Create a server that stores in the following format: (Can't handle hash...) Response contains: ``` javascript var match = grunt.file.readJSON(fixturePath); // Match on port, user, password, protocol, & search, // Should also match on all headers. `res.headers`, `res.method`. ``` json // MUST MATCH: { "protocol": "", "search": "", "port": 0, "username": "", "password": "", "headers": {}, "method": "" } ``` Compare all the values, otherwise make a new Object. Encode in the following format: http://host:port/pathname var out = "fixtures"; var encode = encodeURIComponent; // Location var fixturePath = path.join(out, encode(, encode(url.href) + ".json"); // Write the fixture... (super naive, no append). grunt.file.write(fixturePath, JSON.stringify(response.body)); encodeURIComponent(pathname) converted Record and instrument. --- grunt.config("mrmime", { options: { mock: "", out: "fixtures", ignore: ["???"] }, record: { options: { mode: "record", } }, instrument: { mock: { mode: "instrument" } } });