?: string | PopulateOptions | (string | PopulateOptions)[]; /** * If true Mongoose will always set `path` to an array, if false Mongoose will * always set `path` to a document. Inferred from schema by default. */ justOne?: boolean; /** transform function to call on every populated doc */ transform?: (doc: any, id: any) => any; } interface PopulateOption { populate?: string | string[] | PopulateOptions | PopulateOptions[]; } }