#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Module dependencies. */ let fs = require('fs'), os = require('os'), path = require('path'), util = require('util'), cliff = require('cliff'), mkdirp = require('mkdirp'), co = require('../lib/modules/console'), utils = require('../lib/util/utils'), starter = require('../lib/master/starter'), exec = require('child_process').exec, spawn = require('child_process').spawn, version = require('../package.json').version, adminClient = require('myhero-admin').adminClient, constants = require('../lib/util/constants'), program = require('commander'); /** * Constant Variables */ let TIME_INIT = 1 * 1000; let TIME_KILL_WAIT = 5 * 1000; let KILL_CMD_LUX = 'kill -9 `ps -ef|grep node|awk \'{print $2}\'`'; let KILL_CMD_WIN = 'taskkill /im node.exe /f'; let CUR_DIR = process.cwd(); let DEFAULT_GAME_SERVER_DIR = CUR_DIR; let DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'admin'; let DEFAULT_PWD = 'admin'; let DEFAULT_ENV = 'development'; let DEFAULT_MASTER_HOST = ''; let DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT = 3005; let CONNECT_ERROR = 'Fail to connect to admin console server.'; let FILEREAD_ERROR = 'Fail to read the file, please check if the application is started legally.'; let CLOSEAPP_INFO = 'Closing the application......\nPlease wait......'; let ADD_SERVER_INFO = 'Successfully add server.'; let RESTART_SERVER_INFO = 'Successfully restart server.'; let INIT_PROJ_NOTICE = '\nThe default admin user is: \n\n' + ' username'.green + ': admin\n ' + 'password'.green + ': admin\n\nYou can configure admin users by editing adminUser.json later.\n '; let SCRIPT_NOT_FOUND = 'Fail to find an appropriate script to run,\nplease check the current work directory or the directory specified by option `--directory`.\n'.red; let MASTER_HA_NOT_FOUND = 'Fail to find an appropriate masterha config file, \nplease check the current work directory or the arguments passed to.\n'.red; let COMMAND_ERROR = 'Illegal command format. Use `myhero --help` to get more info.\n'.red; let DAEMON_INFO = 'The application is running in the background now.\n'; program.version(version); program.command('init [path]') .description('create a new application') .action(function (path) { init(path || CUR_DIR); }); program.command('start') .description('start the application') .option('-e, --env ', 'the used environment', DEFAULT_ENV) .option('-D, --daemon', 'enable the daemon start') .option('-d, --directory ', 'the code directory', DEFAULT_GAME_SERVER_DIR) .option('-t, --type ,', 'start server type') .option('-i, --id ', 'start server id') .action(function (opts) { start(opts); }); program.command('list') .description('list the servers') .option('-u, --username ', 'administration user name', DEFAULT_USERNAME) .option('-p, --password ', 'administration password', DEFAULT_PWD) .option('-h, --host ', 'master server host', DEFAULT_MASTER_HOST) .option('-P, --port ', 'master server port', DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT) .action(function (opts) { list(opts); }); program.command('add') .description('add a new server') .option('-u, --username ', 'administration user name', DEFAULT_USERNAME) .option('-p, --password ', 'administration password', DEFAULT_PWD) .option('-h, --host ', 'master server host', DEFAULT_MASTER_HOST) .option('-P, --port ', 'master server port', DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT) .action(function () { let args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); let opts = args[args.length - 1]; opts.args = args.slice(0, -1); add(opts); }); program.command('stop') .description('stop the servers, for multiple servers, use `myhero stop server-id-1 server-id-2`') .option('-u, --username ', 'administration user name', DEFAULT_USERNAME) .option('-p, --password ', 'administration password', DEFAULT_PWD) .option('-h, --host ', 'master server host', DEFAULT_MASTER_HOST) .option('-P, --port ', 'master server port', DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT) .action(function () { let args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); let opts = args[args.length - 1]; opts.serverIds = args.slice(0, -1); terminal('stop', opts); }); program.command('kill') .description('kill the application') .option('-u, --username ', 'administration user name', DEFAULT_USERNAME) .option('-p, --password ', 'administration password', DEFAULT_PWD) .option('-h, --host ', 'master server host', DEFAULT_MASTER_HOST) .option('-P, --port ', 'master server port', DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT) .option('-f, --force', 'using this option would kill all the node processes') .action(function () { let args = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); let opts = args[args.length - 1]; opts.serverIds = args.slice(0, -1); terminal('kill', opts); }); program.command('restart') .description('restart the servers, for multiple servers, use `myhero restart server-id-1 server-id-2`') .option('-u, --username ', 'administration user name', DEFAULT_USERNAME) .option('-p, --password ', 'administration password', DEFAULT_PWD) .option('-h, --host ', 'master server host', DEFAULT_MASTER_HOST) .option('-P, --port ', 'master server port', DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT) .option('-t, --type ,', 'start server type') .option('-i, --id ', 'start server id') .action(function (opts) { restart(opts); }); program.command('masterha') .description('start all the slaves of the master') .option('-d, --directory ', 'the code directory', DEFAULT_GAME_SERVER_DIR) .action(function (opts) { startMasterha(opts); }); program.command('*') .action(function () { console.log(COMMAND_ERROR); }); program.parse(process.argv); /** * Init application at the given directory `path`. * * @param {String} path */ function init(path) { console.log(INIT_PROJ_NOTICE); connectorType(function (type) { emptyDirectory(path, function (empty) { if (empty) { process.stdin.destroy(); createApplicationAt(path, type); } else { confirm('Destination is not empty, continue? (y/n) [no] ', function (force) { process.stdin.destroy(); if (force) { createApplicationAt(path, type); } else { abort('Fail to init a project'.red); } }); } }); }); } /** * Create directory and files at the given directory `path`. * * @param {String} ph */ function createApplicationAt(ph, type) { let name = path.basename(path.resolve(CUR_DIR, ph)); copy(path.join(__dirname, '../template/'), ph); mkdir(path.join(ph, 'game-server/logs')); mkdir(path.join(ph, 'shared')); // rmdir -r let rmdir = function (dir) { let list = fs.readdirSync(dir); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let filename = path.join(dir, list[i]); let stat = fs.statSync(filename); if (filename === "." || filename === "..") { } else if (stat.isDirectory()) { rmdir(filename); } else { fs.unlinkSync(filename); } } fs.rmdirSync(dir); }; setTimeout(function () { let unlinkFiles; switch (type) { case '1': // use websocket unlinkFiles = ['game-server/app.js.sio', 'game-server/app.js.wss', 'game-server/app.js.mqtt', 'game-server/app.js.sio.wss', 'game-server/app.js.udp', 'web-server/app.js.https', 'web-server/public/index.html.sio', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js.wss', 'web-server/public/js/lib/build/build.js.wss', 'web-server/public/js/lib/socket.io.js']; for (let i = 0; i < unlinkFiles.length; ++i) { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(ph, unlinkFiles[i])); } break; case '2': // use socket.io unlinkFiles = ['game-server/app.js', 'game-server/app.js.wss', 'game-server/app.js.udp', 'game-server/app.js.mqtt', 'game-server/app.js.sio.wss', 'web-server/app.js.https', 'web-server/public/index.html', 'web-server/public/js/lib/component.json', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js.wss']; for (let i = 0; i < unlinkFiles.length; ++i) { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(ph, unlinkFiles[i])); } fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js.sio'), path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js')); fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/index.html.sio'), path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/index.html')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/build')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/local')); break; case '3': // use websocket wss unlinkFiles = ['game-server/app.js.sio', 'game-server/app.js', 'game-server/app.js.udp', 'game-server/app.js.sio.wss', 'game-server/app.js.mqtt', 'web-server/app.js', 'web-server/public/index.html.sio', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js.wss', 'web-server/public/js/lib/build/build.js', 'web-server/public/js/lib/socket.io.js']; for (let i = 0; i < unlinkFiles.length; ++i) { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(ph, unlinkFiles[i])); } fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js.wss'), path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js')); fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/app.js.https'), path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/app.js')); fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/build/build.js.wss'), path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/build/build.js')); break; case '4': // use socket.io wss unlinkFiles = ['game-server/app.js.sio', 'game-server/app.js', 'game-server/app.js.udp', 'game-server/app.js.wss', 'game-server/app.js.mqtt', 'web-server/app.js', 'web-server/public/index.html', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js']; for (let i = 0; i < unlinkFiles.length; ++i) { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(ph, unlinkFiles[i])); } fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js.sio.wss'), path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js')); fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/app.js.https'), path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/app.js')); fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/index.html.sio'), path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/index.html')); fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js.wss'), path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/build')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/local')); fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/component.json')); break; case '5': // use socket.io wss unlinkFiles = ['game-server/app.js.sio', 'game-server/app.js', 'game-server/app.js.wss', 'game-server/app.js.mqtt', 'game-server/app.js.sio.wss', 'web-server/app.js.https', 'web-server/public/index.html', 'web-server/public/js/lib/component.json', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js.wss']; for (let i = 0; i < unlinkFiles.length; ++i) { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(ph, unlinkFiles[i])); } fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js.udp'), path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/build')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/local')); break; case '6': // use socket.io unlinkFiles = ['game-server/app.js', 'game-server/app.js.wss', 'game-server/app.js.udp', 'game-server/app.js.sio', 'game-server/app.js.sio.wss', 'web-server/app.js.https', 'web-server/public/index.html', 'web-server/public/js/lib/component.json', 'web-server/public/js/lib/myheroclient.js.wss']; for (let i = 0; i < unlinkFiles.length; ++i) { fs.unlinkSync(path.resolve(ph, unlinkFiles[i])); } fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js.mqtt'), path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/app.js')); fs.renameSync(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/index.html.sio'), path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/index.html')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/build')); rmdir(path.resolve(ph, 'web-server/public/js/lib/local')); break; } let replaceFiles = ['game-server/app.js', 'game-server/package.json', 'web-server/package.json']; for (let j = 0; j < replaceFiles.length; j++) { let str = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(ph, replaceFiles[j])).toString(); fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(ph, replaceFiles[j]), str.replace('$', name)); } let f = path.resolve(ph, 'game-server/package.json'); let content = fs.readFileSync(f).toString(); fs.writeFileSync(f, content.replace('#', version)); }, TIME_INIT); } /** * Start application. * * @param {Object} opts options for `start` operation */ function start(opts) { let absScript = path.resolve(opts.directory, 'app.js'); if (!fs.existsSync(absScript)) { abort(SCRIPT_NOT_FOUND); } let logDir = path.resolve(opts.directory, 'logs'); if (!fs.existsSync(logDir)) { fs.mkdir(logDir); } let ls; let type = opts.type || constants.RESERVED.ALL; let params = [absScript, 'env=' + opts.env, 'type=' + type]; if (!!opts.id) { params.push('startId=' + opts.id); } if (opts.daemon) { ls = spawn(process.execPath, params, {detached: true, stdio: 'ignore'}); ls.unref(); console.log(DAEMON_INFO); process.exit(0); } else { ls = spawn(process.execPath, params); ls.stdout.on('data', function (data) { console.log(data.toString()); }); ls.stderr.on('data', function (data) { console.log(data.toString()); }); } } /** * List myhero processes. * * @param {Object} opts options for `list` operation */ function list(opts) { let id = 'myhero_list_' + Date.now(); connectToMaster(id, opts, function (client) { client.request(co.moduleId, {signal: 'list'}, function (err, data) { if (err) { console.error(err); } let servers = []; for (let key in data.msg) { servers.push(data.msg[key]); } let comparer = function (a, b) { if (a.serverType < b.serverType) { return -1; } else if (a.serverType > b.serverType) { return 1; } else if (a.serverId < b.serverId) { return -1; } else if (a.serverId > b.serverId) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }; servers.sort(comparer); let rows = []; rows.push(['serverId', 'serverType', 'pid', 'rss(M)', 'heapTotal(M)', 'heapUsed(M)', 'uptime(m)']); servers.forEach(function (server) { rows.push([server.serverId, server.serverType, server.pid, server.rss, server.heapTotal, server.heapUsed, server.uptime]); }); console.log(cliff.stringifyRows(rows, ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'white', 'yellow'])); process.exit(0); }); }); } /** * Add server to application. * * @param {Object} opts options for `add` operation */ function add(opts) { let id = 'myhero_add_' + Date.now(); connectToMaster(id, opts, function (client) { client.request(co.moduleId, {signal: 'add', args: opts.args}, function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { console.info(ADD_SERVER_INFO); } process.exit(0); }); }); } /** * Terminal application. * * @param {String} signal stop/kill * @param {Object} opts options for `stop/kill` operation */ function terminal(signal, opts) { console.info(CLOSEAPP_INFO); // option force just for `kill` if (opts.force) { if (os.platform() === constants.PLATFORM.WIN) { exec(KILL_CMD_WIN); } else { exec(KILL_CMD_LUX); } process.exit(1); return; } let id = 'myhero_terminal_' + Date.now(); connectToMaster(id, opts, function (client) { client.request(co.moduleId, { signal: signal, ids: opts.serverIds }, function (err, msg) { if (err) { console.error(err); } if (signal === 'kill') { if (msg.code === 'ok') { console.log('All the servers have been terminated!'); } else { console.log('There may be some servers remained:', msg.serverIds); } } process.exit(0); }); }); } function restart(opts) { let id = 'myhero_restart_' + Date.now(); let serverIds = []; let type = null; if (!!opts.id) { serverIds.push(opts.id); } if (!!opts.type) { type = opts.type; } connectToMaster(id, opts, function (client) { client.request(co.moduleId, {signal: 'restart', ids: serverIds, type: type}, function (err, fails) { if (!!err) { console.error(err); } else if (!!fails.length) { console.info('restart fails server ids: %j', fails); } else { console.info(RESTART_SERVER_INFO); } process.exit(0); }); }); } function connectToMaster(id, opts, cb) { let client = new adminClient({username: opts.username, password: opts.password, md5: true}); client.connect(id, opts.host, opts.port, function (err) { if (err) { abort(CONNECT_ERROR + err.red); } if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(client); } }); } /** * Start master slaves. * * @param {String} option for `startMasterha` operation */ function startMasterha(opts) { let configFile = path.join(opts.directory, constants.FILEPATH.MASTER_HA); if (!fs.existsSync(configFile)) { abort(MASTER_HA_NOT_FOUND); } let masterha = require(configFile).masterha; for (let i = 0; i < masterha.length; i++) { let server = masterha[i]; server.mode = constants.RESERVED.STAND_ALONE; server.masterha = 'true'; server.home = opts.directory; runServer(server); } } /** * Check if the given directory `path` is empty. * * @param {String} path * @param {Function} fn */ function emptyDirectory(path, fn) { fs.readdir(path, function (err, files) { if (err && 'ENOENT' !== err.code) { abort(FILEREAD_ERROR); } fn(!files || !files.length); }); } /** * Prompt confirmation with the given `msg`. * * @param {String} msg * @param {Function} fn */ function confirm(msg, fn) { prompt(msg, function (val) { fn(/^ *y(es)?/i.test(val)); }); } /** * Prompt input with the given `msg` and callback `fn`. * * @param {String} msg * @param {Function} fn */ function prompt(msg, fn) { if (' ' === msg[msg.length - 1]) { process.stdout.write(msg); } else { console.log(msg); } process.stdin.setEncoding('ascii'); process.stdin.once('data', function (data) { fn(data); }).resume(); } /** * Exit with the given `str`. * * @param {String} str */ function abort(str) { console.error(str); process.exit(1); } /** * Copy template files to project. * * @param {String} origin * @param {String} target */ function copy(origin, target) { if (!fs.existsSync(origin)) { abort(origin + 'does not exist.'); } if (!fs.existsSync(target)) { mkdir(target); console.log(' create : '.green + target); } fs.readdir(origin, function (err, datalist) { if (err) { abort(FILEREAD_ERROR); } for (let i = 0; i < datalist.length; i++) { let oCurrent = path.resolve(origin, datalist[i]); let tCurrent = path.resolve(target, datalist[i]); if (fs.statSync(oCurrent).isFile()) { fs.writeFileSync(tCurrent, fs.readFileSync(oCurrent, ''), ''); console.log(' create : '.green + tCurrent); } else if (fs.statSync(oCurrent).isDirectory()) { copy(oCurrent, tCurrent); } } }); } /** * Mkdir -p. * * @param {String} path * @param {Function} fn */ function mkdir(path, fn) { mkdirp(path, 0o0755, function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } console.log(' create : '.green + path); if (typeof fn === 'function') { fn(); } }); } /** * Get user's choice on connector selecting * * @param {Function} cb */ function connectorType(cb) { prompt('Please select underly connector, 1 for websocket(native socket), 2 for socket.io, 3 for wss, 4 for socket.io(wss), 5 for udp, 6 for mqtt: [1]', function (msg) { switch (msg.trim()) { case '': cb(1); break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': cb(msg.trim()); break; default: console.log('Invalid choice! Please input 1 - 5.'.red + '\n'); connectorType(cb); break; } }); } /** * Run server. * * @param {Object} server server information */ function runServer(server) { let cmd, key; let main = path.resolve(server.home, 'app.js'); if (utils.isLocal(server.host)) { let options = []; options.push(main); for (key in server) { options.push(util.format('%s=%s', key, server[key])); } starter.localrun(process.execPath, null, options); } else { cmd = util.format('cd "%s" && "%s"', server.home, process.execPath); cmd += util.format(' "%s" ', main); for (key in server) { cmd += util.format(' %s=%s ', key, server[key]); } starter.sshrun(cmd, server.host); } }