import { Authority } from "./authority/Authority"; import { Logger } from "./Logger"; import { AuthCache } from "./cache/AuthCache"; import { Account } from "./Account"; import { Configuration } from "./Configuration"; import { AuthenticationParameters } from "./AuthenticationParameters"; import { AuthError } from "./error/AuthError"; import { AuthResponse } from "./AuthResponse"; /** * Interface to handle iFrame generation, Popup Window creation and redirect handling */ declare global { interface Window { msal: Object; CustomEvent: CustomEvent; Event: Event; activeRenewals: {}; renewStates: Array; callbackMappedToRenewStates: {}; promiseMappedToRenewStates: {}; openedWindows: Array; requestType: string; } } /** * @hidden * @ignore */ export interface CacheResult { errorDesc: string; token: string; error: string; } /** * @hidden * @ignore * Data type to hold information about state returned from the server */ export declare type ResponseStateInfo = { state: string; timestamp: number; method: string; stateMatch: boolean; requestType: string; }; /** * A type alias for an authResponseCallback function. * {@link (authResponseCallback:type)} * @param authErr error created for failure cases * @param response response containing token strings in success cases, or just state value in error cases */ export declare type authResponseCallback = (authErr: AuthError, response?: AuthResponse) => void; /** * A type alias for a tokenReceivedCallback function. * {@link (tokenReceivedCallback:type)} * @returns response of type {@link (AuthResponse:type)} * The function that will get the call back once this API is completed (either successfully or with a failure). */ export declare type tokenReceivedCallback = (response: AuthResponse) => void; /** * A type alias for a errorReceivedCallback function. * {@link (errorReceivedCallback:type)} * @returns response of type {@link (AuthError:class)} * @returns {string} account state */ export declare type errorReceivedCallback = (authErr: AuthError, accountState: string) => void; /** * UserAgentApplication class * * Object Instance that the developer can use to make loginXX OR acquireTokenXX functions */ export declare class UserAgentApplication { private config; private authResponseCallback; private tokenReceivedCallback; private errorReceivedCallback; private logger; private clientId; private inCookie; private telemetryManager; protected cacheStorage: AuthCache; private account; private silentAuthenticationState; private silentLogin; private redirectResponse; private redirectError; protected authorityInstance: Authority; /** * setter for the authority URL * @param {string} authority */ set authority(val: string); /** * Method to manage the authority URL. * * @returns {string} authority */ get authority(): string; /** * Get the current authority instance from the MSAL configuration object * * @returns {@link Authority} authority instance */ getAuthorityInstance(): Authority; /** * @constructor * Constructor for the UserAgentApplication used to instantiate the UserAgentApplication object * * Important attributes in the Configuration object for auth are: * - clientID: the application ID of your application. * You can obtain one by registering your application with our Application registration portal : * - authority: the authority URL for your application. * * In Azure AD, authority is a URL indicating the Azure active directory that MSAL uses to obtain tokens. * It is of the form<Enter_the_Tenant_Info_Here>. * If your application supports Accounts in one organizational directory, replace "Enter_the_Tenant_Info_Here" value with the Tenant Id or Tenant name (for example, * If your application supports Accounts in any organizational directory, replace "Enter_the_Tenant_Info_Here" value with organizations. * If your application supports Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts, replace "Enter_the_Tenant_Info_Here" value with common. * To restrict support to Personal Microsoft accounts only, replace "Enter_the_Tenant_Info_Here" value with consumers. * * * In Azure B2C, authority is of the form https://<instance>/tfp/<tenant>/<policyName>/ * * @param {@link (Configuration:type)} configuration object for the MSAL UserAgentApplication instance */ constructor(configuration: Configuration); /** * @hidden * @ignore * Set the callback functions for the redirect flow to send back the success or error object. * @param {@link (tokenReceivedCallback:type)} successCallback - Callback which contains the AuthResponse object, containing data from the server. * @param {@link (errorReceivedCallback:type)} errorCallback - Callback which contains a AuthError object, containing error data from either the server * or the library, depending on the origin of the error. */ handleRedirectCallback(tokenReceivedCallback: tokenReceivedCallback, errorReceivedCallback: errorReceivedCallback): void; handleRedirectCallback(authCallback: authResponseCallback): void; /** * Public API to verify if the URL contains the hash with known properties * @param hash */ urlContainsHash(hash: string): boolean; private authResponseHandler; private authErrorHandler; /** * Use when initiating the login process by redirecting the user's browser to the authorization endpoint. * @param {@link (AuthenticationParameters:type)} */ loginRedirect(userRequest?: AuthenticationParameters): void; /** * Use when you want to obtain an access_token for your API by redirecting the user's browser window to the authorization endpoint. * @param {@link (AuthenticationParameters:type)} * * To renew idToken, please pass clientId as the only scope in the Authentication Parameters */ acquireTokenRedirect(userRequest: AuthenticationParameters): void; /** * Use when initiating the login process via opening a popup window in the user's browser * * @param {@link (AuthenticationParameters:type)} * * @returns {Promise.} - a promise that is fulfilled when this function has completed, or rejected if an error was raised. Returns the {@link AuthResponse} object */ loginPopup(userRequest?: AuthenticationParameters): Promise; /** * Use when you want to obtain an access_token for your API via opening a popup window in the user's browser * @param {@link AuthenticationParameters} * * To renew idToken, please pass clientId as the only scope in the Authentication Parameters * @returns {Promise.} - a promise that is fulfilled when this function has completed, or rejected if an error was raised. Returns the {@link AuthResponse} object */ acquireTokenPopup(userRequest: AuthenticationParameters): Promise; /** * Use when initiating the login process or when you want to obtain an access_token for your API, * either by redirecting the user's browser window to the authorization endpoint or via opening a popup window in the user's browser. * @param {@link (AuthenticationParameters:type)} * * To renew idToken, please pass clientId as the only scope in the Authentication Parameters */ private acquireTokenInteractive; /** * @hidden * @ignore * Helper function to acquireToken * */ private acquireTokenHelper; /** * API interfacing idToken request when applications already have a session/hint acquired by authorization client applications * @param request */ ssoSilent(request: AuthenticationParameters): Promise; /** * Use this function to obtain a token before every call to the API / resource provider * * MSAL return's a cached token when available * Or it send's a request to the STS to obtain a new token using a hidden iframe. * * @param {@link AuthenticationParameters} * * To renew idToken, please pass clientId as the only scope in the Authentication Parameters * @returns {Promise.} - a promise that is fulfilled when this function has completed, or rejected if an error was raised. Returns the {@link AuthResponse} object * */ acquireTokenSilent(userRequest: AuthenticationParameters): Promise; /** * @hidden * * Configures popup window for login. * * @param urlNavigate * @param title * @param popUpWidth * @param popUpHeight * @ignore * @hidden */ private openPopup; /** * @hidden * Calling _loadFrame but with a timeout to signal failure in loadframeStatus. Callbacks are left. * registered when network errors occur and subsequent token requests for same resource are registered to the pending request. * @ignore */ private loadIframeTimeout; /** * @hidden * Used to redirect the browser to the STS authorization endpoint * @param {string} urlNavigate - URL of the authorization endpoint */ private navigateWindow; /** * @hidden * Used to add the developer requested callback to the array of callbacks for the specified scopes. The updated array is stored on the window object * @param {string} expectedState - Unique state identifier (guid). * @param {string} scope - Developer requested permissions. Not all scopes are guaranteed to be included in the access token returned. * @param {Function} resolve - The resolve function of the promise object. * @param {Function} reject - The reject function of the promise object. * @ignore */ private registerCallback; /** * Use to log out the current user, and redirect the user to the postLogoutRedirectUri. * Default behaviour is to redirect the user to `window.location.href`. */ logout(correlationId?: string): void; /** * Async version of logout(). Use to log out the current user. * @param correlationId Request correlationId */ private logoutAsync; /** * @hidden * Clear all access tokens and ID tokens in the cache. * @ignore */ protected clearCache(): void; /** * @hidden * Clear a given access token from the cache. * * @param accessToken */ protected clearCacheForScope(accessToken: string): void; /** * @hidden * @ignore * Checks if the redirect response is received from the STS. In case of redirect, the url fragment has either id_token, access_token or error. * @param {string} hash - Hash passed from redirect page. * @returns {Boolean} - true if response contains id_token, access_token or error, false otherwise. */ isCallback(hash: string): boolean; /** * @hidden * Used to call the constructor callback with the token/error * @param {string} [hash=window.location.hash] - Hash fragment of Url. */ private processCallBack; /** * @hidden * This method must be called for processing the response received from the STS if using popups or iframes. It extracts the hash, processes the token or error * information and saves it in the cache. It then resolves the promises with the result. * @param {string} [hash=window.location.hash] - Hash fragment of Url. */ private handleAuthenticationResponse; /** * @hidden * This method must be called for processing the response received from the STS when using redirect flows. It extracts the hash, processes the token or error * information and saves it in the cache. The result can then be accessed by user registered callbacks. * @param {string} [hash=window.location.hash] - Hash fragment of Url. */ private handleRedirectAuthenticationResponse; /** * @hidden * Creates a stateInfo object from the URL fragment and returns it. * @param {string} hash - Hash passed from redirect page * @returns {TokenResponse} an object created from the redirect response from AAD comprising of the keys - parameters, requestType, stateMatch, stateResponse and valid. * @ignore */ protected getResponseState(hash: string): ResponseStateInfo; /** * @hidden * Used to get token for the specified set of scopes from the cache * @param {@link ServerRequestParameters} - Request sent to the STS to obtain an id_token/access_token * @param {Account} account - Account for which the scopes were requested */ private getCachedToken; /** * @hidden * * Uses passed in authority to further filter an array of tokenCacheItems until only the token being searched for remains, then returns that tokenCacheItem. * This method will throw if authority filtering still yields multiple matching tokens and will return null if not tokens match the authority passed in. * * @param authority * @param tokenCacheItems * @param request * @param requestScopes * @param tokenType */ private getTokenCacheItemByAuthority; /** * * @hidden * * Searches the token cache for an ID Token that matches the request parameter and returns it as an IdToken object. * * @param serverAuthenticationRequest * @param account */ private getCachedIdToken; /** * * @hidden * * Searches the token cache for an access token that matches the request parameters and returns it as an AuthResponse. * * @param serverAuthenticationRequest * @param account * @param scopes */ private getCachedAccessToken; /** * Returns true if the token passed in is within the acceptable expiration time offset, false if it is expired. * @param tokenCacheItem * @param serverAuthenticationRequest */ private evaluateTokenExpiration; /** * @hidden * Check if ADAL id_token exists and return if exists. * */ private extractADALIdToken; /** * @hidden * Acquires access token using a hidden iframe. * @ignore */ private renewToken; /** * @hidden * Renews idtoken for app's own backend when clientId is passed as a single scope in the scopes array. * @ignore */ private renewIdToken; /** * @hidden * * This method builds an Access Token Cache item and saves it to the cache, returning the original * AuthResponse augmented with a parsed expiresOn attribute. * * @param response The AuthResponse object that contains the token to be saved * @param authority The authority under which the ID token will be cached * @param scopes The scopes to be added to the cache item key (undefined for ID token cache items) * @param clientInfo Client Info object that is used to generate the homeAccountIdentifier * @param expiration Token expiration timestamp */ private saveToken; /** * @hidden * * This method sets up the elements of an ID Token cache item and calls saveToken to save it in * Access Token Cache item format for the client application to use. * * @param response The AuthResponse object that will be used to build the cache item * @param authority The authority under which the ID token will be cached * @param parameters The response's Hash Params, which contain the ID token returned from the server * @param clientInfo Client Info object that is used to generate the homeAccountIdentifier * @param idTokenObj ID Token object from which the ID token's expiration is extracted */ private saveIdToken; /** * @hidden * * This method sets up the elements of an Access Token cache item and calls saveToken to save it to the cache * * @param response The AuthResponse object that will be used to build the cache item * @param authority The authority under which the access token will be cached * @param parameters The response's Hash Params, which contain the access token returned from the server * @param clientInfo Client Info object that is used to generate the homeAccountIdentifier */ private saveAccessToken; /** * @hidden * Saves token or error received in the response from AAD in the cache. In case of id_token, it also creates the account object. * @ignore */ protected saveTokenFromHash(hash: string, stateInfo: ResponseStateInfo): AuthResponse; /** * Set Authority when saving Token from the hash * @param state * @param inCookie * @param cacheStorage * @param idTokenObj * @param response */ private populateAuthority; /** * Returns the signed in account * (the account object is created at the time of successful login) * or null when no state is found * @returns {@link Account} - the account object stored in MSAL */ getAccount(): Account; /** * @hidden * * Extracts state value from the accountState sent with the authentication request. * @returns {string} scope. * @ignore */ getAccountState(state: string): string; /** * Use to get a list of unique accounts in MSAL cache based on homeAccountIdentifier. * * @param {@link Array} Account - all unique accounts in MSAL cache. */ getAllAccounts(): Array; /** * @hidden * * Used to filter accounts based on homeAccountIdentifier * @param {Array} Accounts - accounts saved in the cache * @ignore */ private getUniqueAccounts; /** * @hidden * * Broadcast messages - Used only for Angular? * * @param eventName * @param data */ private broadcast; /** * @hidden * * Helper function to retrieve the cached token * * @param scopes * @param {@link Account} account * @param state * @return {@link AuthResponse} AuthResponse */ protected getCachedTokenInternal(scopes: Array, account: Account, state: string, correlationId?: string): AuthResponse; /** * @hidden * * Get scopes for the Endpoint - Used in Angular to track protected and unprotected resources without interaction from the developer app * Note: Please check if we need to set the "redirectUri" from the "request" which makes this call from Angular - for this.getRedirectUri() * * @param endpoint */ protected getScopesForEndpoint(endpoint: string): Array; /** * Return boolean flag to developer to help inform if login is in progress * @returns {boolean} true/false */ getLoginInProgress(): boolean; /** * @hidden * @ignore * * @param loginInProgress */ protected setInteractionInProgress(inProgress: boolean): void; /** * @hidden * @ignore * * @param loginInProgress */ protected setloginInProgress(loginInProgress: boolean): void; /** * @hidden * @ignore * * returns the status of acquireTokenInProgress */ protected getAcquireTokenInProgress(): boolean; /** * @hidden * @ignore * * @param acquireTokenInProgress */ protected setAcquireTokenInProgress(acquireTokenInProgress: boolean): void; /** * @hidden * @ignore * * returns the logger handle */ getLogger(): Logger; /** * Sets the logger callback. * @param logger Logger callback */ setLogger(logger: Logger): void; /** * Use to get the redirect uri configured in MSAL or null. * Evaluates redirectUri if its a function, otherwise simply returns its value. * * @returns {string} redirect URL */ getRedirectUri(reqRedirectUri?: string): string; /** * Use to get the post logout redirect uri configured in MSAL or null. * Evaluates postLogoutredirectUri if its a function, otherwise simply returns its value. * * @returns {string} post logout redirect URL */ getPostLogoutRedirectUri(): string; /** * Use to get the current {@link Configuration} object in MSAL * * @returns {@link Configuration} */ getCurrentConfiguration(): Configuration; /** * @ignore * * Utils function to create the Authentication * @param {@link account} account object * @param scopes * * @returns {string} token type: token, id_token or id_token token * */ private getTokenType; /** * @hidden * @ignore * * Sets the cachekeys for and stores the account information in cache * @param account * @param state * @hidden */ private setAccountCache; /** * @hidden * @ignore * * Sets the cacheKey for and stores the authority information in cache * @param state * @param authority * @hidden */ private setAuthorityCache; /** * Updates account, authority, and nonce in cache * @param serverAuthenticationRequest * @param account * @hidden * @ignore */ private updateCacheEntries; /** * Returns the unique identifier for the logged in account * @param account * @hidden * @ignore */ private getAccountId; /** * @ignore * @param extraQueryParameters * * Construct 'tokenRequest' from the available data in adalIdToken */ private buildIDTokenRequest; /** * @ignore * @param config * @param clientId * * Construct TelemetryManager from Configuration */ private getTelemetryManagerFromConfig; }