import { AuthError } from "./AuthError"; import { IdToken } from "../IdToken"; export declare const ClientAuthErrorMessage: { endpointResolutionError: { code: string; desc: string; }; popUpWindowError: { code: string; desc: string; }; tokenRenewalError: { code: string; desc: string; }; invalidIdToken: { code: string; desc: string; }; invalidStateError: { code: string; desc: string; }; nonceMismatchError: { code: string; desc: string; }; loginProgressError: { code: string; desc: string; }; acquireTokenProgressError: { code: string; desc: string; }; userCancelledError: { code: string; desc: string; }; callbackError: { code: string; desc: string; }; userLoginRequiredError: { code: string; desc: string; }; userDoesNotExistError: { code: string; desc: string; }; clientInfoDecodingError: { code: string; desc: string; }; clientInfoNotPopulatedError: { code: string; desc: string; }; nullOrEmptyIdToken: { code: string; desc: string; }; idTokenNotParsed: { code: string; desc: string; }; tokenEncodingError: { code: string; desc: string; }; invalidInteractionType: { code: string; desc: string; }; cacheParseError: { code: string; desc: string; }; blockTokenRequestsInHiddenIframe: { code: string; desc: string; }; }; /** * Error thrown when there is an error in the client code running on the browser. */ export declare class ClientAuthError extends AuthError { constructor(errorCode: string, errorMessage?: string); static createEndpointResolutionError(errDetail?: string): ClientAuthError; static createPopupWindowError(errDetail?: string): ClientAuthError; static createTokenRenewalTimeoutError(): ClientAuthError; static createInvalidIdTokenError(idToken: IdToken): ClientAuthError; static createInvalidStateError(invalidState: string, actualState: string): ClientAuthError; static createNonceMismatchError(invalidNonce: string, actualNonce: string): ClientAuthError; static createLoginInProgressError(): ClientAuthError; static createAcquireTokenInProgressError(): ClientAuthError; static createUserCancelledError(): ClientAuthError; static createErrorInCallbackFunction(errorDesc: string): ClientAuthError; static createUserLoginRequiredError(): ClientAuthError; static createUserDoesNotExistError(): ClientAuthError; static createClientInfoDecodingError(caughtError: string): ClientAuthError; static createClientInfoNotPopulatedError(caughtError: string): ClientAuthError; static createIdTokenNullOrEmptyError(invalidRawTokenString: string): ClientAuthError; static createIdTokenParsingError(caughtParsingError: string): ClientAuthError; static createTokenEncodingError(incorrectlyEncodedToken: string): ClientAuthError; static createInvalidInteractionTypeError(): ClientAuthError; static createCacheParseError(key: string): ClientAuthError; static createBlockTokenRequestsInHiddenIframeError(): ClientAuthError; }